To war!
A great cloud of smoke was filling the air as the town of Dale was being set fire to...screams floated on the wind as orcs rampaged through the town..slaughtering any who fell within their gaze. The people of Dale rallied together, fighting off the waves of the blood thirsty horde..knowing the others that went to the mountain to confront the dwarves were making their way back to them. Suddenly upon the wind a great horn was blown from the great mountain..echoing across Esgroth over the sounds of battle..bringing renewed vigor to the dwarves below.
Inside the mountain halls a chant could be heard as those within prayed in one voice to the heavens as they hoisted a giant golden bell into the air.
"Kannag, men dehr gronit dok khagam menu
"Kannag, men dehr gronit dok khagum menu
"Men namads un men nadads
"Kannag, men dehr gronit dok menu de barath-al men khaham
"Abat de zagaz
"Kannag dey gronit urukhash menu
"Dey azkag men horlem menu kazid neahez dem
"Bin de khaz al Mahal
"Wanrag de grom sar lyvvag ...Azamar!
(Lo there do I see my father..Lo there do I see my mother..My sisters and my brothers...Lo, there do I see the blood of my people..back to the beginning..lo, they do call me.. they bid me take my place beside the halls of Mahal...where the brave may live...forever)
Just as the words " forever" rang out, they let go of the ropes and the giant bell swung...striking the stone wall they had built and sending it crashing down...unbarring the entrance once more. With a mighty those inside rushed out...joining their companions upon the battle field, slashing, hacking, and bashing any foul creature that got in their way.
Thorin led the charge out of the mountain with his mighty sword held high in his hand..over the din Dains rallying cry could be heard.
"To the king! To the King!" Thorin could see Dain fighting his way over to where he battled a group of orcs. "Thorin! Hold on! Im coming!" finally they join..back to back, smiles of comraderie on both their faces. "Hey, cousin, what took you so long?" Thorin gave him an abashed look as they embraced in greeting, knowing no matter what his cousin wasnt mad at him. "I hope you have a plan, Thorin? Theres to many of these buggers to handle." as they fought, Thorin concocted a plan and with a twinkle in his eye..he chuckled as he sees Azog on top of the tower upon Ravenhill.
"Were going to take out their leader."seeing a group of battle rams nearby he leads a small group over to them.
"Azog?" Dain is surprised at Thorins answer. "Im going to kill that piece of filth." he nods his head, seeing Dwalin, Fili, and Kili joining him..his three best warriors. With a shout they direct thier mounts towards where they see the abomination standing, up on Ravenhill... killing orcs that cross their path. Dwalins battle cry of "Die!" rang out as his axe connects with each oponent.
A rut was being worn into the Erebor halls floors as the sounds of battle kept spiraling down the halls to where Kechi, Alysi, and Ahmi were...waiting in frustration. Right before the gates had been brought down..Thorin had "asked" more like ordered for the women to remain in the mountain. When they went to argue how they were perfectly capable fighters...Thorin took Kechis hands in his own warm ones, he peered deeply into her eyes..his blue eyes were intense and earnest as he asked her the puppy eyes ~ no question where Kili gets it from~.
"Please Kechi, amralime. I need you she went to argue again, but he swiftly placed a finger onto her lips to stop her speaking. "Please, my love. If I knew you were safe then I could fight with my whole heart and mind. You are the most important thing to me now. If I lose you , then there is nothing for me..only the gold sickness. Your love is the only thing that makes me die then there is only emptiness..a void that the sickness can fill once again." she lowered her eyes in resignation and agreed..for her and her sisters.
Now here they were having to wait till the battle ended or news came of the mens fate. Ahmi sat upon a fallen rock..leaning back onto her hands and letting her head fall back..groaning in frustration at having to sit here, like a bump on the log. Closing her eyes to rest briefly...she embraced the darkness, trying to block out the sounds coming from outside. Suddenly the darkness began to swirl around..turning grey with smoke as screams became louder. Ahmi looked around and realized she was standing upon a snowy outcrop...overlooking the fighting between the orcs and elves below to her her right she saw a tower rising up towards the sky. Hearing a hoarse cry above she turned her eyes towards it ..seeing a giant orc above with a sword for an arm..holding something hazy in his grasp. Ahmi gazed closer at what he was holding and her heart stopped...there in his grip was Fili, beaten and bruised severely. The orc was holding her beloved over the edge of the tower..dangling him over the open air as he clutched at the hand. Fear in his eyes that caught hers..his mouth moving...she focused on his lips.
"We are doomed. Dont let us die my us." suddenly a scream broke out as he was stabbed then dropped into the dark abyss below.
