Arriving In Paris
Snow looked around as she stepped down from the private plane. She looked around in amazement as she wanted to see more of the beauty it had to offer. When she was younger she didn't get to travel much and even when she was, she would only be there for a short amount of time or would be there to work on songs.
She looked over at the other Quartet Night members who had walked ahead of her. It was clear to her that they where used to travelling. Opposite to her Quartet Night looked calmer. They had this professional aura to them and it seemed that unlike her jet lag hadn't hit them as Snow covered her mouth to disguise her yawn.
Her and Quartet Night soon got out of the plane and into a private car as they ended up driving in a limo towards a high end hotel. In the back Ai and Ranmaru where sleeping as Reiji was gazing out of the window. It seemed like he had already found himself lost in the scenery which she wouldn't blame him for.
Snow turned her head forward as she snuggled her head against her neck pillow which was so soft which didn't make it hard for her to drift off to sleep. She felt so tired from travelling since she wasn't used to having to travel for so long. She was glad that she got some time to relax before things would get busy.
Once the taxi had stopped she slowly opened her eyes as she felt a hand against her shoulder. She looked over to Reiji who had a soft smile on his face as he then said " We have arrived." Snow smiled as she rubbed her eyes. " T-thank you. " she said in a soft yet tired tone. Her eyes slowly glanced over to the windows as she let her eyes slowly scan up at the building infront of her.
Snow got out as she looked up at the building that was towering infront of her. Snow then shook her head to stop stop being dazed and focused back onto what she had to do. She went into the building as she looked around at the marbal floor and luxurious furniture around her. She felt lost within this new world she had entered.
She wondered if she was even welcome within this new place. Snow jumped out of her daze as she felt a hand touch her shoulder as she looked over to Reiji. "Are you okay?" Reiji asked with a concerned tone. Snow nodded as she smiled at Reiji. " I-Its okay...I'm fine. " she said shyly.
Snow looked at the other members of Quartet Night walking in as Reiji walked in first with the other members following behind. Reiji looked excited as the other members continued to keep their calm and professional demenior as they walked.
Snow went up to her room as she soon started to unpack as the first thing she did was place her notebook on her desk. She was nervous to get started however she knew she had to do it. As she unpacked she had ideas for songs running through her head. She was wondering where to start.
After packing she decided to go down to the cafe floor as she looked over at Ai who was reading as she then shook her head out of her daze. She didn't want to look creepy by staring but she wouldn't be lying if she was taken in by his mysterious aura. She wanted to get to know Ai more but she was slightly scared by him.
Ai looked over to Snow in the corner of his eye as he moved over to give her space. " What are you doing down here?" Ai asked calmly as he looked back down to his magazine. This caught Snow off guard as she wasn't expecting him to call out on her. She looked back over to Ai. " I-I just wanted to get some energy." Snow shyly responded.
Snow looked back over to the bar as she ordered her coffee. Ai subtly shook his head. " Coffee does not help in the long term. " he said calmly. She knew about that fact however she wasn't great with sticking to that advice as she awkwardly awnsered " I-I know that." She looked down shyly.
Snow was starting to not be put off by Ai's coldness and this turned to her becoming more intrigued by Ai and this made her want to know more about her. She looked down at the sofa space next to him as she was slightly hesitant to join him however she faced on her nerves and decided to just sit next to him.
She took a seat next to him. Even after that he still looked so calm and she looked over to him as she noticed his cool aura. Even though he was next to her he still seemed so distant from her.
She didn't know if her curiousity was coming from the fact he was an idol or by the fact that his personality had made her more curious. She was usually taken in by mysterious men and even if that didn't always work out for her she still ended up enjoying the feeling of finding out more about people like that.
They where both sat in silence for a minute until Snow cleared her throat. She decided to finally speak up and break the silence. " I-I did like that crime drama. Y-your acting was very good." She said awkwardly.
Ai put his magazine down as he looked over to Snow. " Thank you, I am glad that people appreciate my work. " Ai said in his usually calm demenior. Snow wanted to know more about his craft. She remembered watching the dramas he had been in and how professional he was within them.
Snow smiled softly as she as she slowly leaned to peek a glance at what Ai was reading. She wondered if maybe he was reading something relating to his craft. Ai slowly glanced over to Snow which made her eyes widen as she quickly shifted back to her seat. She looked to the side as she tried to make sure her blush was away from her face.
To Snow Ai was definitely a mysterious guy.
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