Sting and Jessie's Past
~Jessie's P.O.V.~
"Jessie!" Frosch cried in excitement. I first stared at the frog-like Exceed, but my eyes dilated in shock as they traveled upwards and saw Rogue, Lector, and....Sting. My crystal blue eyes locked into his dark blue eyes while his locked with mine.
"Jessie.." he whispered, shocked. I don't think anybody heard his voice, though, except for me and Rogue. Without thinking, my feet slowly backed away as tears began dripping down my face without my consent. I wanted them to stop, but I really couldn't help it. Somewhere in the back of my head said that everyone was staring at me. As a response, I quickly turned around and ran as fast as I could to Fairy Hills, not knowing where else to go to hide.
"Wait Jessie!" I heard Lexi shout, but I didn't want to wait. My mind questioned why I was running, and I couldn't decide whether it was because I didn't want them to see me crying or if it was because I couldn't handle seeing...a certain blond again. Tears were now streaming down my face like a waterfall, and no matter how hard I tried, they wouldn't stop; I guess I really am a crybaby. Of all days, it just had to be this damn one!! I cursed in my mind as I raced away from Sting, probably leaving all the girls baffled.
~Sting's P.O.V.~
I watched her run away...from me. My chest was hurting, but why? I really couldn't explain it, but I placed a hand and gripped the part of my top that was over my heart to lessen the pain anyways. Erza, Wendy, and Lucy were all looking at me and Rogue with angry/worried expressions. "What the hell was that about?" Erza asked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. I opened my mouth, but closed it. There really was no way to explain it without them becoming mad... I glanced over to Lexi, who looked like she was about to tackle me if she wasn't so small. "I-I, eto..." I stammered.
"How 'bout we go see if Jessie's okay first? I'm pretty sure she went there," Lexi suggested, saving me from having to explain. I couldn't understand why she'd do such a thing, but I was glad for it anyways.
"I suppose you're right.." Erza replied reluctantly, but then turned around gestured for Wendy and Lucy to follow. "Let's go!" With that, they all headed in Jessie's direction. Lexi didn't go with them, and they didn't seem to notice. Instead, she used her Aera Magic to fly right up to my face. I opened my mouth to say something, but was cut out when Lexi abruptly held my vest and shoved me onto the wall, hard. For an Exceed, she's really strong.
"Don't think you're getting away with this," she snarled, fury gleaming in her eyes. "Have you no shame for what you did?!" As a response to her question, I looked down to the ground. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth to try and stop the tears pricking at the corner of my eyes. I didn't want her, or anyone for that matter, to see them, but she obviously since she was close to my face. She let out an angry sigh and let go of my vest. "It's been 6 years and she still cries.." she muttered quietly. Her voice wasn't filled with anger, but with sadness. She closed her eyes, then glanced at me. Her gaze was angry, yet not.
"Perhaps you shouldn't try to see after on the day you kinda betrayed her, don't you think?" she spat, but not as harshly as she had before. Before I could answer her, Rogue grabbed ahold of my arm and and shook his head, telling me it wasn't a great idea to say what I wanted to. Lexi noticed this gesture and let out a sigh. "Whatever, that was your warning, "she says then turns around to fly after her friends.
I stand there, my body still and my feet seemingly stuck to the ground as I watch Jessie's Exceed fly away until she's nothing but a speck in the distance. "Sting-kun, are you okay?" Lector frowned and stood beside me. I slowly nod and wipe away the tears stinging my eyes.
"She hasn't forgiven me..." I sadly mutter under my breath without thinking, making more tears appear. I grinded my teeth even harder to stop them, but it was getting quite obvious that it wasn't working. Rogue put one of his hands on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. He gave a weak smile as an attempt to do so.
"At least we know she's safe," he soothed. I wipe away my tears again and nod, absentmindedly praying that he wouldn't tease me for it later.
"Yeah, there's that," I reply, my voice empty.
~❧time skip- 1 hour❧~
~Jessie's P.O.V.~
I laid on my bed in Fairy Hills, my pillow over my face to dry the onslaught of tears that came and went. I'm always a crybaby, and ever since that incident, I'm sure that Father was right when he said that I cry too much. The tears had stopped a couple minutes earlier, but that was probably because I didn't have any left in me as I still felt the same. Memories of that day, of the excruciating pain I felt both physically and mentally, played over and over again in my head, and I desperately wanted it to stop as everytime it came to that part. I'd clutch my hands (which were under the pillow) into fists every time that part flashed in my head.. Of all damn days...
My moment of despondency, however, was interrupted an abrupt knock at the door pulled me out of my thoughts. "Jessie? You there?" I heard Lucy's muffled voice through the door.
"Just leave me alone," I groan, my voice also muffled by the pillow.
"Please open the door.." Lexi pouted.
"No," I answer bluntly.
"Why don't you talk about what happened?" Erza suggested, her tone gentle.
"Leave. Me. Alone," I repeated myself with a more firm voice. I didn't want comfort or pity, I just want to be alone, so that no one has to see me like this..
