The Final Beholer part 2
Aphmau pov:
I woke up to a ponytail and Shelby whispering things so I made a groan to show I was awake. They looked at me relived and updated me."okay so I found this guy outside crying over a frozen child and he told me that she wouldn't listen to him about going here. All in all I comforted him until he fell asleep and brought him here." She finished I nodded and the man gave a groan."Shit what the help happened."he mumbled to himself soon he saw us and jumped off the couch into a defensive position.,"Stay away from me!" He was shaking out of fear but played it off well with a brave face. Ponytail decided to try to calm him down."dude calm down. We saw what happened and wanted to help." He cooed the man didn't flinch though he did soften his face ever so slightly so I chimed in." He is right we saw what happened. You didn't freeze and that means you are a winter beholder." I told him he nodded his head agreeing," I know but I miss my family." He looked down and gave a sniff. Shelby went up to him and patted his shoulder and he looked up at her."luckily we are also winter beholders." She exclaimed in her high pitch voice causing ponytail, Aphmau and The man to hold their ears. She giggled backing down whispering a sorry. ,"Well what are you guys if you are winter beholder?" He asked. We walked back to the Living room and sat down.," Well My name is Aphmau and I am the beholder of snow." I smiled creating a Large snowflake in my hand."Hello my name is Shelby and I am the beholder of ice!" She giggled Creating a Large ice snowflake in her hand."Call me ponytail I am the beholder of Wind." He created a breeze and our snowflakes danced with it around the room as if they were partners."Well my name is max and I am the beholder of temperature" he looked down. We all have him a questioning look. He must have noticed so he lifted his head up and began to explain,"okay so temperature I can make it Hot or cold. But only during the winter season can I do it on purpose. In summer, fall or spring it happens depending my mood." He gasped in air and started again,"So when I get mad it gets hotter, when I get sad it gets colder, when I am neutral it stays the way it supposed to, and when I am afraid, Well I dunno. Never been afraid." He finished Shelby and Ponytail understood but I gasped at a theory,"does that Mena you can walk around in spring, summer and fall?" He nodded his head. We all gasped almost passing out from lack of oxygen.
Well now we know that it's max and he has The power of temperature! Now I need to start the ships! *Evil Laughter*
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