Ahmi felt hands on her shoulders, shaking her as the scream kept going on and on. Before she realized it was her voice that was piercing the air..she stopped..gasping as her heart raced. Opening her eyes she saw two pairs with identical looks of concern..watching her intently..knowing she had just had another vision. Getting her trembling under control she narrowed her eyes and growled out into the halls around them her voice filled with conviction on the path before her.
"Sisters..we came here to do a seems it still is not done. The Durin line is still, it seems, in need of saving. What do you say? Do we sit here like jeweled dolls and watch the line of Durin pass on into legends or do we defy a king and possibly save the Durin men?" there was some snorts and raised eyebrows from them.
"What do you think..sister of mine?" Alysi smirked as she placed a hand on her hip..they laughed as they ran out of the mountain.
An orc raised his foul bloodied blade over his head to strike the hobbit before him down, but Bilbo dodged it before it could reach him. Using his small stature to his advantage he steps out from the blades path into a spin around the creature and slashes at the orcs legs..effectively making him drop to the hobbits level where Bilbo quickly dispatched him. The lesson Thorin had given him, so long ago it seemed, all coming back to him there upon that field of war, as he fought to stay alive. After dispatching his adversary, he turned...spotting Thorin upon a great battle ram, heading up along the cliffs..being followed by three others.
"Its Thorin!" he shouted ecstatically ..very happy that his friend was still alive. Even after all that had transpired, Bilbo still thought of the great dwarf king as his friend..suddenly he hears Gandalfs voice right behind him.
"Its Fili and Kili..and Dwalin. Hes taking his best warriors." his words giving heart to the hobbit as they watched the dwarves scrambling up the mountain side. "Theyre going to cut off the head of the snake."
A loud cry of Gandalfs name and the sound of hooves made them both turn around to see who it was. Riding up to them was the two elves from Mirkwood, Legolas and unfamiliar elf and two dark red headed dwarves, who looked a tiny bit familiar to him.
"Gandalf!" Legolas shouted as he approached the wizard.
"Legolas and Tauriel and...Elladan? What?" he seemed to be surprised at the sight of the dark haired elfs presence, as they all dismounted.
"We bring news. There is a second army on its way. Bolg leads a force of Gundabad orcs. They are almost upon us." his words chill the wizard at the implications of this.
"Gandabad?" he curses under his breath. "This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces, then Bolg sweeps in from the North." Gandalf silently berates himself for not seeing this coming..he should of known..Bilbos quivering voice breaks through his thoughts.
"What? The ...the North? Where is the north exactly?" dread filling his heart at the look the wizard gives him.
"Ravenhill." Gandalfs stares grimly in the direction the group of dwarves were heading in and horror fills him.
"Ravenhill? Thorin is up there..and Fili and Kili! Theyre all up there!" his shout makes Tauriel look in the direction that was indicated..seeing three dwarf women scrambling along the cliffs, with their sharp eyes. She sends a heartfelt prayer to the Valar, to give her three friends speed to save the men..then seeing Gandalf and Bilbo running off towards Dale.
Fili sees the descending orc blade , aimed for his neck and he swings his left hand sword to block the orc blade..then spinning on his toes to sweep his right sword down..decapitating his foe.Then using his momentum to spin around using the left sword to gash open the belly of another orc as he moves both blades quickly into a defensive V position...stopping the orcs own blade from reaching him. He feels the jarring along his limbs as he pushes him away briefly..seeing another orc advancing on his left flank. He swiftly spins out, using his right sword to stab the creature through, then pulling out to slash the returning orc. This goes on..spinning, slashing, thrust, and block..until all four of the men are able to pause..viewing the carnage around them, looking for a particular orc amongst them.
"Where is he?" Fili growl, not seeing their prey amongst the bodies littering the ground. "I think Azog has fled." He feels angered by the beasts continued evasion...once again.
"I dont think so." Thorin knows Azog was not the kind to run..he had hunted the Durins far to long to give up so easily. "Fili, take your brother. Scout out the towers..keep low and out of sight." something didnt feel right...he could feel it deep in his bones. "If you see something, report not engage.Do you understand?" seeing them both nod, he suddenly hears a cackling sound getting closer.
"We have company...goblin mercenaries." Dwalin spat out in distaste of the approaching force. "No more than a hundred." seeing Fili and Kili pause in leaving, Thorin quickly reassures them as a smile passes across his lips, as they advance on the dwarves.
"We will take care of them. Go!" barking out Thorin engages the smelly goblins..sword meeting sword, noticing out of the corner of his eye, his nephews running off into the towers .. to see what they could find.