"Jessie-san? Please, can we come in?" But then, Wendy's voice came through the door. Her voice sounded sincere and innocent, and my mind stopped flashing my recurring nightmare/memories at her voice. Knowing that I couldn't just stay laying on my bed and weep while they stood outside and wait for me, I sigh and lifted one of my hands. It glows a faded white, and the door soon opens without me having to get up. Erza, Lucy, Lexi, and Wendy then enter, their footsteps soft and cautious. I bury my face deeper into my pillow, not wanting them to see my swollen and probably red eyes. I'm really such a crybaby..
"Jessie-san?" I heard Wendy's voice right beside me. The bed also shifted, signalling that she probably sat down. "Can you please tell us why you ran off like that when we saw Sting-san and Rogue-san?"
"Mmmgrifgh..." I groan as my response.
"Jessie," Erza's sharp voice pierced the air. I tilt my head to show her a part of my face, and her eyes grew wide when she saw it. I don't exactly know how I looked, but I probably looked terrible with a red face and swollen eyes. "Jessie, as your comrades and friends, we are worried," Erza spoke more with a gentler tone. "If you want us to execute or punish the Twin Dragons, we are more than happy too," everyone, including me, sweatdropped at the sinister aura Erza had around her, "but, I'm afraid we'd need an explanation and a good reason before doing so."
"Uh, yeah..I agree with that too," Lucy sweatdropped, but then smiled. I smile a little bit in return. Why did I ever leave such a great guild?
"Okay, I'll tell you," I sniffled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes of dried tears. "I should..probably start from the very beginning."
~❧Flashback: 7 years ago❧~
"Aw come on Jessie, cheer up!" Lexi tried to comfort me. "You said it's hard to kill them right? I believe 'ya!"
"*sniffle* Still..I should've been there with them!" I cried, not even caring to try to stop my overflowing tears. It didn't matter either way, though, because Lexi slapped me right in the face, immediately stopping my tears in shock.
"NO! They wouldn't have wanted them with you Jessie!" Lex growled. I slowly brought my hand to my face, carefully touching the now-sore spot on my cheek.
"..Thanks for the slap to come back to reality.." I muttered. My young Exceed smiled cheekily.
"No problem!" she beamed. I opened my mouth to say something, but I was cut off when something or someone crashed into me! My vision was a complete blur as we tumbled down the hill I was just sitting on. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, I found myself looking up at something that was on top of me while the world wobbled and tilted from the spinning I had just experienced. When my vision cleared, I realized that the boy was right on top of me.
"Hey, what's your—" I spat, but then I stopped. I could feel my cheeks slowly flush red as my mind realized that the boy was really cute. His dark blue eyes shone like the blue sky and his spiky blond hair really complimented it.
"O-ow..." he groaned in pain. His unfocused eyes gained refocus and his dark blue pupils met with mine, which made me blush even further. His eyes growing wide, he quickly got up and muttered an embarrassed, "S-sorry.." I could see he was blushing too, but I inferred that was out of embarrassment.
"Sting-kun!! Are you okay??" I heard a distant male voice say. We both turned to the top of the grassy hill I was just standing on to see a red-brown cat that had wings like Lexi fly towards us.
"Yeah, I'm fine Lector," the boy replied, rubbing the back of his neck. Lexi then proceeded to fly towards us as well.
"Jessie! you hurt?? You need healing magic??? Do I need to get Rogue or your father?!?" my Exceed started to panic.
"I-I think I'm good," I stammered a response. Lexi looked at me with a weird look on her face, and I suddenly realized that I was still looking at the boy. I quickly turn away, my face flushing a deeper shade of red. Why was I staring at him??
"Come back here thief!!" Yet another voice was heard, and this time it sounded older and gruff. The boy's eyes filled with fear at the sound of the voice, and he immediately grabbed ahold of his Exceed.
It was then that three tough-looking people ran down the hill and towards us. The boy, with his cat safely secured in his arms, backed away in fear. They both looked really scared as both of their bodies were trembling, but I didn't back away. Instead, I frowned in worry and glanced back at the three thugs.
"Get back Lexi.." I murmured when I saw the guild marks on their arms. Lexi didn't even have to question my order and did as she was told. The three men then walked up to me with scrunched up looks of disgust.
"Hey girl, get out of our way before we beat you into a pulp," the one on the far left threatened me. "Our business is with the boy."
"And, may I ask, what did he do?" I asked innocently, showing off an innocent smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the blond boy show a face of confusion.
"For your information, missy, he stole my gold locket," the one on the right hissed.
"Shut up you two! Why are you revealing information to a stupid little girl?!" the man who was right in the middle snarled. He was obviously the leader. An annoyed smirk curled onto my lips and I cracked my knuckles.
"Stupid?! Lemme show you a thing or two..." I put my hands into formation, just like how he had taught me. "Ice make...Lance!" Spears appeared out of mid-air and were propelled towards the three men. They obviously were surprised by the sudden attack and tried to dodge it. I laughed as I watched them run around in circles, yelping in surprise whenever a spear would almost pierce them. "Dancing are we??" I mocked in between my laughter. The leader growled and clenched his fists.
"Okay, you forced me brat.." he growled. He then jumped high into the air and directed the palms of his hands towards me. "Red shower!" he chanted, making red flames spew forward, raining from the sky. My smirk only grows wider.
