"Flowers For My Valentines" A Jeremike Fnafic
(Ok I'm taking this from a Pewdiecry Fanfic Flowers for My Valentine and that's because it's funny and that my mind is broken. XD) Today was the day. No going back on plans. Mikey was going to come out and confess his "Love" for Jeremy with a gift.Today was Valetines Day (I know I suck at spelling)and Mike has been nervous the past few weeks. Would Jeremy reject his gift and love or will he feel the same way. Mikey sighed. He parked his car in Jeremy's driveway and sat back in his seat he wasn't quite sure if he was ready yet. He glanced over at the bouquet of flowers and picked them up holding the flowers close to his chest , he wished himself luck and exited the car. As he looked at Jeremy's house, he saw the front window curtains draw back, and Jeremy was looking out. When Jeremy noticed him, he smiled and waved then scurried over to answer the door. Mikey walked up to the porch step and before he could knock Jeremy opened the door and practically pulled him in. "M...mike why are you here? Aren't you going to spend Valentines Day with Madison?" Jeremy noticed the flowers and pointed at them. "Are those for Madison? They are beautiful. He'll love them." (" IM NOT A GUY!") "Ah...oh...oh...no!" Mikey stuttered. "These are for you." Jeremy was astonished. "M...Mike....what are you trying to say?" "I'm trying to say that I liked you for awhile now and...." "But.....But Madison." " I may have more "Feelings" than "Like" and...." "Won't she be mad....I mean sad? ehh" "I think I love you." Mikey whispered. Jeremy opened his mouth as to say something but quickly shut it. He studied the bouquet closer and took it out of mikey's hands hesitately. "Mike...I'm flattered. I really am, but I have to ask about...." "I left Madison." Mikey stared down at the floorboards, twiddling his thumbs..."W....why would you leave her? You two were so happy togther well it seemed liked it." Mikey looks at Jeremy.....Looking into his eyes. "I left him for....I mean her. ._." Mikey stepped closer to Jeremy grabbing the flowers and setting it down somewhere nearby before? Mikey took Jeremy's hand before could protest. " I had a feeling I could be happier with you. I don't know if you even like me, I don't even know if you even like men. But I do know that everytime I look at you and everytime I hear your voice and that beautiful laughter that I'm hopelessly in love with my friend." Jeremy continued to stare at Mikey. His face was flushed pure red. Jeremy glaced down at mikey's hands, which were intertwined with his. Mikey stared back at him. eyes filled with hope. "Mike....I never knew you felt that way about me before. I always pushed back me feelings for you because of the same reasons." "So...So all this time you?" Mikey's word trailed off. He was too busy worrying about his own feelings and the terrible thought of being rejected! That he never acknowledged Jeremy's towards him. Jeremy nodded, a faint smile on his face. "Mike, You could have confessed sooner. You kept me waiting "Friend!"" "I'm sorry...Oh. And Jeremy?" "What is it?" Mikey leaned forward closer and closer to Jeremy's ear. "Jeremy, will you be my Valentine?" he whispered. "Oh course Mike of course." Jeremy grinned, pulling Mikey in for a hug. He had a feeling this was a start of a beuautiful relationship.
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