In Dale, the battle is finally turning in the peoples the troops they had held out for to arrive had stormed in..annihilating the orcs from behind. It helped greatly, that the elves had turned to help Dale in expelling these vile vermin from thier midst..with their aid the tide was turned. Eventually the battle was won and the survivors walked around, taking stock of any who made it out alive.
Thranduil, who had come along with Bard into the city, turned to his commander, ordering him to blow the horn..gathering his fighters to him so they could leave this retched city. As he waits he sees Gandalf and Bilbo riding up to him upon a horse.
"My lord, disperse this force to Ravenhill..the dwarves are about to be overun. Thorin must be warned." Gandalfs tone is full of urgency for the elvish kings compliance..counting on his aid. Thranduil just looks at the wizard as if he is not but an annoyance.
"By all means, warn him." his voice sounded almost bored. "Ive spent enough elvish blood in defense of this accursed land. No more!" he snarls out as he walks away..being followed by his troops..ignoring Gandalfs cries for him to stop.
"By all that is holy, that man is insufferable in his prejudices. Now we must find a way to warn Thorin in time." Gandalf stomps his feet in vexation as he walks off..stopping as he hears Bilbos voice.
"Ill go." he stares the wizard in the yes, his resolve strong in his body language. Gandalf attempted to argue with Bilbo, but the hobbit was very crafty. "Im not asking you to allow it Gandalf." with that he quickly slipped on his magic ring..disappearing from sight..ignoring Gandalfs pleas to come back as he slipped undetected past the battling combatants upon the field and up the path towards Ravenhill.
Tauriel was close enough to wher Gandalf was speaking to Thranduil and heard their words to each other. She saw the elvish king lift his head haughtily and became furious at Thranduils uncaring attitude to the dwarves plight. She quickly ran towards the gates that led out of the the city and stood there..waiting.It was moments before Thranduil rounded a corner and found his progress stopped by the red haired elf. His nose turned up as if he had just smelled something vile..but he stopped as she took the chance before her to try and reach something inside of him.s
""You will go no further. You will not turn away...not this time." there was a murmur amongst the elvish troops. They had never seen anyone stand up to the king before..especially a lowly sylvan elf.
"Get out of my way." his voice was cold and hard..not even caring as she spoke beseeching to him..hoping her words would strike something compassionate inside him..somewhere.
"The dwarves will be slaughtered." he just looked bored and indifferent at her.
"Yes, they will die. Today, tomorrow, one year hence, a hundred years from now. What does it matter? They are mortal." suddenly Tauriel becomes furious..she cant take his callous attitude anymore. She swiftly drew her bow and pointed it towards Thranduil as her voice went icy.
"You think your life is worth more than theirs? There is no love in you..Mirkwood King." she snarls at him..he moved faster than she could react as he pulled his sword...striking her bow in two in his anger..then pointing the blade at her, close to her body, as he sneered at her surprised face.
"What do you know of love? Nothing! What you feel for my son is not real. You think it is love? " he sees her yes narrowing as she whispers ~Yes~. His lips curl in disgust. "He could never love a lowly sylvan elf, such as you. Are you ready to die for it?" Thranduil pulls his arm back slightly as he prepares to skewer her on it...seeing her head come up ,not cowering ...suddenly his sword is struck out of his hand as Legolas appears out of no where. His glare at his father is unnerving to see and just as chilling as his voice.
"If you harm her, you will have to kill me."Legolas turns to Tauriel, his gaze softening as he smiled at her surprised face...she couldnt believe he would defy his father..for her. "I will go with love. Any where." taking her hand they both turned to leave his father sputtering behind them.
"They got closer to the gates, where stood the two dwarves,Dahl and Kahrn, smirks on thier faces at watching the scene unfold and the look of the flabbergasted elf king. Legolas groans at them as Tauriel just laughs in amusement.
"Oh...shut up you two. Lets go rescue your family." the men just chuckle as they run towards Ravenhill..praying they make it in time.
Elladan walks towards the Mirkwood King who just stands there watching his son walk away with that common she-elf.
"Children grow up before any father is ready it seems, King Thranduil." the blond elf king turns around quickly and glowers at the approaching elf. "One day youre changing thier nappies, then the next day they are defying you to go off to war."
"What are you doing here, Lord Elladan? Shouldnt you be back in the comfort of your garden bower..Rivendell?" his snarky comment doesnt get a rise out of the raven haired elf.
" place is here, beside those who are in need. These people..all these people are in need of any assistance they can get and I plan on giving what I can. How about you?" Elladan slowly turns away from the elf king, but as he leaves he fires back over his shoulder, one more parting remark. "You really should watch your son..see hoe he truly looks at her. Maybe youll remember that once you too looked upon some one like that." then he disappeared around a corner, leaving a stunned Thranduil in his wake.
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