Bonus chapter
I want to use this mean to properly thank you for voting 😌🎉 thank you so much❤️
As a form of gratitude, here's a bonus chapter❤️💕
Thank you for all the love and support you've shown, still showing, to this book🥺❤️
Jazakumullahu khayran, Love you all Xo
The traffic wasn't moving at all, subuhanallahi! Aayan bit back a groan as he relentlessly honked. What is wrong with people? Why is the car in front of him not moving? Is he blind can't he see the light has turned green.
"And it has turned to red." He mumbled, letting out a hiss. He glanced at his wrist watch, 5:07, he has forty three minutes to get home. Home....he smiled. Home where his beautiful family awaits him.
His beautiful children and his darling wife. Everyday he thanks the Almighty for blessing him, he has nothing to say except Alhamdulillah. He has everything he needs in this world, everything. All he prays for now is a better akhirah.
Over the past few years so much had happened, some were good, some were devastating but Alhamdulillah they've passed each and every trial and came out stronger.
Aayan got home thirty minutes late, he parked the car and killed the ignition. Stretching his arms, he got the bouquet of chocolates in the back seat, his wife's absolute favorite.
He smiled recalling the time Ammiey and Baba called him to their living room and dropped the bomb on him. His life has not been the same ever since. One of the best decisions he has ever made. Like every marriage, theirs wasn't a smooth ride, there were bumps along the way but with love and trust they overcame everything. Life isn't a bed of roses, they still get misunderstandings, who doesn't? They have a policy, never go to bed angry. And this has helped them more times than he could count.
He pushed the door open, and in a flash little bodies clutched to him as usual.
"I'm the first!" One of the twins yelled, it was Inayah.
"It's a lie! I got here first!" Inarah yelled back, crossing her arms.
Aayan couldn't help but smile, this is practically a routine. His gaze dropped on Manal, who's standing by the side, shaking her head at her younger siblings. At the age of ten, she's matured and calm. She looked exactly like him, something likes to he tease Jawahir about.
Manal felt her father's gaze on her and a smile immediately blossom on her face. "Abbie, welcome back."
"Where's your Ummie?"
"In the kitchen," she answered, and like she does every time he comes back home, she collected his briefcase and the bouquet to take it inside.
"Alright Abbie's Princesses," He said, putting an end to the mini argument going on. He squatted. "What is it?"
Inayah, who's named after Mammie, was the first to speak. "Abbie!" She whined. "We were racing and I was the first, but Inayah is saying that it's a lie. Why would I lie Abbie? Liars are put in jahannam, that's what Ummie tells us, right Abbie?"
"Right," he answered pulling her cute cheeks. "All of you are winners." He said looking at Inayah, who's pouting her cheeks. The twins look so much a like that he sometimes mistaken one for the other. Of course he will never admit that to their Ummie, she'll laugh at him. While Inayah (Khadijah) is calm and quiet, Inarah is the exact opposite, she's loud, bubbly and outgoing. Their characteristics is the only thing that differentiates them.
He opened his arms. "You still haven't given Abbie his hug." Their eyes widened at the same time, they ran and threw their little arms around his neck and at the same time, they planted a smooch on either of his cheeks. "Marhabaan bik fi albayt Abbie; Welcome home Abbie!"
With the twins clinging to his neck, he stood up, adjusting them on either of his hips. Inayah and Inarah ranted off his ears about their day, what happened in school, in Islamiya and when they got home. He listened attentively.
"And we made cookies!" Inarah concluded. "Yes," Inayah said, nodding in agreement. "Red velvet cookies Abbie, it was yummy." She exclaimed, rubbing her tummy.
He dropped them in the living room. "Where are your brothers?" He asked, when he noticed the absence of Abubakar and Alee.
"Ammu Uthman came and picked them up. They're spending the weekend with him." Manal answered.
"He refused to take us with him, he said it's for boys alone." Inarah added with a pout.
