'You deserve better'
A/N: you might think the texts are a bit overdramatic but they're all from my conversations with my ex girlfriend lmao.
'So Y/N, you recently ended your relationship with your girlfriend, well, now ex girlfriend, Esther. If I'm not mistaken, you guys had been together for over three years, right?' Ellen turned her attention to you.
You were part of the Wednesday cast. Jenna and you were having an interview about the show with Ellen DeGeneres. At least you thought it's gonna be about the show.
'Yes, that's true' you smiled uncomfortably.
'How does that make you feel?' the host asked again.
Jenna - and probably everyone from the audience - could sense that you were feeling extremely awkward and they didn't understand why Ellen is asking you these questions. But you knew exactly what you signed up for when you decided to participate in this interview.
'I think it was for the better' Jenna quietly said.
'What do you mean?' the 64 years old asked.
'Y/N is amazing just as she is. She's smart, kind, intelligent, interesting and breathtakingly beautiful. She deserves the whole world but that girl treated her like shit. Literal shit.'
'Still a little unclear to me...' Ellen stared at the brunette, waiting for some details.
Jenna just finished filming for the day. Even though all she dreamed of was to have a nice bath and sleep, she wanted to check on you first. You've been weird throughout the whole day and she was almost 100% sure something was wrong.
She gently knock on your trailer's door and let herself in, smiling brightly at you when her eyes found yours. You smiled back softly.
'Hi' the brunette started and sat down next to you on the couch. 'I just wanted to make sure you're okay. You seemed off today.'
'I'm alright' you replied shortly and heard your phone ding again. You just rolled your eyes and let out a breath that you were holding in.
'What was that?' your co-star giggled a little.
'Esther' you sighed.
'What about her?'
You didn't say anything. You took your phone from the coffee table and handed it to Jenna after unlocking it.
She scrolled back a little and started reading the conversation you had with your girlfriend in the morning.
We didn't meet with that dude after all. I drove seven hours for nothing.
lol, are you going home now?
What's so funny? I drove seven hours for nothing. I don't think that's fucking funny, bitch.'
Uhm, I'm sorry...
Go be dry with someone else
What's your problem? You're acting like I'm the one who made you drive seven hours for nothing. I told you it's not a good idea. It has nothing to do with me, so I would truly be glad if you wouldn't take your anger out on me, thank you.'
Maybe don't text me all dry and then I won't be mad?? Tf, common fucking sense. You think I wanna talk to you if you send me one fucking word? No the fuck I don't, bye. When you can hold a conversation, we can talk. Don't fucking text me again until you can do that.
What the fuck...
Don't talk to me like that and maybe you're gonna get more than a word.
Not gonna waste my time on someone that obviously doesn't want to talk.
I wanna talk, of course. But please don't talk to me like that, all I was asking was that you're going home now or not. Didn't mean to offend you with it...
Are you at home?
I told you, if you wanna be dry, go be dry with someone else. Nice knowing you👋🏻
Nice knowing you too👋🏻
Oh yeah, you wanna leave? Tell me right now and I'll block you😘
Go for it.
Quit your fucking attitude or you'll never speak to me again.
Told you, stop talking to me like I'm a fucking piece of crap and I won't have an attitude. If you can't talk to me like you should talk to your girlfriend, then you can do whatever.
If you wanna be single so bad, be single, I couldn't care less🤣
Yeah, 'cause breaking up is the only solution to every problem we have.
Jenna handed your phone back to you. She had enough.
'You gotta be kidding me, Y/N. Why the hell are you still with her? She's an obnoxious bitch who doesn't care about anyone but herself.
'I know. Trust me, I know. It's going to sound crazy but I love her, I can't just leave. We've been together for almost 3 years' you sighed.
'One, you love the thought of her and the tough of a relationship. There's no way you can be in love with someone like this whore. Two, do you really want to spend the rest of your life with her? Because I don't think so...'
'What do you know, Jenna?' you snapped. 'You haven't been in a relationship, you have no idea what you're talking about' you sighed irritated.
'Maybe you're right but if that's what a relationship looks like, I would rather be single forever' she jumped up from the couch and left your trailer without saying another word.
*End of the flashback*
'Let's just say she went too hard for the wrong girl. Let's leave it like that, alright?' the actress rolled her eyes.
There was a bunch of reasons she hated having interviews with Ellen and one of the biggest one was that the host was a go-getter. Jenna knew she's not gonna drop the topic that easily.
'So Y/N, do you agree with her?' the woman nodded her head towards Jenna.
'I do. The peace I have now is worth everything I left behind.'
You couldn't help, you had to look at Jenna. She just smiled at you sweetly.
'We're going out tonight to get some drinks and let loose' Emma said while you were packing your stuff. 'Do you want to come?'
'It's gonna be fun, plus you deserve to relax. You've been working really hard, just like the rest of us. What do you say?' Jenna grinned.
She secretly hoped you would agree to the invitation. She loved spending time with you. She just felt so much more confident and alive around you. She just wanted to spend every free minutes she had with you.
'I don't know guys. I should call Esther' you sighed.
Truth to be told, you wanted to go with them more than anything. You felt extremely overwhelmed and stressed in the past few weeks, so going out to party sounded like something you would do.
But you were afraid. You knew how your girlfriend reacts when you can't call her for some reason. It was ironic. It was totally fine when she canceled on you to go out with her friends but when you did the same... don't get me started.
