Chapter 27
Ahlan wa sahlan my beautiful people✨❤️🔐
An early update cuz why not.........
This chapter is in third person.
Just thought I should let y'all know.
It's a long one!
This chapter has a lot of media😬🙈
Sorry 😐😐
It's new year can you believe it? The year passed by in a flash, never have Jawahir ever thought that by the end of the year she'll be a married woman and that she'll be getting along with her husband, we plan, He plans.
Jawahir woke up as early as 4am and quietly when to the kitchen to get started, she baked the cakes yesterday. All she has to do now is decorate them and start preparing the other pastries. She couldn't decide so she ended up baking two cakes for the birthday girl and a cake for the occasion later in the day.
Jawahir was in the middle of decorating when the adhan for Subh was called. She dropped everything and head to her room to pray. After she finished the prayer, she proceeded to read the holy book before going back to the kitchen.
This time she grabbed her phone, scrap as she likes to call it, with headphones. Listening to some jams wouldn't hurt right? She plugged her phone before going back to work.
Jawahir was so caught up in her work that she didn't see or hear Aayan walk into the kitchen. Aayan was just coming back from his morning jog and he saw his wife putting on quiet a show in the kitchen. He leaned against the door quietly as he watch her sway her hips to whatever it is that she's listening. She occasionally used the spatula in her hand as microphone.
He chuckled when she attempted to hit a high note. Tesoro I think you should stick to baking, singing is definitely not your forte. He quietly sauntered out of the kitchen and to his room.
Jawahir stood akimbo as she observed her work. She has been working nonstop and it's almost 12pm. She couldn't help but pat herself, literally. Everything is looking fine from the cakes to the cupcakes and everything else. She just hopes everyone will like it and as for the rest of the snacks like Samosa, spring rolls...etc Kulthum said that's under control, she's just in charge of the baking aspect.
A wave of vertigo suddenly hit her and she held the counter for support. It's probably just a headache, she thought. She made a mental note to swallow some Advil. She climbed up the stairs and went straight to the kids room, she's not ready to let them go back home, if only there's a way. Spending most of last month with them here was amazing, even though they are not of the same age, as some people will think how can their presence make any difference, but it did a make a difference to Jawahir. She enjoyed every and second of them being here, it was like she had a small family of her own, it was beautiful.
She met them all set up. Amal and Nai'a were dress in a Princess Jasmine costume and Affan Aladdin's. Yasmeen wanted to have a costume party.
"Have you guys packed the clothes you'll be changing into later?" She asked them and they nodded.
Nai'a noticed that her sister hasn't even taken her bath yet, talk less of getting ready. "Ya Jawjaw, uhm Audu should drop us right now, that way he wouldn't be stuck in traffic and will come back at the right time to pick you up."
"That's a great idea." Jawahir nodded. "Go and meet him then. Bye." She waved and ambulated to her room. She headed straight to the bathroom, she sank into the bubble bath she made.
Half an hour later she stepped out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around her. The door was suddenly opened which made Jawahir scream, she screamed even louder when she saw who it was. She quickly hid herself behind the opened toilet door.
"Aayan, what the hell?" She hissed through gritted teeth. She felt hot all over and she knew she was definitely blushing beetroot and he didn't even looked bothered, at all. He had the nerve to smirk cockily at her.
"Just wanted to see if you're ready." If possible he smirked even more, and if Jawahir was being honest with herself, he looked hawwt. But the embarrassment wouldn't let her appreciate that right now.
She rolled her eyes. "As you can see," she shot him a fake smile. "I'm not ready yet, so OUT."
Aayan shook his head and laughed under his breath, he turned around to leave but decided against it. He twirled around to face her. "You look sexy by the way." He winked, he just chuckled at her dumbfounded look. He laughed out loud when he heard her growl out in frustration and definitely embarrassment. She looks so cute when she goes all red.
Jawahir has never felt embarrassed ever like that in her life. Oh the nerve of that man! She pouted. She hurriedly entered her closet afraid Aayan will barge in without a preamble again. She put on her underwear and wrapped herself in a rope this time and took a sit in front of her vanity table. She started applying her makeup, she'll be meeting some of her in laws that were not able to make it to the wedding. And no, she isn't seeking their approval or anything, not at all.