Aayan chuckled, so that's why he left the office early today. It's something Uthman does occasionally. He left the living room in search for his Tesoro. He found her in her heaven, he watched as she moved around the kitchen with ease. He silently walked to her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, he placed his chin on her shoulder.
Jawahir gasped, startled. "Ya Omri," she whined. "You startled me."
"Sorry," He said, planting a kiss on her cheek. "What are you making Mrs Aayan?"
"Just some pudding." She answered, then turned around for the first time to look at him since he came in. Aayan sucked in a deep breath, after years of marriage, her beauty still takes his breath away, his heart skips a bit whenever she's near or whenever he thinks about her, which is all the time.
Her face is bare, except for the deep kohl that lined her brown orbs, those eyes he often get lost in. His wife has gotten prettier over the years, she wasn't the cute eighteen year old he first met. In her place is a full grown woman, a mother and the coolness of his eyes.
"You're late." She said with a pout.
"Sorry Tesoro, I was stuck in traffic." he said pulling her toward him till their bodies flushed. "I missed you." He whispered, nuzzling her neck.
Jawahir wrapped her arms around his neck, placing her head on his shoulder. "I missed you too." She whispered, closing her eyes to savor the feeling of being wrapped around her husband, the center of her world.
"Go change while I set the table." She told him, she wanted him out of the kitchen so that she could complete her surprise.
Sometimes she finds it hard to believe that she and Aayan have come this far, they're parents to five wonderful kids, it feels surreal. She recalled seeing him for the first time when they visited their house a little after they came back from UK. She can't believe that's more than a decade ago.
He has been her rock during trying times, her support system. With him by her side, she feels like she could conquer the whole world. The love she has for him is immeasurable and indescribable. Seeing him with the kids, ya Rabb! She has been dreaming of having her own family for so long, now that it has become a reality, her reality, it feels surreal. She prays to Allah to shower his noor and rahma on her family, to protect them from evil eye and keep them safe and happy always.
A kiss on her nose broke her train of thoughts. "What are you thinking about?"
She smiled. "Nothing, just recalling the first time I saw you."
Aayan chuckled but didn't say anything. "I'll be right back."
Things haven't been easy or smooth, but Alhamdulillah she's grateful for all that she has, and that she lost. Her hands involuntarily rubbed her stomach, a sad smile graced her lips. "I miss you baby." She whispered, her eyes welling with tears.
She gave birth to a bouncing baby girl two years ago, the same day Jahara gave birth to her first child. Words cannot explain the joy they felt. Jahara's baby was named Afreen and Jawahir's baby was named Afrah.
"They're going to best friends, just like their mothers." Jahara said with a smile. "They're twins." She added with a chuckle. Jawahir smiled in agreement, they're going to be best friends, just like their mothers.
That's not what happened though, baby Afrah returned to her lord six months later. One of the hardest phase in Jawhir's life. Her baby left her, her Afrah. She was a balanced mixture of Jawahir and Aayan. Jawahir almost slipped into depression, she cried nonstop for weeks. But with the help of the Almighty and with her husband and kids by her side, she made it through. Not a day goes by without her thinking of her Afrah.
It took her a while to stop losing control anytime she sees Afreen. One thought dominates her mind anytime she sees the girl; My Afrah would have been just like that. The bond she shares with baby Afreen is a strong one, Afreen helped her through those hard times.
Jawahir let out a sigh, wiping the few drops of tears that fell. If she ever does give birth to a girl again, she's naming her Afrah but for now she's taking a break.
She quickly set up the table. Fridays are date nights for them, between the children and their busy schedules they find it hard to spend some alone time. After setting the table up, she ambulated to her room to get ready. But first she checked up on the kids, they already know the drill. No disturbing Abbie and Ummie after six on Fridays, normally they take them to either of their grandparents house for the weekend.
Jawahir wore a blue fitted dress decorated with white rhinestones, she left her face bare except for kohl and lip gloss. Tying her hair in a ponytail, she was ready to go. When she got to the dining room, Aayan was already there. He stood up and met her half way, whispering. "Fatabarakallahu ahsnal khaliqeen."
