Chapter 25
Longest chapter I've written in a while 🌚🌝
Now whoever it is creating a stampede on my bed should knock it off before I do so myself. But no, the feet kept jumping, a pair beside my head and the other at the foot of the bed. I groaned out loud and yanked the comforter off me, sitting up.
I glared at them. "What do you want?" I said groggily, the sleep evident in my voice.
"Ya Jawjaw ki tashi; wake up." Amal said from the foot of the bed. Seriously, what do they want this early morning?
"You guys should go back to sleep and lemme be abeg." I lied back down and covered myself.
"No." Nai'a yelled, yanking the comforter. "It's 12 already."
"So?" I hissed in annoyance.
"Zawjatu akhi min fadhlik. Akhi and Affan have gone to the masjid and they said they are not coming back soon." Amal whined a little.
"Yes." Nai'a added. "Ya Aayan even said they are having a boys' day out, so let have ours too. Please get up."
God why? With no other choice I stood up. They pushed me to the bathroom to take a shower. I sleepily did my morning routine then performed wudhu since it's almost time for zuhr.
I came out and the girls have already made the bed. I noticed a maroon, white and blue blouse and skirt atampa on my bed with a note that read 'we picked out your outfit, please wear it :)' Smiling to myself I moisturized my skin then changed into the cloth they selected for me.
I grabbed a full length hijab to pray. After I salamed I remained seated for dhikr. "Ameen." I said rubbing my palms on my face. I stood up and folded the prayer mat and hijab.
Today is Christmas not that I celebrate it but it is my sisters' first anniversary. I plopped down on the ottoman in front of my bed to video chat them. I rang all of them at the same time, luckily they picked at the same time too.
"Happy one year anniversary." I screamed immediately their faces came into view.
Ya Fifi laughed. "Thanks Mrs AA."
"Thanks sissy." Ya Farha said also.
We had a good thirty minutes conversation, although Ya Fifi and I did most of the talking. Ya Farha was awfully quiet, more than usual and I noticed she looked tired and pale. I pray she's okay.
With that done, I ambulated out of the room. Nai'a and Amal just coming out from their room also. "Have you guys prayed?"
They nodded affirmative. We walked to the living room downstairs. "Okay what do you guys wanna do?"
"We really don't know." Amal sighed. My phone then started ringing.
"Lams." I screamed into the phone immediately I picked up. You remember Lami right? The Esthetician that came during my wedding? Yeah that one.
"Hello Amarya."
"Oh common, I think I'm way past that." I chuckled. "How are you? Maiduguri? And all?"
"Yeah you're right. And everything is fine Alhamdulillah."
"Masha Allah that's good."
"So are you at home? Cuz I'm in Abuja right now, I might drop by later today or tomorrow."
"Yes I'm at home. And you're coming today, final." I declared.
She laughed. "Okay tohm, I'll ring you up when I get there, you know that house of yours, you cannot just arrive unannounced."
I laughed out loud. "Okay. Can't wait. And pleases bring henna with you." I requested.
"In sha Allah. Se nazo; till I arrive."
"Girls." I called out. "I think I have the perfect way to spend our day. Do you mind if I called my friends over?"
"Nope, the more the merrier." They chirped.
"Ok cool."
I switched on my mobile data and immediately head to our little group.
Jaw: Assalamu alaikum sisters🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️
A: Waalaikumus salam🧕🏻
N: Jummu'a Mubarak ✨✨
K: Jazakallahu khairan Bila🤭 Yo!
J: see Amani behaving like one ustaza🙄
K: Lol.
Jaw: Sharrap guys. How are you?
J: Bored 😑😐
N: @ Kausar. Ameen
N:Mee too🤧🤧
A: @ Jahara. Warrever🙄
A:@ Jaw. Mee three.
K: Mee four😫😖
Jaw: worry not lovelies🤗🧡. Amal, Nai'a and I are spending the day together (Aayan and Affan are not home.) and I was wondering if you wanna join us. Lami is also coming.
A: 💃🏻💃🏻 count me in. Hayyam coming🏃🏻♀️
N: Ohh😫😫 sorry can't make it. I am accompanying Mama to the hospital.
Jaw: @ Nabila. Oh oh☹️. I hope everything is fine?
N: Everything's fine, just regular check up.