She brushed her bushy eyebrows first, but decided not to apply foundation just a moisturizer. She then winged her eyeliner after struggling of course and applied her powder that's mixed with foundation and as for her lips she applied a nude lipstick. Satisfied with her face, she proceeded to her voluminous hair, she tied it in a classic chignon.
A wave dizziness hit her again as she stood up, again she brushed it off and flipped through in search of what to wear. She mentally smacked herself for not choosing an outfit earlier, it would have saved her minutes of indecisiveness.
"Hey Tesoro." Aayan walked in, he chuckled when he saw her expression. "Still mad?"
She just pouted those luscious lips of her and he couldn't help but place a kiss on it. "What is it?" He asked as he pulled away and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her to his side.
She placed her head on his chest. "I can't find anything to wear." She whined. Aayan felt her body temperature a bit hotter than normal. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Your body is a bit hot." He placed his hand on her forehead.
"I'm fine, I've been in hot tub for almost half an hour so my body will definitely be hot." Jawahir wasn't sure if what she said is the truth, but didn't pay much heed to that.
"Okay, I'll help you find a dress." Aayan announced.
She shot him a dubious look. "You?"
"Naam ana; yes me." He walked them to the vanity table, he made her sit down and went to find the perfect outfit for her.
After minutes of flipping he came back with the perfect outfit. "Thank you." She said and placed a kiss on his cheek.
He smirked. "Is that all I'll be getting?"
She just rolled her eyes and pushed him out of the closet. She stepped into the beautiful dress Aayan selected for her.
His taste is not bad after all. After getting ready she went downstairs, where she met her hubby clad in.......
He looked dashing with his beard perfectly trimmed and those damn sideburns. His hair is parked in slick back, but it'll get messy later because he tends to run his fingers through it a lot.
"Take a picture it lasts longer." Aayan's voice brought her out of her reverie, she blushed brightly and hurriedly walked to the kitchen. With the help of some maids, they were able to load the rest of the pastries in Aayan's car. The birthday cakes were already taken earlier with the kids. And they zoomed off to the AA's mansion.
At the mansion, one of the living rooms has being decorated in a princess Jasmine theme.
When Jawahir saw the table containing what she made for the party, she couldn't help mentally patting herself for a job well done.
And the backyard, where the gathering will take place later in the day, has been beautifully decorated with a large never ending oak table and chairs.
"Jawahir." Kulthum called. "What did you do?"
Oh no! I hope I didn't do anything wrong. Jawahir started to panic. "Everything looks so amazing I'm kinda glad the order didn't go as planned."
Jawahir heaved a sigh of relief. For a minute she thought she has messed up.
Kulthum then shot her sister in law a stern look. "I thought I told you to bake a cake only and not bother about the pastries, you went ahead to bake two cakes for her. How did you even manage to do all this by yourself?"
Jawahir smiled sheepishly at her. "Asifan Umm Humaid, I couldn't resist. And a true baker never reveals her secret." She smiled cheekily as she said the last sentence.
"Well done." Kulthum praised and pulled her for a hug before walking away. Jawahir went further into the house and went to greet her mother in law. Ammiey was pleased and very proud of her, although she also didn't like the fact that she did everything herself.
She left her mother in law and headed to Kausar's room where Maheera and Kausar were getting Yasmeen ready. The birthday girl is wearing a customized princess Jasmine's tutu dress with her hair styled exactly like the said princess. She looked adorable.
"Aunty Jawjaw!" The little princess exclaimed the minute she saw her, she leaped into Jawahir's arms hugging her as tight as she could. "The cakes are so pwetty!" She gushed. "Your pwsent is the best and my fwavowite." She kissed Jawahir on the cheek noisily. "Muaaaaaahhhh I lwuv you so so much."
That smile right there made Jawahir's day. And the two days she used to work her butt off were definitely worth it. "I love you too. Happy birthday darling."
"Thank you." She went back to her chair and Maheera continued what she was doing.
"You did great Zawjatu akhi." Kausar also praised. Jawahir thanked her and exchanged pleasantries with Maheera, she too praised her for a job well done.
By 2:30-3:00 the birthday party was on full swing, children's laughter filled the atmosphere as they run around playing with each other. Most of the guests currently are kids as the elders will be arriving later for the get together Baba organized.