Jawahir grinned when she heard what he said. Aayan led them to the dining table, he took a seat first. Just as Jawahir was about to do the same, he pulled her into his laps. "This will be your seat for today, no arguments."
She knew better than to argue. Aayan insisted that she feed him. "You're such a baby."
"But I'm your baby."
Jawahir scrunched her nose. "My babies are upstairs."
"Is that right?" He asked with a raised brow. "Yup," she nodded, popping the P.
"Poor me." He cried. Jawahir chuckled, she looked so cute, Aayan couldn't resist placing his lips on hers. Once satisfied, he pulled away. The whole of her face was flushed red. She hid her face in his neck because of the intensity of his gaze on her.
"Tesoro," Aayan called with a chuckle. "Look at me," she shook her head. "Please let me see your beautiful face."
"You're beautiful." He told her when she finally lifted her face. Jawahir bit her lower lips. She served the food in a plate, coconut rice with chicken nuggets. She fed him like she wanted, and he did the same to her.
After eating, they moved to the cinema where they curled up together for a movie. In the end the movie is usually neglected as they talk about nothing and everything.
Taking a bite of the Red velvet cookies she and the twins made, Aayan closed his eyes to savor the taste. His wife is the best cook out there, he finds it hard to eat someone else's food, that's why he hates traveling. Surely he'll loose some weight before he comes back because he just can't enjoy any other food. For his sanity, he usually comes up with a way to convince her to go with him.
"Nabila and Suhayl'a wedding date has been set," Jawahir's squeal brought him add out his reverie. "Finally!" She added.
"Masha Allah that's good news."
Jawahir beamed. "Uh huh. Beela has been through so much, I can't wait for her to finally have her finally ever after, she deserves it more anyone. She's getting her married to her first love, how cute. I remember when dating without telling me, I was so mad at them."
"Why did they break up at that time?"
Jawhir shrugged, snuggling deeper into her husband's embrace. Aayan pulled out her ribbon and sifted his fingers into her silky hair.
"Suhayl was still in law school then, didn't want to hold her up."
"They found their way back to each other."
"Yes," she smiled. "Yes they did. I'm so happy for them. Amani can finally stop fretting over Nabila, that'll be Suhayl's job now."
"Allah ya basu zaman lafiya."
The place was enveloped in silence, the comfortable kind of silence. After a while, Aayan called. "Tesoro?"
"Do you remember the first time we watched a movie here?"
"Yeah," he felt her nod her head. "I wanted us to watch The Fault In Our Stars but decided against it."
"I figured you wouldn't want to watch something sappy. We ended up having a mini question and answer."
"Yeah we did. It was fun."
Jawahir nodded, from the way she's clinging into him, she's about to fall asleep. Wanting to tease her, he pulled his hands out of her hair. "Ya Omri," she whined.
"What?" He asked with a chuckle.
She didn't say anything just grabbed his hand and returned it to it's initial position. "Continue, please." She muttered. And who's he to deny his queen.
"Tesoro?" He called again.
"'Ahabak 'akthar min alhayat nafsiha, I love you, more than live itself." Truer words can never be spoken.
"'Iina ahbk 'akthar; I love you more." With that her breathing evened out.
Aayan shook his head. "I don't think you could ever love me more than I love you Tesoro habibty," he said, placing a kiss on her forehead.
A smile adorned his lips as he looked at the mother of his kids, his precious stone, his Jewels.
I hope you enjoyed visiting our love birds as much as I did❤️
God I miss them🥺❤️
Oh and if you aren't reading Jiddarh, then I'm sorry to say you're missing😜 The journey of Feisty and Obnoxious is not one you'll want to miss😌 so add to your library ASAP.
Where are my bilingual readers? Make sure you add Rayuwar Maimoon to your library. Kar ku bari a baku labari!
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With Love
Maimunatu I Bukar
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