Part 5
The next morning we were able to go home and so Jensen drove us home and when we walked inside, I saw a giant banner that said 'Welcome Home Tristan And Skylynn' and I smiled widely before I saw Dad, Mom, Tom, Shep, Justice, Misha, Victoria, West and Carlos there. Then we all sat around talking before I took her twins to their room and then I felt a tear run down my cheek before I wiped it away quickly. I felt someone watching me, so I turned around to see Jensen smiling at me.
I asked, "Why are you smiling at me like that?"
He said, "You have that new mommy glow."
I stuck my tongue out at him before he walked up to where I was at before he kissed me softly.
^6 Months Later^
I woke up at 4 in the morning to see Jensen not beside me and I heard movement coming from the twins room and I walked into it to see Jensen holding Tristan and gently bouncing him while Tristan's head was on his shoulder.
I leaned against the door frame just watching them before Justice walked into the room and wanted me to hold her. I picked her up and put her on my hip before I kissed her forehead. She laid her head on my shoulder and yawned before she said, "I'm tired, Mommy."
That's when Jensen saw us and he smiled at us before I said, "I'm going to go put her to bed."
He nodded and then he kissed Justice on the forehead before she looked at Tristan who was almost asleep and she kissed his cheek. She whispered, "Night night Tristan."
Then I took her to Skylynn's crib and she whispered, "Night night Skylynn."
Then I went and laid her down in her princess bed before kissing her forehead and saying, "Goodnight my princess."
She yawned and said sleepily, "Night night mommy."
Then she went to sleep before I walked out of the room and into the twins room and I kissed Tristan on the forehead before I said, "Goodnight, my little prince."
He yawned and went to sleep before Jensen laid him down in his crib before we went back to bed. I said, "Jensen, I'm sorry."
He asked, "For what?"
I looked at my hands and said, "For our daughter having the hole in her heart."
He said, "That's it. Allison Marie Padalecki, you need to stop saying that you are sorry for something that you can't control."
I said, "I feel like it was my fault though since I was the one carrying her."
Jensen said, "Allison, it wasn't your fault."
I said, "I can't help it, Jensen. I feel like I was partly responsible for it."
He sighed before he said, "I am going to say this one time and one time only, so you better listen carefully."
I looked at him and he said, "It. Wasn't. Your. Fault. Now stop blaming yourself. What happened, happened."
I said, "Jensen, I can't help it. I honestly have felt this way for 6 months now."
He said, "I'm done talking about it. If you want to feel guilty, then feel guilty. I don't care anymore."
I sighed and then I walked out of the room and downstairs before I sat down on the couch. I pulled my knees up to my chest and started crying in them feeling horrible for making Jensen angry and because something obviously went wrong when I was pregnant with our daughter. I know it was a tiny fight, but it was our first fight since we got engaged. I just sat there now since the tears have stopped and I stared at the wall with my arms wrapped around my knees. Then I went upstairs and saw Jensen laying on the bed watching TV. I just ignored him and then I got some clothes up before I walked into our bathroom before I shut the door behind me. Then I undressed before I took a shower and tried not to break down again in the shower. I finished my shower and got out before drying off and then I got dressed.
I walked out of the bathroom after doing my make-up and then I grabbed my phone, keys and my purse before I walked towards the door. Jensen asked, "Are you mad at me?"
I turned around to look at him and he looked so heartbroken.
I sat on his lap before I said, "No. I just promised Dad that today I would bring the kids over and we would spend the day with Mom, Tom, Shep, Auntie Vic and West while you, Dad and Uncle Misha are at work. I thought I told you, but I might have forgot."
He said, "I didn't mean to be mean earlier. I just... I was upset to, but then I started thinking that it isn't our fault, so we shouldn't feel guilty."
I smiled at him and said, "Sounds like a plan, Batman."
He smiled and said, "I love you, Robin."
I kissed him softly and said, "I love you too, Batman."
Then I heard Justice say, "Ewwww. Mommy, boys have cooties."
I laughed along with Jensen.
Then Justice giggled before she ran up to us and I sat her on my lap before Jensen said, "2 of My girls."
I said, "No. Justice is mine. So is Tristan and so is Skylynn."
He asked, "Then who can I have?"
I sighed and then I said, "I guess I'll share the kids with you."
He rolled his eyes playfully before he kissed my cheek and then I got up and said, "You change the twins and get them ready while I help JJ (Justice Jay for those who didn't know) get ready."
He nodded and then JJ held my hand as we walked into her bedroom and we picked out her outfit.
Then we walked into the twins room to see them wearing the onesies that Dad got them and a pair of baby jeans.
I laughed and then I walked up to Jensen and asked, "So our kids is protected by Sam and Dean, but not Cas? Okay then."
Then I picked up Tristan and said, "Morning my handsome little prince."
JJ giggled and said, "Hey Tristan."
Tristan smiled at the sound of JJ's voice causing me to smile and then we all went to Dad's house for Shep to open the door and we walked inside only for Dad and Jensen to manhug. I smiled at Dad and said, "Hey, Dad. Check out the twins onesies."
Dad read it and laughed before he said, "They definitely are."
Then I heard Mom ask, "Where's my grandbabies?"
I rolled my eyes playfully and said, "We shipped them all to China, Mom."
She playfully glared at me before she hugged JJ and kissed her forehead before taking Tristan from me while I moved Skylynn onto my hip. Then Mom said, "You two make such beautiful children. How is that even possible?"
Jensen looked at me and smiled before I smiled back.
I asked, "Have you seen their father?"
Jensen smiled before he kissed me and then Dad said, "Well we have to go to the set and Misha told me to tell you that Victoria doesn't feel like coming over today, so he's just going to stay home with her today and he's keeping West with them. So it'll just be you two ladies and these 5 amazing kids."
Then I said, "Yay. I get to spend time with my mom and little brothers."
Then Dad kissed Mom before kissing my forehead and saying, "We'll be back later."
Then he hugged Tom, Shep and Justice before rubbing Tristan's and Skylynn's heads before he went out to the car. Jensen kissed me softly before he kissed me one more time before he kissed Justice Skylynn, and Tristan on the forehead, Mom on the cheek and hugged Tom and Shep before he went to walk towards the door before I ran up to him and he held me close before we kissed and then he said, "I'll see you later, Robin."
I smiled and said, "Okay, Batman. I love you."
He smiled and said, "I love you too."
Then he kissed my nose before he left to the set with Dad.
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