"That all you got?!" I yelled my motto as I drew in air while dodging the flaming orbs of fire."Water Dragon's Roar!" A torrent of rushing water spewed from my mouth and hit the leader right in the stomach. He doubled over from the impact, then proceeded to fall to the ground, knocked out. I looked up at the two other men, who trembled in fear and looked as if they would piss their pants anytime soon. "Anyone else want some?" I ask, holding out my arm and gesturing for them to come at me. They quickly shook their head and started to run, but before they could take one step, I rushed over to where they were and grabbed their shirts. "And where do you think you guys are going?" I hissed into their ears. I dropped one of them and gave them a deadly glare that made sure he stayed where he was. I then pulled the other guy right to my face and muttered, "Now, what is the guild Eisenwald here looking for a boy?" Sweat was pouring from the man's face as he stuttered a response.
"I-I was telling the truth! H-he stole my gold locket..."
"And you're telling me you didn't steal it either?" I narrow my eyes at him. He quickly shook his head, sweat profusely pouring down his forehead.
"I did! I did steal it! I admit, just please don't kill me!!" he begged like a sissy. Rolling my eyes, I let go of his collar, making him fall with a pathetic thud.
"Mess with this boy, and you declare war with Saberooth," I growl to both of the thieves. They quickly nodded, took their leader, and ran away. I shook my head as I watched them scramble away like the idiots they were. I thought Eisenwald was stronger... I thought to myself, but shrug off the thought. I turned to see the boy with his eyes as large as plates. ...But they shouldn't be so close to Sabertooth. "Hey, you alright?" I asked the boy, walking over to him. He slowly nodded.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine, but y-you used more than one magic...especially the last one.." he stammered in amazement. He tried to stand up, but he immediately winced in pain and fell back to the ground.
"Sting-kun!" his cat cried in distress. Concerned, I ran to his side and sat down beside him.
"You don't seem alright," I frowned, worry evident in my voice.
"N-no, I'm fine, it's just a scratch," he waved off, his voice suddenly sounding weak and tired. He tried to stand up again, but then failed. Luckily, I was there to catch him before he fell all the way back to the ground. It was then that I noticed some blood trickling down his face. My eyes grow wide at the sight of the oozing red liquid.
"Y-your face..." He touched his face with his hand and found blood on the tips of his fingers. There was this huge cut right above his right eye. "We need to get you back to the guild," I insisted. He was about to argue, but before he could say anything, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he suddenly collapsed.
"Sting-kun!" his cat cries and immediately rushes to his side.
"Oi! What's wrong?" I then shout, panicking, but he had already blacked out. Before I jumped to conclusions, I felt his forehead. "He has a high fever.." I mumbled, my eyebrows knitting with concern.
"I told him!" the red-brown cat sobbed. "I told him he was sick!!" I lifted the boy bridal-style and ran towards the guild, Lexi following right beside me. His cat, apparently named Lector, came with us, or more accurately, refused to leave the boy's side.
When we reached the guild, I ran past all the confused members and went to the small infirmary we had in the back of the guild. I set the blond down on one of the beds and scramble to get the materials I needed, and it was then that my father came into the room with a confused look on his face.
"What's wrong Jessie? Who's that?' he asked, frowning.
"No time to explain, but I need some water, a towel, and the first aid kit," I replied rather quickly. "And Lexi, you go with him." He obviously had more questions, but he understood and went to go get what I just asked for. Lexi nodded and quickly followed behind. With materials coming, I took a glance at the boy. Ugh, why didn't I see he was sick?? I can't believe I missed he had a terrible cut too. I curse at myself.
Not wanting to waste any more time, I examined his wounds with a more careful eye. The cut on his forehead was pretty deep, and his leg was sprained, probably from the fall. Other than that and the high fever, he was fine. Lector looked like he was on the verge of (more) tears. He had been by his friend's side since we entered. I petted him on the head in pity.
"He'll be alright, he probably just needs some rest...well, okay, a lot of rest." Lector nodded and wiped his tiny tears away.
"Will he be okay though?" he sniffled. I offer a smile and nod.
"He will, I promise," I replied. "Perhaps you should get some rest too."
"B-but what if he wakes up and I'm not there??" he frowned.
"I'm sure he'll understand," I responded. Lector was still reluctant, but he gave a nod and rubbed his eyes. He climbed onto the bed that was right next to his friends and was out like a light in the matter of seconds. I rubbed my eyes from exhaustion as well and looked at the boy, apparently named Sting, if memory serves me right. I wondered why he was running away from those thieves? I remembered one of them said something about stealing a gold locket.
Curious, I examined Sting's hands and notice something in his right hand.
I slowly opened the palm of his hand, weary to not wake him up, and discovered a golden heart-shaped locket inside. Cautiously, I took it and dangled it in front of my face to examine it. It was sort of heavy, signaling it was real gold. Did he really steal this? Is he a thief? my ever curious mind asked. I shake my head to get rid of the questions and decided to put it on the nightstand next to his bed. I then proceeded to wait for Father to return so that I could treat his wounds and fever.
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