Chapter 34
You guys are amazing 😩😭✨
You know that right?
Lots of love 💕✨
Allah bar mun ku🤗🤗
A sweet darling called me the other day, just to tell me how much she loves my book😭😭❤️♥️ she made my day wallahi.
You guys are turning me into a sappy person wallah😕😆😅
I am not this emotional 🙅🏻♀️🙅🏻♀️ I swear😂😂
I've never liked confrontation, I hated them or maybe I'm a scaredy-cat, but I've never liked them, ever. So it's an understatement to say I'm surprised when I find myself in the said situation, me initiating it.
I fiercely glared at Binta, scowling as my gazed roamed round my kitchen, that's heck of a mess right now. She dared step into my kitchen? Can you believe that?
There's a limit to what one can tolerate. I don't mind the taunts and snide remarks they've been throwing my way, I've had people picking on me for a long time now, it's sad to say I'm practically immune to them. I also didn't mind when they turned me into a maid, they are my guests after all and the prophet peace be upon him said. 'Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him honor his guest with full hospitality.'
But I will not tolerate them trying to take over my house, Aunt Hassatu is practically throwing her daughter at my husband, mine.
I might be a scaredy-cat, but I will not seat down and watch them take away what's rightfully mine. It started with the not so modest dressing, I kept quiet, who am I to judge? Then it proceeded to fake phone calls, which I think were meant to make Aayan jealous. Aayan, God bless him, couldn't be more careless and indifferent. She went as far as bringing men, claiming that they were her friends. Aayan finally flipped, oh Allah I've never seen him furious like that, ever. He had this murderous look, that will make you wet your pants, remind to never anger him. His words were 'kin manta akwai matan aure a gidan nan.' He then threw the men out and had an argument with Aunt, all while Binta was hysterical.
This didn't stop her though, Aunt also didn't stop her, she was encouraging her even. But enough is enough. Which brings us back to the situation at hand.
"What do you think you're doing?" I hissed at Binta. She's standing in front of the counter whisking what I suspect to be cheese.
Binta rolled her eyes. "What does it look like am doing? I'm cooking duh." She added egg, some of the shell falling in, sugar, salt and black pepper. What the hell is she trying to make?
I shook my head. "Why?"
"I'm cooking for my...." she stopped to ponder on what she's going to say. "...Aayan. I'm cooking for Aayan."
I clenched my jaw. "Why?" I hissed through clenched teeth.
"Jawahir." She jeered. "We are all aware that Aayan hasn't been eating your food for a while now."
I stopped cold, not retorting because what she's saying is true.
Binta scoffed, my expression must have given away what I was thinking. "Isn't it obvious? Aayan doesn't want you," she taunted. "He isn't even eating your food, what does that have to say about your relationship huh?"
No! Aayan loves my food, he said it himself, times without number.
Don't let her get to you Jawahir, she's just feeding your insecurities.
"I don't know how you ended up with him," she continued. "I know Aayan will never willingly settle with someone like you, he needs a woman that'll be able to take care of him not some little girl he has to babysit. I was suppose to marry him, but at that time he was so against it, he hated the idea so much, so I don't know why or how he agreed to marry you, I don't know what sorcery you us—"
"Shut up!" I roared. "Shut the hell up. Get out!" I wanted to hear no more. Aayan told me he wasn't forced, that he did it on his own accord.
Was Aayan so against marriage that much? The family definitely knows about it from the looks of it even Abdulrazaq said the same thing with different wording. But it all came down to Aayan was against getting married! WHY?
Binta opened her mouth to retort but I didn't give her the chance. "I. SAID.GET.THE.HELL.OUT.OF.MY.KITCHEN!" I thundered with so much venom that she flinched, although she tried to cover it quickly with an eye roll.
"You're pathetic." She hissed before sauntering out of the kitchen.
I clenched my eyes shut, taking a deep, deep breath. Relax Jawahir, relax, she's just trying to get you. Don't let her get to you.
