special| q&a
1. What got you into graphic designing?
I... don't really remember, it's been that long. When I opened my first Wattpad account, I opened it so I could read and write stories. I kind of completed a story and had two or three chapters of a sequel to it, and it was surprisingly popular, considering how bad the writing was. The writing phase kind of lost charm and I didn't feel like writing anymore. I was looking at what other people did on Wattpad besides writing and I stumbled upon a graphic shop. And I thought that looked very fun, so I've decided to give it a go.
And I think that the beginning of my graphic journey was the end for my phone. It shut down for good a few months after.
2. What styles of graphics do you prefer to make?
I've discovered that I like doing middle-ground manipulations best - they don't take a lot of time and nerves, plus when done right, they look amazing. By middle-ground I mean putting a simple background together, a model (no headswaps, color alterings at most) and some cool details.
3. What's your favorite type of graphic to make?
I think that my favorite type of graphic would be cover. It's just that I've gotten so used to the size, and now it feels most comfortable working in those limits. I try to expand that cover-comfort zone little by little.
4. Any graphic designing fears? If so, what?
Never thought about this one... but of the top of my head, ummm, losing all the work I've done so far, losing all knowledge I've managed to collect, waking up one day without being capable of putting together something simple, waking up only to never ever remember I ever did graphics.
Would this be a good answer?
5. What's your favorite graphic you've made so far?
Crow King. Even if it was so long ago, I think that's my best graphic I ever did even though it has some hiccups. I don't think I've done anything that could top it (Deathless Realm comes in a close second, someday it may stand alongside Crow King if I remember to fix the sky).
6. Would you ever make design a source of income for yourself?
I thought about this not so long ago. I could literally pay my dorm rent with two or three covers a month and still have a good amount of money on the side (based on the pricing I've seen around the net). Maybe someday I'll actually give it a go, but I don't think I'm quite there yet, there's still a long road ahead of me.
7. What's your favorite genre (design or reading-wise)?
Designwise it would be fantasy, because I get to play around with various elements and lightings and stuff, it just feels to me like a genre with the most freedom.
Readingwise, my favorite genres are fantasy and science fiction, though I don't shy away from action, mysteries, thrillers, comedies and romances. It doesn't really depend on the genre, more on the writing style and storyline.
8. Hobbies outside of designing?
I enjoy playing videogames (as well as catching them for free. thank you, EpicGames <3 ), playing piano (for the soul), watching anime (it's cultural rising of the spirit) and writing (when I feel especially inspired).
9. Favorite music/artist?
I enjoy listening to almost any kind or genre of music, but lately I've been going back to my roots, so my current playlist has a lot of Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco. Other artist whose music I very much enjoyed over time are (in no particular order): Black Keys, LP, Caravan Palace, Lady Gaga, P!nk, Bastille, David Guetta + some artist from my country.
10. Dream career?
Ummm, I haven't really gotten to that point... yet. But I guess that working in gaming industry would be cool, because when you think about it, games are modern variation of storytelling. I'm aware that I'll have to be crazy good to even think about it for real, and that scares me a bit. But is an aspiration really big enough if it doesn't scare you a little bit?
A lot of things can and will change along the way, so we'll see where life takes me.
11. Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?
I think I would ride a bike. It's eco-friendly and it body-friendly. I don't have my license yet (planned on getting it this summer, but with this quarantine situation, I'm not sure if that's gonna be possible) and I rode a horse. Riding was fun, but the horse bit me, so yeah... as cool as it is and as cool as it would be, I'd rather not.
12. Favourite movie?
Oooh, a tough one. I'll list the ones I can remember, but there's probably more. In no particular order: Demolition, Mission Impossible: Fallout, Free Solo, Casanova, Unbreakable, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Lord Of The Rings, Silence Of The Lambs, Gladiator, Prestige
And many, many more.
13. Pet peeves?
I am not a clean person, my work desk and my closet are the biggest proof of that. But I can't stand it when people use their mobile phones with dirty, greasy fingers, or are putting their devices on dirty, greasy surfaces. Or when laptop screens literally have a dusty keyboard imprint on them. That ticks me off so much.
14. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?
A fishing rod, because fishing is a very relaxing activity and a good way to pass some time. A big box of matches, so I can keep myself nice and toasty at night. A damascus knife with a cool pattern, so I have something to offer to the local tribe if they for some reason decide to roast me with some coconuts. I'd say that's a fair trade.
15. Do you have a pet?
Yes, I do! I have a german shepherd named Rex (when naming him, I wanted my family to call him Emperor, but nobody listened to me; though Rex actually fits him). He's a true gentleman, he's sporting a nice white beard, and as of recently, slightly white eyebrows. Very happy dog and very cuddly.
Aaaand, I have two black cats, Simba and Tiny. One of my friends likes to say that I've let two demons in my house and very bad luck. But there's two of them, so I like to think that they cancel each other out.
And I have a gold fishie. All three wishes still unused.
16. Any siblings?
I have a younger sister, she's seven years younger than me and a promising artist (her drawings are really good!). Although we sometimes annoy each other, we get along pretty great.
17. Plans after graduation?
I plan to graduate again! After I get my bachelor's degree, I plan on getting a master's degree. I'd like to get my master's degree in databases, but there's quite a way ahead of me, so who knows. The only thing I know for sure I don't want is to be teaching informatics to elementary school/middle school/high school kids. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against children, but being a teacher is another challenge all together and I'm not sure that that is a path for me.
Or end up under a bridge somewhere. That wouldn't be very cash money.
18. Favourite book?
One of my favourite books ever is Howl's Moving Castle. It's a book I still go back to quite often because it is such a joy. Sophie Hatter is the first character I had a real connection with and the first character I could relate to. And I think that so far, the only one I could 100% relate with. And the dynamics between Sophie/Michael and Howl is a beautiful one. And Howl is such a chaotic guy, it's adorable. If you haven't read it, please do so right now. I promise you, you won't regret that decision.
Other favorites: Harry Potter series, Percy Jackson series, Hamlet (it was a mandatory read in highschool, for some reason I enjoyed it very much), Witcher series (although I haven't finished them yet)
19. Do you have a favourite season?
Yes, I do! My favorite season would be winter. It has a very special and festive atmosphere that I adore. And of course, snow. It's something special to wake up and notice that light coming through your window is different than usual because there is so much snow outside that it's practically glowing. I didn't like this winter very much, all I got was dry skin. And no snow.
20. When's your birthday?
My birthday is November 28th. I've always found it a very peculiar date for some reason.
21. Coffee or tea?
Tea. I like every kind of tea except linden tea. It does smell amazing, but I just can't stand the taste of it. I don't like coffee, though I do drink cappuccino when I'm grabbing a cup of...something with friends and we don't have that much time. Tea is a drink that takes time to cool a bit, and you just have to sip it slowly. I'm usually a fast drinker, but I try to make my tea last for as long as possible.
22. Candy is amazing.
Yes. Yes, it is.
Thank you for the questions! I had fun answering them and I hope you've had just as much fun reading them! ^-^
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