Chapter 4
My Dad came back from China two days ago. And my paternal grandmother will be coming to see my dad, she's on her way from Daura, Katsina state.
"Jawahir go and check if Hajiya's room has been cleaned properly."
Mammie has been giving me that order for the past 30 minutes. I guess she wants everything to be perfect. Hajiya is a very strict woman, everything has to be done her way, if not she'll go to Abu and start chanting how nobody respects her and all that. And you don't wanna see him angry.
The house is chaotic, sweeping, mopping and everything is going on. It has to be just right.
"She's here" someone yelled, I'm not sure who.
Mammie and Mama all went to stand by the entrance door waiting for her. Hmm uwarmiji.
And there she is Hajiya Safiya, a 70 something year old but still as strong as ever. She's always dressed in atampa nothing else not even lace.
"Sannu da zuwa; welcome, Hajiya" Mammie and Mama said together.
"Yawwa Bilkisu yawwa" She replied completely brushing off Mammie.
Mama sent her an apologetic look, she just smiled. But I know deep down she's truly hurt.
"They headed into the living room as Abu came in.
"Hajiya sannu dazuwa; you're welcome " He squatted in front of her respectively.
She patted his head "Tashi sit down near me."
"How was the journey?" Abu asked his mother.
" Alhamdulillah."
He nodded his head. "Okay I have go out real quick. But Deeja and Bilki are here." He said as he went out.
Did I mention my Dad has a pet name for Mammie?! It's so awesome and adorable really.
"Wai Deeja." She hissed annoyed.
"Bilki, kai ni dakina; take me to my room"
"It's okay Jawahir I'm fine" I didn't believe her,not for a second. She quickly took the stairs to her room.
I sighed.
My grandma doesn't like Mammie at all. When She and Abu got married, she was totally against it. She believes my Mom is not one of them. But she kinda tolerates her for Abu's sake and that too came with a price. Her price was Abu has to get married again to a girl of her choice. And that's how he married Mama.
You see Mammie's parent met in Nigeria when Papi(our maternal grandfather) came here to expand the little business he started back home. The met and fall in love, the only problem was that he's not a Nigerian but from Kuwait, but they were too deep in love when they realized that. Though Goggo's family were against it at first, him being a foreigner and all, they supported the relationship for their daughter's happiness.
They got married and gave birth to Mammie. She was just 10 when Papi was compelled to go back to his home town. He took his family with him, but his own family never accepted them.
After several years, the situation was still the same. Goggo could endure everything but her concern was for her daughter, always being emotionally abused. So the decision that changed everything was made.
They decided to get divorced for their daughter's sake. Goggo and her daughter(mammie) moved back to Nigeria when Mammie was just fifteen. Though Papi visited them all the time. He never missed a second of his only daughter's life.
He died a year after Mammie got married. I never got to know him,none of us did. But we still cherish his memories that Mammie shared with us. As an only child, she was really close to him even tho they were not in the same country, continent even. I wished I met him, but it was his time. May his soul Rest In Peace. Mammie says that she's grateful to Allah for keeping her father till she was happily married, to someone she loves and vice versa.
Though Mammie doesn't associate with anybody from her father's side. She still follows her father's customs and traditions. We are fluent in his language.
So my mom basically isn't a Nigerian. And that's what Hajiya meant by her not being "one of them."
I was in my room, reading a novel on Wattpad. Wattpad is everything. It's my escape from reality.
"Jawahir?" A voice called, from the door.
"Naam, Suhayla what is it?" I asked, keeping aside my iPad to look her.
"We are taking Hajiya to Ya Yusuf's house, you're coming?"
"No, thanks." I don't want to be anywhere near Hajiya. Don't get me wrong it's not that i don't like her. But she always finds away to say something ill about Mammie, and I cannot take that.
Ya Yusuf is our eldest brother. He's 32 years old and a banker. He's married to Hairan, they have 3 beautiful kids. Amar who is 5 years old, Khadijah;but we call her Amma, she's 3 years old and Tasleem who's a year old.
They weren't here for the sa rana because they went for Hairan's sister's wedding in Bauchi.
I was super bored at home. Just then my phone started ringing. It's Kausar.
"Jaw habibti. How are you?"
"Im fine Alhamdulillah "
"Do you wanna go shopping?" She's an angel I've been looking for a way to get out of this house.
"I'm in!!!"
"Cool. Can you invite your friends please?" Even better.
"Of course. I'll call you okay?"
"Sure. Bye."
I immediately switched on my data to talk to them at once in the group we have on WhatsApp. Me, Jahara, Amani and Nabila.
Jahara and I have been friends since we were babies. We met Amani when we were in primary school and Nabila during our junior secondary school. Since then we've been inseparable.