And by 5:00pm the other party was on full swing. Family members have filled the house, the surrounding was jovial, chatters all round. Some of the relatives are meeting one another after a long while so there's a lot of catching up to do and of course gossip.
"Ammiey I'll go check things in the kitchen." Jawahir excused herself from her mother in law. 'Finally' she sighed in relief. She has being with Ammiey all day long getting introduced to almost everyone, most of which she couldn't even remember their names. Unlike Abu, Baba's family is pretty large. 12 of them, Baba included, add to that children and grandchildren. That's a whole lot bunch of people.
Jawahir ambulated to the kitchen, the desserts are yet to be served. For the evening desserts she made..
All day Ammiey has been kind of bragging about how her beautiful Zawjatul ibni made all these, and Jawahir couldn't be more proud. She told one of the waiters to start serving as she took a seat on a bar stool because of how knackered she was.
Three young ladies walked in chatting animately.
"Look guys it's Aayan's wife." Lady numbers 1 said, spatting the word wife with so much venom.
Lady number 2 turned around to give Jawahir a not so discreet glare. "When did they return? And he's already married? And few years back he was so against it."
"Can't you see kallar su aka aura mai. Jinsin larabawa, mu ba mutane ba ne ai." Lady number 3 hissed. "Dan kar muci arziki." She added.
Jawahir couldn't believe what she was hearing, they have the nerve to talk about her like that when they know nothing about the circumstances they got married, they are making it as if she threw herself at him. She was so furious but said nothing since she's not the type that likes confrontations.
"I heard that she's not even attending university, she's too dumb." Lady number one sneered. And they all laughed and high fived one another.
"She's just not good enough for him. One of her cousin, Hanifa —she also attends Al qalam uni and we are in the same level— told me that initially she was suppose to marry a cousin of theirs who's a drunkard, Magaji I think is his name. But somehow oo she ended up married to Aayan." Lady number two narrated.
Jawahir was so confused about what the lady said, she never cared to ask why she had to marry Aayan. All she knows is that Hajiya insisted on her getting married, she had no idea how Aayan came into the equation. Did her family really intended to marry her off to Magaji of all people?
"You guys are disgusting." A voice hissed exactly what Jawahir wanted to say. "Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? Don't have anything to do other than talking about people."
"Look here Maheera. Control that mouth of yours." Lady number one warned, pointing a finger at Maheera.
"Take that finger out of my face before I break it."
Jawahir quickly walked to drag Maheera away before things get out of hand. She's just so tired, her head has been hammering all day and her limps are about to give out. The last thing she wants is her sister in law to fight with her cousins because of her. "Mahee just let it be. Let's go." She said attempting to drag Maheera away.
"No Jaw." She said shrugging Jawahir's hands off of her. She then turned to her so called cousins. "The reason why you were saying all those ill things about her is because you can never have what she has. She has the looks, the brains, the doting and handsome husband, the money, the manners, characters and everything else that you don't. If you must know, she graduated as the valedictorian of her class and if you also don't know what that means, it means that she has the highest academic achievement in her entire set. So think twice before calling her dumb. Going to the university doesn't measure your intelligence, take you Barira as an example, though you claim you're attending the university we all know that you bribe your lecturers to get promoted." Maheera ranted up furiously. She's sick and tired of this disgusting behavior of theirs.
Barira—who's attending the same university as Jaw's cousin— gasped in horror. "How dare you?" She then threw the cupcake and drink she was holding at Maheera but Jawahir pushed her aside and it hit her instead, soiling her dress.
"What's going on here?" A voice boomed before Maheera could retaliate. Aayan, Uthman and Kulthum walked into the kitchen.
Kulthum looked around the kitchen with her arms fold. "Didn't you hear what he said? What's going on?"
"Uhm-uh-, Well Maheera and her sister in law ganged on us and started insulting us." Lady number three—who's name is Balaraba— lied.
Maheera just gaped at her, she felt like whacking her real hard. "Baki da kunya Balaraba." Maheera hissed.
"I thought I told you to control your mouth." Lady number one—Binta— chimed in.
"ALL OF YOU, SHUT UP." Aayan yelled furiously. They all flinched.
This's what Jawahir wanted to avoid. This occasion is supposed to be about family getting together and having fun not fighting because of the new daughter in law. Jawahir walked forward to explain but the world appeared to be rotating and then everything went black.