I started to clear the kitchen not wanting to be left alone with my thoughts, they can get murderous. I've known long enough that being left alone with your thoughts is sometimes a destructive thing, it keeps planting horrible scenarios in your head, planting doubts and what ifs, feeding your insecurities. Long story shot, I hate silence when there's a situation at hand. I learned to control and tone them down a while back, but with what Binta said, they are spiraling out of control.
I dump the disaster she was making in the sink. I swept the kitchen floor, washed all of the dirty dishes with my hand, wiped the counters and finally mopped the floor.
After I finished, I was still restless so I started to make myself a treat. I decided to make local delicacies, some gullisuwa, tuwon madara and kwakumeti. The first two with powdered milk and sugar and the last one with coconut. My culinary skills seem to be failing on me right now, I couldn't get the gullisuwa right, the moment I put in the oil it dissolves. Too much sugar.
I bit back a scream of frustration. I huffed, glaring at work table, I rubbed my palms 'let's do this again.' Thankfully the second time I tried everything came out perfectly, and to my relief neither Aunt nor Binta disturbed me. I escaped to my heaven, in my kitchen.
I picked my treats and walked out. The living room is quiet so my guests might either be in their room or the theater. Shrugging, I walked up the stairs to the living room upstairs, it's not used that much.
I started to ponder on the bits and pieces of the information I know. Perhaps Aayan's reasons to not liking the idea of marriage is interrelated to that lady? What's her name again? Manal? And is she the lady in the picture I once saw?
Honestly this is giving me a headache. I saw the picture once though, months ago, when I went back it wasn't there and I haven't seen it again ever since.
With the thoughts in mind I fell asleep.
A pair of sinewy arms suddenly scooped me up effortlessly, cradling me like a baby. I stirred with a groan.
"Shh, go back to sleep baby." A voice whispered softly.
I buried my face deeper in the person's neck and surrendered back to sleep.
The next time I woke up, I was in Aayan's room. Tugged in a comforter with my head as the only visible part of my body. I blinked repeatedly to get use of the light, still a bit disoriented I didn't notice Aayan sitting at the other side of the bed working with his laptop.
"Good morning." Aayan teased with a smile.
I smiled sheepishly. I had no idea how I fell asleep. What time is it by the way?
"Good Afternoon." I greeted.
"Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Evening, it's evening." Aayan elaborated.
Ya ilahi. I hurriedly jumped off the bed. Stupid Jawahir! You had to fall asleep? Now look he has been back for a while, I'm sure he hasn't eaten anything.
"Hey, hey! What's the problem? Where are you going?"
"I'm going to make something sharp sharp for you, I'm so very sorry, I feel asleep and......."
"Jawahir!" Aayan called to gain my attention.
"I've eaten, Binta cooked."
I stopped cold. Binta cooked.
"W-w-what do you mean Binta cooked?"
Aayan shrugged. "She did."
We are all aware that Aayan hasn't been eating your food for a while now.
"Why?" I whispered brokenly.
Aayan gave me a confused look. "She put so much effort, I couldn't reject."
"So it was okay to reject mine?" I asked incredulously.
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't pretend as if you don't know what am talking about. When was the last time you ate my food?"
"This morning...." He replied with uncertainty.
"You had tea and bread this morning, in fact for the whole week, that doesn't count as my food."
"Jawahir," he sighed. "I don't get what this is about."
I huffed in irritation. Taking my pajamas, I went to the bathroom to change my clothes.
"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." I yelped as I bumped into a body the moment I was out of the bathroom. "Aayan you startled me."
"Sorry." He said gruffly.
I looked at him weirdly then immediately jumped under the covers.
"Jawahir." Aayan called. I tightly closed my eyes.
"I know you're not asleep, you literally just laid down. And I can see your eyes twitching."
Aayan sighed exasperatedly when I didn't say anything. "Jawahir, why are you making a big deal out of nothing? I just ate kawai fah. What's the harm in that?!"
I burrowed my face more into the pillow. Making a big deal out of nothing?! Tears started to well in my eyes and he's even calling me Jawahir.
"You think I'm making a big deal out of nothing?!" I busted. "You haven't eaten anything I've made for the past few days almost a week but when she suddenly makes you something you eat it!"