Jaw:Yo guys🙋🏻♀️ who wants to go for shopping?💃🏻
Jahara: I'm in.
Amani: Jaw?🤨, you wanna go shopping?bBut you hate shopping.
Nabila: Exactly.
Jaw: I'm desperate okay. Hajiya just came today and I wanna limit the time I spend near her.
A: ohh😬😬 I understand. Okay I'm in too
N:😕 Hajiya, I swear the woman never liked me. Anyway I'm in too. Let's do some shopping babes 💃🏻🏃🏻♀️.
J: She never liked any of us Bila🙄.
A: True😴.
Jaw: That's cuz you guys are my friends😒😒. Anyway enough about her. A friend of mine will be joining us. Actually she invited me then asked me to tell you guys if you're interested.
A: *squeals* new friend💃🏻💃🏻. Awwn that was nice of her.
N: Yeah😊.
J: Why are knowing dis now Jaw?. We made a new friend and you didn't tell us😒🤨.
Jaw: I'm telling you now, I'm I not 😒. Anyway her name is Kausar, her mom is Mammie's childhood friend and her dad is Abu's besfren. Ohhh and they moved back here from the Uk 🇬🇧. So she wants to know the city more.
A: Holy molly 😳😱😱 Uk??
N: I can't wait to meet her.
J: ohh okay. So where should we meet?
Jaw: At my house. Then she'll come pick us up.
A: kk
Jaw: And don't be late especially you Amani.
A:Lol 😂 Toh shikenan.
Jaw: Why don't you guys come here. We'll get ready faster.
N: Dama I don't have anything to wear. Where else than your abandoned closet Jaw.🤷🏻♀️
A: wallah, there are tons of clothes than you've never worn. Smh and Mammie keeps on buying new ones.
J: That's what we are here for duh💁🏻♀️💁🏻♀️
Jaw: Whatever. U guys should be on time.
I love them so much they're my sisters from other mothers Kausar included. I quickly texted Kausar.
J: They're in. We'll meet at my place.
K: Yayyy!!!💃🏻💃🏻 okay I'll meet you guys there.
I quickly took a shower. I applied a minimal amount of makeup. Now the real thing is what to wear? I'll just wait for them to get here.
I continued reading a story, waiting for their arrival.
Several minutes later, they all arrived except Kausar.
"We are here." Amani sang. They are all wearing minimum makeup like me .
"You're not dressed?" Nabila asked.
"She doesn't know what to wear." Jahara rolled her eyes. She knows me so well.
"Yeah, what she said." I pointed at Jahara.
"No worries Amani is here."
Nabila entered my closet. Probably to get something to wear. Like they said earlier, I have tons of clothes that I've never worn, and Mammie keeps on buying new ones.
"I found it." Nabila yelled from the closet. She came out with an abaya.
"Why don't we all wear abayas?" Amani suggested.
"Yeah, that's a great idea. " Jahara agreed.
"Okay, let's go get ours." I dragged both of them to the closet.
After much flipping and searching, we found the perfect outfits.
"Oh my Allah!! We look great" Nabila squealed.
"Selfie time" Amani announced.
A LOT of selfie's later. We were ready to go . It's never a girls' day out without some selfies.
Just then Kausar came in. She was also dressed in an abaya. Perfect.
"Ya rabbi, you guys look great Masha Allah"
"Thanks koko, you look great too." She smiled at me.
"Guys this is Kausar."
"Kausar,that is Jahara, Amani and Nabila." I introduced them.
"Marhaba, it's nice to meet you."
"You too." They replied.
"Okay, since we're all ready, let's go inform Mammie then we can go". I said.
We headed to Mammie's room. I knocked.
"Who is it?"
"Mammie it's me."
"Udkhul; come in."
"Ahh what's the occasion? That all my banat are here."
"Mammie we are going out, you see Kausar over there invited us."Amani replied.
"Masha Allah. It's good."She looked at us adoringly. "But be back before Maghrib okay?"
"In sha Allah Mammie." We all replied.
We went out and headed to the car,it's a 2016 Honda HR-V.
Kausar is driving, me in the passenger seat and the rest at the back.
"So, where to first?" Nabila asked.
"It's up to you guys." Kausar answered.
"Let's go to Jabi Lake Mall." Jahara suggested.
We all agreed.
We had so much fun,Kausar offered to pay for everything since she invited us but we couldn't let her,so we split the bills amongst us.
Kausar has just dropped me after dropping the rest. I was heading to my room when I saw Abu in the parlor, he was watching news, I decided to go greet him.
"Assalamu alaikum"he looked up and smiled brightly. "Jawahir, come in. Where have you been?" I showed him the shopping bags I was holding. "Kausar took me and the girls for shopping." He nodded. "That's good, you're getting along I suppose?" I beamed . "Yes,she's really nice."