K: on Christmas? I thought it's a holiday?
N: I said the same thing.
K: And hayyam coming also. Meet you guys there😘
J: Can I bring Maryam with me? I'm kinda babysitting her right now.
Jaw: Nonsense🙄. Do you have to ask? Of course you can, I told you Nai'a and Amal are here too or you've forgotten?
J: K then I'll see you there.
Jaw: ok tohm se kunzo.
Now that, that's done, lemme inform Aayan. Thank goodness I saved his number when he called yesterday. He picked up after the fourth ring.
"Marhaba Jawahir." Came his velvety voice. So he saved my number also?
What did you expect? The man called you first.
"Is there anything you want? Or do you want to go out?" Wow straight to the point.
"No I'm not going out. I want to invite my friends over and called to ask if it's okay with you."
"Uhm which friends are we talking about?" Humph! As if he doesn't know. My social cycle isn't that large.
I answered nonetheless. "Kausar, Jahara, Amani and Lami, the esthetician that worked on me during....." I trailed off. What do I say? My wedding or our wedding?
"During what Jawahir?" He urged.
"Uh, umm..." Seriously Jawjaw? "My wedding." I finally blurted. Goodness!!
He chuckled huskily. "Your wedding? I thought it was ours?"
"Okay our wedding." I corrected, rolling my eyes.
"Better. And sure, you have fun. Plus don't cook lunch with us, Affan and I are gonna eat outside." Awwn it's so sweet of him to take my brother with him.
"It's not fair you know. You guys are out there having fun."
"Aren't you having fun? Or you're just jealous because I took your brother and not you?"
Feeling a surge of confidence, I boldly said. "Yes."
"Wow, I never knew. Ok we'll have to change that definitely." That got me grinning like an idiot.
"Definitely." I breathed.
"Okay bye. Se na dawo; till I come back. I hope I said it correctly."
I giggled. "Yes you did. Bye come back safe."
"I will In sha Allah." I waited for him to disconnect the call, after he did I tossed the phone beside me on the couch. Unfortunately it bounced off the couch landing on the floor. The already broken screen breaking even further. The phone tried sha. I've been meaning to tell Abu to change this Samsung S5 of mine, but before I had the chance to....Well, you know what happened. I don't know if I'm supposed to request it from my dad or husband.
I left the girls in the living room watching Tv, Nickelodeon definitely. I walked to the kitchen to make something edible. Since Laura left Aayan has been adamant on getting a new cook but I declined. I mean it's just the five of us, and then it'll us two only when the kids go back to home, so really a chef is not needed. Besides the cook will be of no use because he doesn't even like eating someone else's food. If the girls come we will likely order so I'll just make a Philadelphia fruit pizza.
It took me fifteen minutes to have everything done. I placed the pizza in a box and moved to the living room.
Around 2o'clock they started arriving. Kausar first, then Amani, Lami and lastly Jahara and her younger sister Maryam.
Amal, Nai'a and Maryam went to theatre room to watch Trolls etc. "There's popcorn if you want." I told them. "Sure Aunty Jawjaw, thank you." They smiled brightly.
Me and the rest of the girls went to the salon.
"Did you bring the henna?" I asked Lami as I took a seat on one of the chairs.
"Yeup, I have red and black." She opened the her bag and brought out the materials. "So which one do you want?"
"Red. I want it to be bold red, maroon." I said without giving it much thought. "You guys want henna too?" I asked and they nodded affirmative, but all decided to go with black. Meh! I mean it's okay but I don't really like it that much, I prefer the red type. It's more beautiful and eye catching. I hope Aayan likes it, I'm tempted to ask Kausar but decided not to. I want to find out myself.
"Jawjaw where are the ladies that worked on us the last time?" Jahara asked.
"Should I call them?" I inquired.
"Yes please."
"Okay." I stood up to make the call. Five minutes later three of them arrived. They are amongst the maids but have worked in a salon before, so anytime I'm down here, one of them will come. They get paid extra for the service.
Amani wants to braid her hair, Jahara and Kausar want mani-pedi. Lami started applying my henna. I want it on both hands and both legs so mine will take a while unlike the girls who just want it on their hands.
The conversations flowed through us effortlessly but I noticed that Amani is terribly quiet today which is so unlike her. "Hey Amani." I called for her attention.