"JAWAHIR." Kulthum yelled in horror when she was about to hit the floor. Luckily Aayan caught her in time.
Kulthum started panicking. She knew it was a bad idea to let Jawahir do everything, the poor girl tired herself out and now she has fainted. This is all my fault. Kulthum blamed herself.
Aayan picked up his wife bridal style and turned to his cousins, he shot them a murderous glare and the girls shivered in fear.
"Aayan let them be. They are the least of our concerns right now. Just take her to your side and please don't let anyone see you." Aayan shot them one last glare before walking out, Uthman following him.
"I'm beyond disappointed." Kulthum shook her head and hurriedly followed them. Maheera shot them one last dirty look before going in the direction her siblings went. She has never liked any of them, never.
Aayan managed to get Jawahir to his old side without anybody noticing them. He's blood is boiling right now, Maheera just told them what happened.
Kulthum came back in with a basin full of warm water and a towel. "I knew I shouldn't have let her do all that work." She sat by Jaw and placed the towel on her forehead.
"It's not your fault, you didn't know this will happen." Uthman told Kulthum.
Kausar suddenly walked into the room frantically. "Is she okay? How did this happen?"
"How did you know?" Aayan muttered.
"Amal told me." Kausar answered taking a seat. "And yes I told her to not tell anyone." She added when she saw Kulthum's expression.
"I'm so mad right now." Maheera groaned.
"Mahee it's over, let it be." Kulthum scolded lightly.
"Hum mujazun jiddan; they are so annoying. Ana faqat uridu an asfa'ahum; I just want to smack them. Hard."
"What did she say? All I heard was hard." Uthman whispered to Kausar. Kausar giggled and translated what her sister said.
"Wallah and that Balaraba had the nerve to—"
A cough from Jawahir stopped Maheera's rant. They all rushed to her side except Uthman who stood at a safe distance.
"Careful." Aayan said as he helped her sit up.
"What happened?" Jawahir groaned massaging her temples
The last thing she can recall is when Aayan, Uthman and Kulthum walked into the kitchen.
"You fainted." Aayan replied. "Tesoro why? I asked if you were okay and you said yes." He reprimanded.
"I'm sorry." She replied meekly.
"Now is not the time to scold her." Kulthum smacked Aayan. "Are you sure you're okay? Since when did you start feeling dizzy?" She asked Jawahir.
"Since in the morning and there's a dull ache in my head but it's nothing I can't handle."
"That's it we are going to the hospital." Aayan announced and attempted to pick her up.
"No, no please. By Allah I'm okay. Let's just enjoy the rest of the night." She turned to Maheera. "And Maheera Shukran laki allal wuquf man ajali."
Maheera smiled softly. "You're welcome Zawjatu akhi. Anytime."
"Psst Kausar what did she say this time?" Uthman couldn't help but ask. You'll think knowing them for so long he would have grabbed somethings but nope.
"She said 'Thank you for standing up for me'"
They all left the room except for Aayan. He sat beside her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his side. "You scared me." He mumbled and placed a kiss on her head.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled softly, placing her head on his chest, his heartbeat oddly soothing.
"Is it true? What they said?"
Aayan released a sigh. "Sadly yes, Tesoro it's true."
Jawahir choked, she couldn't believe that her parents even considered giving her away to some low life. "Tell me how it happened? What? Why? How? Aayan please tell me." She desperately pleaded.
Aayan knew that she deserves to know, even if she wouldn't like what she'll hear. So he went ahead and explained everything, from how it went down between Hajiya and her parents to how Mammie called Ammiey in tears, everything.
Aayan practically saved her life from destruction because only God knows what would have happened to her if he had not agree. He was not ready to get married but for her sake, he did. And this made tears well in her eyes.
"Thank you." She said emotionally. "For everything."
Aayan smiled softly and wiped away her tears. "There's no need to thank me Jawahir." He hugged her sideways. "Now wipe those tears. They don't look good on you."
Jawahir's mood dampened when she saw the edge of her dress covered in chocolate frosting. "My dress is spoiled." She grumbled.
"Don't worry about that. We went to get Ammiey some paper bags
at the mall and I saw a beautiful dress, I couldn't help but buy it for you." Aayan smiled and helped her get to up.
