Do I Want To Say Goodbye?
~Jessie's P.O.V.~
It's been a week since I received Sting''s present. Everyone keeps asking what happened, but Lexi shoos them off for me. Four days ago, people finally stopped bugging me about it, and my life returned to normal. I even went on a couple jobs with Team Natsu. It was fun to help them on a job, even though we almost never got our reward money because they would destroy the town. Even after a week, though, I can't stop thinking about Sting's note and how he said goodbye. Do I really want him out of my life? I don't know...
"Jessie?" I nearly jump out of my skin at the sound of a familiar voice. I quickly shut the book that I had just been writing in just in time to see Lexi coming towards me.
"You alright?" Lexi asked as she used her wings to hover over my head. She then proceeded to plop onto my head, making me smile.
"Yeah, just writing in my journal," I replied, tilting my head up to look at her.
"Don't you mean your diary?" Lexi's lips curled into a smirk and she snickered. My cheeks started to flush a pale pink.
"N-no! I mean journal!" I huffed, the tiniest bit embarrassed.
"Riiiight.." Lexi rolled her eyes.
"E-everyone went on a job, even Mira, so I decided to just write an entry!" I stammered an explanation. Lexi opened her mouth to counter what I said, but the large guild doors suddenly busted open, its loud 'bang!' reverberating throughout the rather empty guildhall.
Both Lexi and I immediately turned our heads to the entrance. My eyes grew wide when I saw a raven-haired man, a green Exceed in a pink frog costume, and a red-orange cat wearing a blue vest. Almost instantaneously, I realized who they were, as I had seen them a little over a week ago.
"HELP! I NEED HELP!!" Rogue yelled, panic clearly embedded in the tone of his voice. I ignored the fact that I hadn't talked to him for 6 years and that Rogue of all people had just yelled. Instead, I quickly ran towards him.
"What's wrong?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing in worry. The ravenhead was panting hard, and looked a bit roughed up. There was evidence of scratches all over his body, and there were a couple bruises here and there.
"We..we went on...a job.." he panted, gasping for air.
"What job was it?" I asked, annoyed that he was pausing, but I couldn't quite blame him.
"It capture...a special..mage..." He answered. "The...request...didn't...specify.."
"Okay, what happened then??"
"We met....the Mage...and he was...too powerful...for us.." Both Lexi and my eyes grow wide with alarm. Too powerful for the Twin Dragons? That was basically unheard of, unless your Fairy Tail..
"Where is he?" I asked anxiously. "Where's Sting???" Rogue lifted his arm and pointed in the opposite direction.
"In the that direction.." Rogue responded.
"St-Sting-kun.." Lector hiccuped in between sobs. I turned to Lexi.
"Lexi, stay here and treat Rogue's wounds," I told her, my voice stern.
"What?! No way! I need to help you over there!!" my Exceed protested. I shook my head.
"I'll be fine, okay?" I replied. "They need you here." She pursed her lips, but nodded and helped Frosch and Lector carry Rogue to the infirmary. I glanced over to Mira, who had watched the whole scene.
"You'll take care of him right?" I asked. She flashed a smile and nodded. I nodded back as a thanks and sprinted as fast as I could to the forest with one thing in my mind. Sting, you better not be dead, because I'm still not sure if I want to say goodbye yet.
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