When I'm sure that I have it, I asked. "Are you okay? You seem down and quite."
"Oh it's nothing Jaw." She smiled, which is so fake by the way. I can see it in her eyes that something is bothering her. Amani is usually the person that cheers everyone up so it must be hard for her to have the roles reserved.
"Oh common Amani, that smile was totally fake." Jahara scoffed.
"I agree with Jahara, ya'ke kike mana; you are giving us fake smiles." Kausar added.
Amani closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes, her gaze on the floor. "You know Jamil? The guy I was kind of seeing?"
"The one you met when you traveled to Gombe for your cousin's wedding?" I asked for further clarification.
"Yes him." She responded her voice cracking.
"Oh habibty, don't tell me he broke your heart?" Kausar asked with concern.
"Yes he did." She cried. My poor Amani. Who will even think of hurting such an angel. Some boys are stupid wallah.
"Tell us what happened." Jahara urged her.
She told us that 'they met at the wedding's dinner, where they were asked to run some last minute errands. They clicked off almost immediately, they still didn't lose contact when she returned to Abuja and he returned Jalingo. He told her that he liked few weeks later and he'll love to see where it'll take them. She being the kind person she is accepted even though she didn't like him at time. Things were going smoothly and she has started falling for him when the jerk ended things abruptly. Saying that she's too happy and naive for his liking and that he never really liked her. The guy is a himar.
By the time she finished narrating the story she was already sobbing hard. Kausar and Jahara enveloped her in a hug, sadly I couldn't because of the henna on my feet. So I used my clean hand to hold hers, giving it a squeeze.
"Listen to me Amani." I started when Kausar and Jahara went back to their respectful seats. "Don't change so that someone will like you. Be yourself and the right people will like and love the real you. Because you're one a in a billion, a rare gem and he's majnun to not see that, it's his lost. You're special, never doubt that and one day in sha Allah the right person will come and sweep you off your feet, who will accept you as you are, love you forever and treat you like the queen that you are. For now we love you and will always support you, always and forever."
"Jawjaw." She choked. She stood up and hugged me, I used my free hand to rub her back soothingly. "Now wipe your tears. Because that loser is so not worth it."
"I love you Jawahir." Amanai smiled tearfully.
"I love you too Amani."
"We love you too Amani." Jahara added. "The gang just wouldn't be the same without you. As far as friends go, you can't be beat. But as far as humans go, you're definitely one of the finest specimens around." Kausar and I nodded our heads in agreement.
"And we'll kick him where the sun doesn't shine." Kausar spatted.
"Thank you guys. I'm so touched, you're the best friends a girl could ever wish for. I love you, always and forever."
"Always and forever." We chorused.
"Wow Jawjaw I love the color." Kausar gushed. "Why didn't I apply the red one?" She pouted.
"You know it is said 'the color represents the love a husband has for his wife, the darker the color, the deeper the love." Lami chirped in.
I laughed rather sarcastically. Who the hell made that up? If it were true then mine would have been so faded.
"Ayy so that means Mr AA loves Mrs AA very well." Amani teased, wiggling her eyebrows. Now that is the Amani I know.
"As a matter of fact, yes." I declare and they all looked at me with open-wide eyes. "Baba loves Ammiey very well." I added.
"Mtsww." Jahara hissed. "Not the elder Mr and Mrs AA, the young ones."
"I don't know what you're talking about." I rolled my eyes taking a bite of my fruit pizza.
"Let my sister in law be." Thank you Kausar. "Now Jaw you need teach me how to make this pizza, it's delicious."
"I'll uktul zawj."
A few minutes later, the girls washed off their henna also. It also looks amazing.
We had an amazing day, I honestly miss my girlfriends. They all left after Maghreb. I had to package the rest of the pizza for Kausar. I initially wanted to keep it for Aayan and Affan when they get back, but the girl was persistent, she even said she'll take it to Ammiey, Baba and Maheera which I highly doubt but I hope she does.
Aayan and Affan returned almost immediately after the girls left. I welcomed and ushered them in. Affan was high spirited, he couldn't stop talking about his day with his now favorite brother in law. Looks like Ya Jafaru has some serious competition. I left them to go freshen up while I make a quick dinner. Feeling lazy I decided to cook spaghetti.