"Really?" Jawahir asked giddily. Oh how lucky she is to have him.
"Yup," he said before walking out, he came back in with a bag and Kausar behind him. "She'll help you get ready." He handed her the bag and walked out again.
"Why don't you go put on the dress." She walked into the closet. Her eyes roamed round the room it contains a few things that belongs to Aayan. You could tell that the room is cleaned on regular basis. She stepped into the beautiful golden dress with golden embroidery.
Kausar squealed out loud when Jawahir stepped back into the room. "Oh my Allah. Zawjatu akhi you look hotttt! Who knew my brother has such good taste. What have you done to him?"
Jawahir giggled. "Shukran Uktul zawj; thanks sister in law." She took a seat in front of the vanity and Kausar began applying the make up.
"Uhm Kausar?"
"Can uhm make the makeup very heavy and bold but not that heavy that it'll conceal my natural beauty?"
"Yeah girl!! You know it. They messed with the wrong girl. Junior Mrs AA is bout to give em fireeeeee."
Jawahir just chuckled at Kausar's craziness. She's done having people step on her like that. It's about time she starts standing up for herself. She kept wondering what would have happen if Maheera didn't intervene, would she have just kept quiet and walk away?
"You can look now." Kausar announced when she finished and twirled the chair so that Jawahir is facing the mirror.
Kausar did exactly as Jawahir wanted, bold but at the same time natural. She managed to tame her bushy eyebrows into a soft nice arch and she did a black smokey eye with a touch of gold plus a perfect winged eyeliner. As for the lips she applied a 14411 Lady from LASplash cosmetics.
"I look amazing. Thanks Kausar." Jawahir hugged her. Kausar quickly snapped a few pictures, of Jaw alone and her and Jawahir.
Aayan walked in and did a double take when he saw Jawahir. She looked beyond amazing. "Beautiful." He whispered as he practically stalked towards her.
Jawahir smiled and blushed. Kausar managed to take a picture of them with her camera. Aayan was looking at Jawahir adoringly and Jawahir was blushing, looking down. After she took the picture, she quietly exited the room to give them privacy.
"I knew you'll add to the beauty of the dress. The dress looks 10 times gorgeous with you in it." Aayan praised. "Twirl for me baby girl."
Jawahir did as she was told. "Jamila; beautiful." He whispered and snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her to him.
Before Jawahir could fathom what's happening he has already placed his lips on hers. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her with so much intensity and passion, Jawahir reciprocated, butterflies swarming in her stomach. She poured the feelings that she couldn't say out loud into the kiss.
Jawahir giggled when they pulled away. "Uhm you kinda ate my lipstick."
Aayan looked at the mirror and true his lips is smudged with red lipstick. Jawahir picked a wiper and carefully cleaned his lips. "You look really beautiful." He whispered, his breath caressing her lips.
Aayan presented a set of shiny golden pumps to her. "I want you to wear them," he squatted and helped her wear the shoes. "La mia Cenerentola." He added, in Italian.
Jawahir looked down at the sparkly shoe. She has never felt pampered like this ever, he painstakingly chose all of these, just for her. "What does that mean?"
Aayan stood up and wrapped both his arms around her waist. "My Cinderella." He bobbed her nose with his. "Hey this shoes made you so tall." He teased.
"Aayan." She whined, smiling brightly.
"Sorry." He laughed and placed a kiss on her lips.
Jawahir reapplied her lipstick before she and Aayan sauntered back to the party hand in hand. You should have seen the look on Binta, Balaraba and Barira's faces, it made Jawahir raise her head high and tightened her arm around the crook of Aayan's showing them very well to whom he belongs.
Multiple of 'Masha Allah's' were thrown their way. Ammiey shed a few tears when she saw them. She's gradually getting her Aayan back.
"Tabdina jamilatan jiddan habibty; you look very beautiful my love." Mammie gushed.
"Mammie." Jawahir squealed and leaped into her mother's arms, her lavender scent soothing as always 'I'm home' She thought. "Thank you Mammie. When did you get here?"
"Actually they've been hear for a while." Ammiey answered instead. "Where have you been Jawahir? You left to check on the waiters and never came back."
"Uhm....." Jawahir hesitated. What's she suppose to tell her?