"Who's food I eat or do not it is none of your business!" He equally shouted.
My bottom lip quivered. "Fine!" I angrily covered my whole body, head included, with the duvet. I want nothing more than to go to my room and cry my heart out but I didn't instead I bit my lips hard to silence the whimpers. I released my lips when I started tasting blood.
I don't know how or when I fell asleep. All I know is that I woke drenched in sweat. I released shallow breaths as I tried to even my breath.
It's okay Jawahir. Everything is fine now.
The next morning I woke up before Aayan, he went to the mosque for subhi and came back when I have fallen asleep again. I quietly took my bath and wore a light burgundy gown.
I went to the kitchen to make Aayan's breakfast. I'm still kind of mad at him, I did not like the way he completely brushed off the matter like it wasn't a big deal. Or am I the one making it a big deal?
"Go and get me some carrots from the fridge." I heard a voice instruct. What the Jahannam is happening? I quickly stalked to the kitchen and on my way I saw the table neatly arranged with array of foods.
"—bring it here too." Binta walked into the dining room. I shifted my confused gaze to her. She was wearing an atampa sown into a blouse and wrapper skirt, the clothes fit her perfectly and it isn't tight on her, she wrapped a big veil around her body from the head you'll think she's a married woman.
"Oh Jawahir." She rolled her eyes.
I narrowed my eyes at her. "What do you think you're doing?"
"What does it looks like am doing?" She shrugged. "I made breakfast for my....Aayan," she arranged the dishes she just came in with. "You know I cooked dinner yesterday and he loved it."
I was about to snap at her when Aayan walked in.
"Oh Aayan you're awake. Good morning, I made breakfast." Binta announced. "Come have a seat."
"Morning." He replied and then turned around to face me. "Good morning Jawahir."
I gulped uneasily. "Morning." I mumbled. I watched as Aayan took a seat and Binta served him. I watched as he ate the whole thing not living a single drop, I watched as he thanked her for another great meal.
And I watched as he walked up to me and placed a kiss on my cheek whispering a 'bye' as if nothing happened.
Binta smiled at me and shook her head mockingly, clicking her tongue. "Did you see that? You just wait and see. I told you Aayan was suppose to marry me and he will once he sees what it's like to be properly taken care of." With that she sashayed out of the room, she was almost out when she turned around. "Have mentioned that we were once engaged?" Binta cackled.
So all these while I've been living with his ex fiancé?!
For the rest of the day, I had to tolerate Binta's smug looks and Aunt's taunt. I was downstairs for half of the day, when it got too much I asked myself why the hell I was still there. The house is big enough that I can avoid them for the whole week if I wish to. I dragged myself upstairs and called all of my siblings and sister in law because it has been long since I've spoken to them and finally I called my parents too. My heart felt at ease after speaking to them. Alhamdulillah I'm surrounded by people who love me so much. My support system.
I tried racking my brain for a good, catchy but simple business name. I had a conference call with my friends, Hayla included. They were all useless though, ugh! Some of the names they came up with were cringeworthy. Amani was even stupid to suggest and I quote 'JaYan or AayHir delectables.' What the hell was she thinking?! I immediately dismissed the idea.
The sun fell and night came still Aayan is yet to come back. I didn't bother cooking for my guests, cue the eye roll and beside it seems like we have a new cook.
Deciding that I wouldn't wait for Aayan, I went to his room changed my clothes and onto the bed I was. Not a minute later, the door was pulled open. Aayan walked in with a 'salam.' Mumbling my reply back, I watched as he went straight to the bathroom to have a shower.
Few minutes later, Aayan walked in wearing his usual white jallabiya, he was thoroughly wiping his hair with a towel. I bit back the urge to do it for him. Neither of us talked as he continued wandering around in the room until he finally settled down.
"So you've had dinner?" I couldn't help the sarcasm in my tone.
Aayan closed his eyes and blew out an exasperated breath. "Yes I have."
"Your new cook prepared it for you I assume."
"Jawahir please, I don't have time for this."