Half an hour later I'm done. I got the girls to help me set the table. Aayan and Affan walked in all freshened up. Aayan in a brown jallabiya and Affan in his pjs.
They all took their seats and I stood up to serve them. I served the younger ones first before serving Aayan. I placed the plate in front of him and twirl around to go take my seat, but he refrained me from doing that by holding my fingers.
"Who did this?" He asked in—what I suspected to be—awe.
"Uhm Lami did it. You like it?" I asked giddily, facing him properly.
"I love it, it's beautiful." He emphasized that by lifting my hands to his mouth, placing a kiss making my heart flutter.
"She deserves a gift. It's pretty Masha Allah." I beamed at him, glad that he liked it. "I wouldn't mind if you have henna on your hands all the time." He declared looking at me straight in the eye, caressing the design with his fingers.
I'm literally squealing mentally right now. I've always loved henna and I'm glad that he likes it. It's a win win situation. "Look it was applied on my feet also." I moved back a bit, removing my shoes so that he can see it.
"Beautiful." He smiled at me. Yes the full blown one that makes him 100x hotter. I flashed him a wide grin before taking my seat.
I had a big smile on my face throughout dinner. I picked up the dirty plates and placed them in the dishwasher for the maids to wash. I wiped the table and retired to my room.
I picked my scrap of a phone to ring up Lami.
"Hello Jawahir." Came her somewhat tired voice.
"Oh Lami I hope I didn't wake you."
"No you didn't. So what's up? Did you show Aayan the henna? Did he like it?"
"Yes and yes." I squealed happily. "Do you know he even said he wouldn't mind my hands having henna on the all the time."
"That's good, you've been worried whether he'll like it or not."
"Yes I'm so happy wallah. But Lami who'll do it for me when you're not here?"
"Silly Jaw, there are tons of designers here. But I'll share one of my friend's contact with you, she's an expert."
"Yeah I'll like that." A yawn escaped her mouth. "Lemme not hold you up, good night."
"Night Jawahir, I'll share the contact first thing tomorrow morning."
I drifted into a dreamless slumber with the smile attached to my face.
"Ya Jawjaw lets go for a swim." Nai'a declared.
"A swim Nai'a? Isn't it too cold for a swim?"
"The pool has a temperature regulator." Amal explained.
"I don't know guys." I told them hesitating a bit.
"Please Ya Jawjaw! We just have a few days left here, da'ana nunjizil afdal; let's make the best of it. Arjuk; please."
"Okay." I groaned. This girl is so persistent. I honestly don't feel like swimming right now.
"But I don't have a swimsuit." I grinned.
They looked at each other mischievously. "We knew you will say that. That's why we took the privilege and got you this."
Nai'a handed me a shopping bag. I peaked in and saw a blue swimsuit. "When did you get this?" I sighed.
"Remember when we went shopping with Akhi?" I nodded. "That's when."
"Now go get ready." Nai'a pushed me in the direction of my room. "And you are?" I raised my brows, folding my arms.
"Yuppppp." They smiled cheekily. They loosened the ropes they were wearing revealing same kind of swimsuits but of different color.
With no other choice but to get ready, I grabbed the bag and waltzed to my room. Aayan has taken Affan to the barber for a haircut, their relationship keeps on growing day by day. I changed into the suit and tied my hair in a messy bun. I grabbed my iPad and head to the indoor pool.
I met the girls already in the pool splashing around. I took a seat on one of the couches beside the pool and logged onto wattpad.
(Incase you forgot how the pool looks like🌚⬆️)
I'm currently rereading The Mischievous Mrs Maxfield by ninyatippette. Charlotte is one feisty girl, lol I love her. Brand is swoon worthy *sigh*.
"Come join us." Amal yelled.
"Maybe later." I yelled back.
6 chapters later, Aayan and Affan walked in. My boys are looking gorgeous. Affan is spotting a neat low cut. And Aayan, oh my my Aayan. His beard is perfectly trimmed, his sideburns ever prominent and his curly hair locks messy as if he ran his fingers through it numerous times.
"Marhaba, you guys look amazing." I said to them once they were close.
"Shukran; Thank you."Aayan said taking a seat beside me.
"Thanks Ya Jawjaw." Affan yelled over his shoulder. Removing his clothes leaving himself in just his shorts, he dived into the pool.
