first date
This chapter is gonna be a continue of the last one with Erza's pov and yeah just read and enjoy!
Finally the bell rang for the end of school and we all packed up our stuff and headed to the lockers.
Omg omg omg I can't belive Jellal asked me out on a date!!!
He had said earlier that where we are going will be a suprise...
Omg omg omg...
I hurry exitedly over to my locker, which is next to lucy, levy and juvia's lockers. (They are some nice girls I met today)
'You seem exited Erza!' Lucy says walking over.
'Yeah watch where you are going!' Levy is picking her books up off the ground. Oops, must have knocked her over. Just then Jellal walks by, giving me a wink as he passes.
I think as my cheeks turn red. I quickly start to shove all my books into my locker.
'Does Erza like anyone?' Asks juvia smirking.
'No. I don't.' I say quickly. I start walking away but levy pulls me back.
'Then who was the blue haired guy you were staring at in class?'
Shoot. Was it that obvious?
'Erm... his name is Jellal.'
And he's hot. Yep I said it.
'Fine. I... we... he kinda asked me out.'
And I'm so exited!
'And you just met?' Levy raises her eyebrows at me.
'You and gajeel just met.' Says lucy smirking.
'Thats different!'
'As long as you don't like my gray-sama...' says juvia dreamily.
I look at my watch. I have to meet him at the school gates now.
'Guys, I gotta go!' I shout back as I run off. I slow down as I get outside, and I walk calmly to the school gates. Luckily he hasn't arrived yet.
'BOO!' someone grabs me from behind.
'Kyaaaa!' I scream. I turn around and slap the person in the face and kick them in the stomach. I am about to get out my sword until I realize it is Jellal.
'Hey Erza, did you just say "kyaa"?' He asks me smirking.
I feel myself blushing. I don't usually show such weakness, but I hate jumpscares.
'I hope you react like that when we are watching women in black.' He says.
Oh god. Not a horror movie.
'Wait, but the cinema is ages away!'
Phew. An excuse.
'Ahem. Meteor? Remember?'
Darn his magic.
'But there are two of us!'
'I can carry you.'
Unable to think of another excuse, he picks me up bridal style and we shoot towards the cinema.
'You ready?' He asks me as he purs me down.
'Shut up!' I pout, as we go inside the cinema. He pays for the tickets and we go to the sweets pic 'n' mix. I get a bag of strawberry lace, strawberry haribo and strawberry bonbons, whilst he gets a bag of blueberry bonbons and a blueberry muffin. We go to the movie theatre and take our seats while the ads start.
I hate horror movies. Especially ones with jumpscares.
I look nervously over at Jellal as the film starts. The film seems ok at first until the guy goes into the big old spooky house. For all that time I had my face buries in Jellal's shirt with my hands over my ears. He put his arm around me saying that it's just a film. Finally towards the end the guy leaves the creepy place and goes back to his son and I am peeking through my fingers. But at the end I am crying a lot, and the lights in the movie theatre come back on. Jellal still has his arm around me.
'Shhhh it's ok Erza. It's not real. It was just a film.' Jellal consoles me as I dry my tears.
'How about we go to the bakery next?' He says getting up.
'How do you know that I like going to bakerys?' I ask, getting up akso.
'Umm well I remembered that you said you liked cake so yeah.' He says turning red.
Awww he's blushing. So cute!
'Lets go then!' I say happily.
~time skip to bakery~
'Wow!' My eyes light up as we enter the bakery. There are loads of cakes around.
And a giant strawberry cake! Mmmmm...
Wait! I don't have any money left!
'Can I have two of those, and ten of these blueberry muffins please.' Jellal points to the cake I was eyeing up, and pays the man behind the counter.
'Wait, you shouldn't pay!' I say as he hands me the cakes. I put them in my bag.
'Yeah well I already did so what do you say?' He says putting on a stupid voice.
'Fank yoow!' I say in a childish voice. We come out of the store and I start heading in the direction of my house.
'Do you want a lift?' He says walking next to me.
'Fine.' I say and he picks me up and shouts
'Meteor!' And we fly through the streets to fairy hills. I tell him to stop at my street and he puts me down. We walk silently down the street to my house, enjoying the sunset.
'Well I'll see you tomorrow Erza.' He says as we stop outside my house.
Suddenly he kisses me, and I kiss him back. We break apart and he smiles down at me.
'I'd love to go out again sometime.' He says.
'Yeah, I'd like that too.'
Omg omg omg...
'See you tomorrow then, Erza.'
He says, walking off.
'See you!' I say going into my house. I quickly go up to my room and jump on my bed. All I can think is
Not bad for a first date.
Certainly not bad at all erza ;)
Hope you liked it! Feel free to comment any suggestions! I'll update soon! OMG I AM SO EXITED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE OF FAIRY TAIL I WILL WATCH IT TOMORROW AND IT WILL HAVE ♥♡JERZA♡♥
but for now, see ya!
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