the new girl
This is going to be a highschool story were jerza happens and it will be in Jellal's pov because I feel he doesn't get enough screen time so yeah :b enjoy!
'My name is Erza Scarlet and I am from fairy hills, I like cake, fighting and strawberries, and I am a tramsfer student from heaven towers high.'
A girl with long Scarlet hair and brown eyes stands nervously at the front of the class. I hear people gasp around me - heaven towers high has a reputation for beating it's pupils and most of the people who go there have nowhere else to go.
Poor girl
I think.
'That is lovely Erza, now will you go and sit in the spare seat next to Jellal please.' The girl walks quietly over to the desk next to mine, and smiles shyly at me before getting out her books from her bag.
'Alright now class can you turn to page 157 in your textbook 2 and...' the teacher starts droning on about magical laws and rights.
She's very pretty
I think as I watch her taking notes and looking at the teacher intently. She notices me staring at her and turns a bit pink as she continues with her work.
And kinda cute...
Shut up brain.
Finally the bell rings for the end of class, and I get up and pack my stuff. I see her wandering around confused-looking and I go over to her.
'Do you know where you are going?' I ask politely.
'I'm fine thank you.' She snaps back.
'Are you sure?'
'What is your next class?'
'Magical languages.'
She starts heading off in the wrong direction.
'It's that way.' I point in the opposite direction from her with a smirk.
'Hmph.' She walks off in a huff and I follow her to magical languages class.
~Time skip to lunch break~
I hear the bell ring for the end of class and everyone goes to lunch. I see natsu already eating like there is no tomorrow, sitting next to gray and gajeel. I walk over to them and sit down.
'I am so gonna crush you in battle training flamebrain.' Says gray, eating a popsicle.
'Yfoub wfish ibce pfrinfessb.' says natsu, with a mouth full of food.
'You all know I am gonna kick both your asses.' Says gajeel, chewing on some nails.
'YEAH RIGHT!' say natsu and gray. I decide to shut them up. They will probably start fighting otherwise.
'Guys stop it.' A darkening aura surrounds me. 'You all know I will beat all of you, at the same time.' I say light heartedly.
'No fair, you have a wizard saints badge!' Say natsu. (A wizard saints badge is a thing of honour in our school that you get if you have lots of magical power.)
I see natsu glance over to a table filled with girls and he is looking at one particular blonde girl... I think he said her name's luigi?
'Is she your girlfriend?' I ask him.
'No...' he replies bashfully.
'Oh yeah me and levy are going out on a date on friday.' Says gajeel casually.
'Oh so you finally asked her out?' gray snickers.
'Says you.' Gajeel says, pointing out a blue haired girl who is staring creepily at gray with lovehearts in her eyes.
I raise my eyebrows at gray.
'She's not my girlfriend she just stalks me. Thats all.' He replies firmly.
Yeah right...
'What about you Jellal, are you seeing anyone?' Natsu asks.
I quickly glance over to the girls table where I see the Scarlet haired girl chatting happily with the others.
'No.' I reply.
'Then who's that redhead looking at you?' He asks with a smirk.
She was looking at me!
'Her hair is scarlet and no I don't know her.' I reply quickly
I wish I did...
'Uhuh...' natsu says before getting up to go as the bell rings.
I go over to the girl.
'Do you know the way to battle training?' She asks me politely.
'Yes I do, why would you like me to walk you to class?' I ask with a smirk.
'Yes please.' She says blushing.
'Whats your name again?'
'Erza. Erza Scarlet.'
'Well Erza what type of magic do you use?'
XD just joking. I'll get on with the story~
'Requip. What about you?'
'Heavenly body magic, ''cause my body's so heavenly.' (Yes I say that whenever I tell someone my magic)
She groans at my joke. We go round a corner.
'Are you any good at fighting?' I ask.
'Yeah, why?'
'Do you think you could fight me?'
She snorts.
We make it to class just in time and the teacher walks in after us.
'Good afternoon class!' The teacher says enthusiastically.
'Good afternoon Mr. Guildarts.' We all reply.
'Today we will be doing wizard duels, so everyone find a partner.' We all go with the person next to us, so I get to go with Erza.
Let's see how this goes
'Bow.' We all bow to our partners.
Should be a peice of cake
'Start!' He shouts. I hear people shouting magic all around, but I focus on Erza, who has already requipped. I dodge her attacks, and send a few small attacks of my own. After a while, I decide to step things up a notch.
'I summon forth the seven stars of the heavens,' when people hear me say the spell they stop fighting to watch.
'Grand chariot!' Seven balls of light appear in a formation then crash down on Erza one by one.
'Requip! Angel armour!' I hear Erza shout as she manages to block most of my spell. I hear gasps around - she is stronger then she looks.
Maybe she can stand up against me. I should go all out.
'Impressive.' I say to her.
'You haven't seen nothing yet!' She smirks.
She was right when she said she loved fighting.
We continue to battle, and more people are gathering around us.
'Break time!' Guildarts shouts. We all go and sit on the benches at the sides of the gym.
I have a plan.
'How about,' I say to her quietly
'Whichever one of us wins gets to choose where I take you for a date tonight. Deal?'
'Sure!' She replies, cheeks a bit pink.
She's so cute.
Shut up brain.
'Break's over continue fighting!'
And we all continue fighting. Erza seemed to be thinking about somthing else while she was fighting, so I won. Little did I know that the new girl I was fighting would become the love of my life.
Phew! That went better than I expected. I find it easier to write in Erza's pov so this took a while! :3 I love writing fluff though. So cuuuuuute! I'll update when I can so see y'all sooooooon!!!
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