"What are you reading?" Aayan questioned quietly.
"A book."
"So my wife's a nerd." He smiled teasingly.
My wife.
"No I'm not." I bumped my shoulder with his. "It's on wattpad."
"Oh I've heard of that application before, total waste of time if you ask me." He said shrugging.
I snapped my head at him, gasping in horror. "Who are you and from what universe did you come from?" I exclaimed clutching my chest.
He chuckled. "No need to be dramatic Tesoro."
"If you must know, wattpad is the most amazing and important application on this universe, wattpad is life mehn!"
"Like I said it's a waste of time, i mean all you do is read stories, some of which will never be possible in this world."
"It's called FICTIONAL for a reason." I grumbled.
"Yeah whatever. Kausar even cries over it, I sometimes feel like whacking her."
I laughed at that. "Yes If one of your fav characters dies, of course you'll cry and mourn."
"Have you ever?" He readjusted his position by sitting on his left leg and facing me. Now his intense black orbs are directly on me.
"Yes, I have." I admitted sheepishly. Okay it was one time! I was reading The Mechanic's Wife.
"Total waste of time." He murmured under his breath.
"Aayan." I whacked him on his forearm and he laughed. "Okay, okay I'm sorry. No need to get violent."
"Well all you do is hug your laptop all day." I stick out my tongue at me.
"Real mature Tesoro." Aayan rolled his eyes. "Why aren't you in the pool?" He raised a brow.
I shrugged. "Just didn't feel like it."
"Well we'll have to change that." I didn't understand what he meant until he picked me up bridal style, effortlessly.
"No, no, Aayan please don't." I begged.
"No can't do Tesoro." He said, laughing. Before I could say anything further, he dived into the pool with me. I shrieked out loud, I expected the water to be cold but it's surprisingly warm then I remembered Amal mentioning a temperature regulator.
I resurfaced, my hair sticking to my face. I spilled out the water in my mouth on Aayan. "That was so not cool, I didn't want to swim, I just agreed because Amal and Nai'a insisted and now you did this." I said in a whiny voice.
I looked at Aayan and he's giving me a look that blends between sexy and adorable, the look is making my heart flutter and my lips are trembling and it's not because of the cold. His dreamy black orbs gaze at my almond brown ones and I noticed them lower slowly and settle on my lips. He quickly glanced up, in hopes of recovering. He then slowly started glancing up and down, eyes to lips. It was like I was frozen I couldn't do anything, I averted my eyes to his forehead, not looking at him directly in the eyes, they'll hypnotize me.
He slowly and patiently falls closer and closer to me, right before he reaches my lips he stopped as if giving a chance to back out and stop this from going any further. But I don't want him to stop. Once he realized that I'm not going to move, he lowers in and plants the perfect kiss.
Before I could do anything else, he wound his arms around me. I felt another rush of the sinking, yielding and surging warmth that soaked my bones. He bent back my head and kissed me, softly at first and then with such intensity that made me clung to him as the only solid thing in this swaying world of mine right now and before I knew it I was kissing him back.
Sadly, we needed oxygen. He pulled away and placed his forehead on mine, both of us breathing heavily.
What was that? I breathed in my mind. He gaze deeply into my eyes, his black orbs twinkling.
"What's happening Aayan?" I breathed, clenching my eyes shut.
"I don't know either Tesoro." I quickly snapped my eyes open. I looked at him with wide, confused and possibly sad eyes. "But I'm willing to find out. You and me, together." He declared.
"I'd love that." I beamed at him. He swooped down and placed his soft lips back on mine.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh🔥💥☄️🔥💥☄️💥🔥☄️🔥💥🔥☄️🔥💥☄️🔥💥☄️🔥💥☄️💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 I can't even............
My beautiful people😘😘
How was the chapter? *wiggle eyebrows*
(Aren't the girls best friends goals😭😭❤️)
I was so tempted to name it "the first kiss." But it'll have given away the content. I hope you guys loved it. Because I know I did, I couldn't stop smiling while writing😌😚😌
One of my favorite chapter❤️✨🌹🔐
Don't forget to please and please:
Oh and happy new month! 2018 is drawing to an end.
How time flies.......
Allah sa mu dace.
Have a great weekend!!!
Yours truly
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