"Jawahir's dress got spoiled so she had to go change." Aayan came to the rescue. Jawahir discreetly heaved a sigh of relief. He then greeted Mammie and Mama.
"You look gorgeous Jaw and this dress, where did you get it from?"
She beamed at her step mother. "Actually Mama Aayan got it for me." Jawahir couldn't help but brag about the fact that Aayan chose this outfit for her, himself, anytime she got the chance.
"Did he now?" Ammiey asked in surprise.
"Yes Ammiey."
"I didn't know my son had such good taste. I have to start dragging you for shopping."
"Sorry Ammiey. But I only shop for my Tesoro." Aayan smirked.
Jawahir gaped at him. She couldn't believe he said that in front of their mothers.
The trio shook their heads and laughed. Mammie and Ammiey cannot begin to express their joy as they saw the couple getting along.
"The pastries are delicious and so yummy, Masha Allah," Mammie praised. "but I heard that you did everything by yourself." She added with a stern look and a concerned voice.
Jawahir smiled cheekily at her mom. "Thanks Mammie habibty. But it was nothing I couldn't handle."
Aayan slightly glared at her when she said the last sentence. 'Couldn't handle? Yeah right' He scoffed.
Jawahir ignored Aayan's glare as she continued to converse with her mothers.
Aayan and Jawahir went to greet Baba, he was together with Abu and some of his brothers. They blessed them too and the couple finally took a seat. They joined Kulthum, Maheera, Kausar, Uthman and Rayyan at the table.
"You guys are the power couple right now." Kausar told them once they sat down.
"You look so beautiful." Kulthum smiled at Jawahir.
"Thank you."
"Did you see their faces?" Maheera smirked. Kausar and Kulthum shook their heads, Maheera has never liked those three, ever.
A waiter placed a plate of desserts in front of everyone of them. Uthman immediately dig in. "Amaryan mu your hands have magic in them."
"Well thank you Uthman. I'm not happy that Mommy and Ameena weren't able to join us."
"Yeah. Sunje biki Mina; they travelled to Mina for a wedding."
"Where are the kids?" Jawahir asked when she noticed the surrounding was quite.
"Some are already asleep and the rest are watching a movie at the theater."
Jawahir nodded. "Have I mentioned that your hands are gifted?" Aayan whispered to her.
Jawahir giggled. "A couple of times."
"Kullu shayin da'amuhu lazizan; everything tastes delicious. Though, La uhibu haqyqtan annaka fa'altu kullu shay'in nafsikan; I don't like the fact that you did everything yourself."
"Lan yahduth marratan ukhraa; it won't happen again. Aadaka; I promise."
"It better not." He then entwined their fingers.
Jawahir feels like this was a sign that this new year will in sha Allah go accordingly. Her and Aayan's relationship is just blossoming and she couldn't be happier.
And the rest of the evening and night was spent surrounded by loved ones.
Marhaban bikum nasun jamila
Hello beautiful people 💖💖
I just couldn't stop writing ✍️😽
Let's take a moment to gush over Aayan
Ok I think that's enough 😂😂
Please don't mind me 🙈🙈
I'm crazy, I know!!!!!😫😩😭💔
I enjoyed writing this chapter so very much☺️
It's one of my favorites too❤️✨🌹🔐
Hopefully you enjoyed reading it too.
How was it btw? Yay or nay?
What do you have to say bout Aayan's cousins?
(I so don't like them, lol)
Don't we all love Maheera😍😚
What do you think will happen next?
Will the year go smoothly as Jawahir is hoping?
Or will there be some bumps along the road?
All I can say is follow to find out 😉😚😘
Don't forget to please🙏🏼🙏🏼 tap that little orange star ⭐️💫
As you all know December means WEDDINGS!!! at least for my families 😁😂 The bells are already ringing, I have tons of weddings to attend and I cannot wait 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 Daura Ta Abdu🐍🗡is calling!! so I'll be on a little hiatus from writing. Nothing long, I promise. For the mean time try as much as possible to share the story please, please!!😭🙏🏼❤️
Till next time💕💕
Try not to miss me, I'll miss you all though❤️❤️
Thank you for all the support! You have no idea how much it means to me. I love you guys❤️🔐 (yes even the silent readers 😁😂)
Yours truly
Memzyb ✨🌹
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