"Masha Allah, it's good to hear that. You were inseparable when you were babies."
He was about to say something then decided against it. "Ok habibti go to bed." I hugged him, Abu isn't always this affectionate so I'll make it last a little longer. "Goodnight Abu." He kissed my forehead.
I went to my took a quick shower, dressed up then went to Mammie's room to inform her I'm back. I met Ya Firdaus on my way.
"Jawahir, where have you been? Hajiya was asking for you." I wonder what she wants. I informed my sister about where I was. "Ok, I guess she's asleep now, maybe tomorrow."better. I faked a smile. "Yeah maybe". I continued my journey to Mammie's when she called me back.
"Jawahir, I'm your sister right?" Ok where is this coming from? "Of course Ya Firdaus, is there a problem?" She shook her head. "I-I...look I know you're having problems with Hajiya, I just want you to know that I'm here when you need someone to talk to, okay?" I smiled, this time genuinely. "I know Ya Fifi" I hugged her. "Goodnight and dream about Hussain" I whispered in her ear. She smacked me playfully. "Silly girl. Goodnight Jaw"
"Night Ya Fifi."
I met Mammie on the phone and she sounded stressed, I laid on her bed waiting for her to finish. "Jawahir I thought I told you to come back before Maghrib?"
"Yes, but........" she interrupted me. "Jaw,come here." I sat down beside her. "Hajiya was looking for you,and you know how she is. So please refrain from anything that will anger her,I seriously don't want any problem, okay?" I mumbled my reply.nothing is ever the same if Hajiya is here.
I hugged her and wished her goodnight before going back to my room.
The next day I woke up around 9am, which is too early. I finished my morning business and went downstairs for breakfast. I met all my family members at the dining table.since when did we start having breakfast as the big family we are?
"Se yanzu kike tashi!!? you're waking up now!!?" And right there is my answer ladies and gentlemen. Hajiya was shooting daggers at me. I quickly sat down on a chair between Suhayl and Ya Akram.
"Where have you been? She was about to bring out the big guns." Suhayl whispered in my ear. "I was sleeping duh what else?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "Mhmm sleeping koh,it's like you don't value your life." This guy can exaggerate.
"You're woke up at this hour because you came home late yesterday." Hajiya continued "Why would you go out without informing anyone? I was looking for you and you were not here till I fell asleep." I looked at Mammie. "I'm talking to you I'm I not? Kunga rashin kunyan koh?"
What did I do now? I'll never understand why she hates us so much, me especially. "Actually, Jawahir told me before going out." Mammie finally spoke. "Akan wani dalili zaa bar yarinya mace ta fita ita kadai? Har ta kai maghariba? Malik what's this nonsense?"
"Hajiya calm down, Deeja informed me about Jaw's whereabouts and I knew who she was with."Abu said with a blank expression. He turned to me. "Next time, Jaw habibti you come back on time okay?"
"Yes Abu in sha Allah." Mammie was looking at me as she gestured to Hajiya with her eyes, it's like she wants me to apologize. I sighed. "Hajiya, kiyi hakuri; I'm sorry, it won't happen again."
"It better not" She continued eating. The rest of the breakfast went smoothly.
We were in the living room. Me, Ya Firdaus, Ya Farha and the twins.
"What do you think we should do for the events?" We are discussing about the upcoming wedding. We have just 2 more months. Everything has been taking care of : their houses are already furnished,their attires and all those bridal necessities.
"Bridal shower, Kamu, and maybe Mothers Day." Suhayla proposed. "That's actually a great idea, we have booked the halls already we are just yet to decide on the type of decorations. Farha what do you think?"
"It's really up to you Fifi, I don't have a problem with anything."
Ya Fifi groaned. "Farhaaaa, that did not help. Anyway we'll go with what Suhayla suggested." She stood up and packed her things. "I'll let Mama and Mammie know on what we've decided."
"And Ya Nana, make sure you inform her before telling them. We don't want her to say she didn't get a say in the decision." Suhayl reminded her as she was about to step out.
"Yes I almost forgot, thanks Suhayl. Ya Nana can be a drama queen sometimes." True
"Lemme get going to, Bye guys." Ya Farha also left.
"I need to finish the dress I'm working on, Jaw when you're through can you please come help me out?" Suhayla asked. I nodded.
"Mehn I can't wait for this wedding. It's gonna be an unforgettable one."
"Ikr, i also can't wait Suhayl."
Little did I know what awaits me after the wedding.
I wonder what it is that's waiting for Jawahir🤔🤔.
You wanna know?
Well then keep reading.
I know the first few chapters are boring 😬😬, but there's more to come I promise. So that's that.
Put a smile on my face by
Yours truly
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