I sat up and leaned against the headboard. "But you do have time to eat Binta's food." I shot.
Aayan swiftly sat up too. "Oh I didn't realize I'm only allowed to have your food." Sarcasm dripped off his voice.
"That's not what I mean—
"—then stop making a big deal out of nothing dammit!!" He roared.
I gulped. "I'm sorry." My voice quivered. I took a deep breath to stop the tears from falling then laid back down and covered my whole body.
Am I making a big deal out nothing?! Am I really overreacting?! I'm just jealous okay!! The first time I wasn't really bordered. But now I know that they've once shared a relationship that wasn't platonic and that doesn't sit right with me! I am the possessive type!
This just made more tears well in my eyes, I sniffed. Call me a crybaby or whatever but I'm insecure and jealous which is a bad combination.
I heard Aayan sigh. "Jawahir? Tesoro habibty."
I choose to ignore him. Aayan released a breath again. I heard him move around a bit then everything went still. I mentally shrugged, he must have laid down. The duvet was suddenly pulled off me.
"Don't cry darling, I'm sorry." He wiped the tears with his thumb. He squatted on the floor beside me, his sweet masculine scent immediately took over my olfactory nerve.
"I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry about that," he sighed. "I've been working on a few things and it isn't going as planned that's why I'm always on the edge. I'm stressed and frustrated even though that doesn't give me the right to yell at you."
I looked up at him. That still doesn't explain why he's not eating my food, why he has been eating outside and also Binta's.
"I have been having lunch and dinner at Uthman's. We shift the work there after office hours are over." He explained further.
"As for Binta......" I trailed off.
Aayan sighed before he started speaking. "That night when I came back she was waiting in the living room. She apologized for her behaviors, she seemed genuine about it, I just couldn't say no. By Allah I had no intention of hurting you... I would never. I honestly didn't think it will be a problem, if I knew then I wouldn't have."
"She taunted and fed me some lies and I was stupid to believe her." I mumbled.
Aayan nodded in agreement. I narrowed my eyes at him, he nodded which means he agreed that I was being stupid. You're something else Jawahir. I shifted and tapped the spot beside me for him to seat. He climbed in and I immediately snuggled to his side. "Well in my defense, you haven't been having breakfast and you always returned late."
Aayan exhaled deeply. "The contract we are working on isn't going as planned that's why I'm returning late."
"Allah bada sa'a." I prayed.
"Ameen Ameen."
I lifted my head to look at him. "She taunted me."
"She said you not eating my food apparently means that something is wrong, I kind of believed her when you ate hers and not mine." I explained further.
Aayan tightened his hold around me. "Tesoro," he called firmly. "Your food is my personal favorite, me not eating your food doesn't mean that I like it any less. You should trust your culinary talent more. And as for Binta, I told you she apologized and offered dinner, the food was bland."
I nodded my head in satisfaction. Now that I think of it, it was very stupid of me to blow things out of proportion. Now how do I approach the 'once engaged' situation.
"She said you were once engaged to each other." I blurted out. Aayan snorted. "I'll hardly call what we had an engagement."
"So you had something!" I gasped.
"Okay that came out wrong. No we didn't, we had nothing. Her mom made the suggestion and I immediately dismissed the idea," he turned his head in my direction. "I'll hardly call that an engagement."
The stupid woman! Hump! It was stupid of me to believe what she says, she spews nothing but lies.
"I'm gl—" I started to say but cut off by a yawn.
"Looks like it's time for bed. Sleep tight Amira." He placed a goodnight kiss on my forehead.
I closed my eyes to savor the feeling. "Tisbah ala khayr Ya Amar."
I need a favor 😩🙏🏼 the first few chapters have less votes than the new ones, so if you have not voted on those ones please, please, please with a cherry on top, do😭😩❤️
ElnafatAmerh bibties_ink TheOmoope these ladies dedicated a chapter each on their stories to me😭 how cool is that💕 Thank you loves, this one is for you. Check out their stories, I'm sure you won't regret it!
Thank you 💕💕
Yours truly
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