'Come on now, I'm sure she would understand! I mean, you guys call every single damn night and you sleep on the phone. I'm pretty sure she would survive one night without talking to you' Emma rolled her eyes.
Safe to say, non of your friends liked Esther. They thought she was a controlling narcissist, a manipulative gatekeeper, a maniac bitch in general.
They were right and deep down you knew it.
'I don't know' you shook your head and looked at Jenna. 'Let me ask her.'
The brunette felt jealous. She didn't understand what does a girl like you do with a girl like Esther. You were perfect in her eyes. You were gorgeous, you had a great personality, a good sense of humor. On top of that, you were smart and interesting.
'Y/N, don't ask. Just tell her that you're going out. As simple as that' Emma shrugged.
She didn't know Esther like you did. Or Jenna did. The brown haired girl knew exactly why you were so afraid of your girlfriend. She has seen your conversations with her way too many times to not know.
You took a deep breath and looked at the girls in front of you.
'You're right. It's my life after all. I can do whatever I want to do' and with that, you pulled out your phone and texted your girlfriend.
Hey! I'm going out with the girls tonight so I might not be able to call you. I hope that's okay. I'm only a text away if you need anything. I love you.
Go have fun with your little girlfriends, I couldn't care less.
Imma just block you
You can do whatever you want to, I know you're cheating on me with that ugly ass hoe anyways
Have fun
You're being ridiculous right now, I hope you know that.
I'm being ridiculous? Bitch, you're the one who's going out every single time and ditch me for that Jenna girl or whatever her name is.
I haven't been out in a really long time and you know that since you never let me go anywhere lmao
Oh yeah? If I'm such a bad girlfriend then why don't you just go and find someone else, huh? I will do the same, I could find someone better in a second, yet I'm still here, putting up with your pathetic ass.
'You know what guys?! I changed my mind, I'm not going. I'm not in the mood, sorry.'
'What?' they asked in sync.
'Please, just leave' you pointed at the door.
'Are you sure? We can all stay here and watch a movie or something. You can pick!' Jenna smiled sympathetically at you. You had a feeling she knew exactly what was going on.
'I'll be fine. You guys have fun, tho!'
'It's not gonna be that fun without you' Emma pouted.
'I'm sorry. Maybe next time.'
They nodded their heads. They had to admit, there were no use of their words at that moment. The best they could do was to leave you alone since that's what you wanted.
*End of the flashback*
'Sounds like a really toxic relationship even tho neither of you sharing any details, I can see it in your eyes' Ellen stated. 'It's clear that your friends weren't a big fan of your ex but how about your family? Did they like her?'
'They never met' you sarcastically laughed.
'You seem happy today, what's up? Did I miss something?' Jenna chuckled.
'My mom's coming in a few weeks. I haven't seen her over a year' you grinned from ear to ear.
You're mom was your favorite person in the whole world. She was everything to you. But she was living in London and you were living in America. It made your heart sink when you decided to move overseas, leaving the woman you loved the most alone on a different continent but moving to the States was your number one goal ever since you were a little girl and she supported your dreams, no matter what.
'That's exciting! Are you gonna introduce us to each other? I wanna say thank you to her.'
'Why?' you asked giggling.
'Because she raised such an amazing young lady, duh' Jenna said like it was the most obvious thing on Earth.
You couldn't help but blush. You loved how she made you feel. Somehow, she always knew what to say or what to do to make you happy. You knew it was wrong to feel that way for her. She was one of your best friends and you had Esther. One thing was for sure, no matter how bad your relationship was, you weren't a cheater. You couldn't do that to her.
'If you really want to meet her, I would gladly introduce you guys to each other. I think my mom would love you.'
'In that case, I can't wait to meet her.'
And you couldn't wait any longer to share the wonderful news with your girlfriend. You were so excited for them to finally meet.
Guess what!
My mom's coming to the States in a few weeks.
I would like you to meet her.
Why? I don't need more people in my life.
It would mean a lot to me.
Nah, I'm good but thank you.
*End of flashback*
'Interesting' the host frowned. 'So why did you break up?'
'Here's the thing, I'm a keeper but I'll never beg to be kept' you said to Ellen with a serious tone in your voice.
Get the fuck out!
I didn't do anything babe...
I don't wanna fucking talk to you right now, i'm busy.
Okay, sorry. I didn't mean to bother you.
Get the fuck out
Just stop texting dude
You're bothering me
I'm so irritated by you, jesus.
How needy can you be?!
Seriously? You're not gonna say anything now?
You said you're busy, I don't wanna bother you...
You're so gullible. I didn't mean it, you dumb bitch🤣
Well then don't say it...
Oh my fucking God, Y/N! Just stop being so annoying.
Sometimes, I wanna punch you in the face.
lol ok.
stop being a dry bitch, come on.
You know what, I had enough of that. I want to break up.
Oh now you do?
Guess what, I don't care.
You can't break up with me.
Watch me.
Don't you fucking there. I'm gonna block you Y/N, I'm not kidding.
I hope so...
Quit your attitude right now!!
We're done.
Yeah, go fuck your little girlfriend, I bet she will treat you better than I did🤣🤡
If you're gonna end up with her, I swear to god, I'm gonna ruin her life.
She's just a friend. You can leave her alone.
Yeah right. Now stop having an attitude baby and love meeeee, plsssssss
(message couldn't be sent, you've been blocked)
*End of flashback*
'Well, I truly hope you'll find the right one for you soon. You sure deserve it' the host smiled. 'Thank you so much guys for coming, it was truly a joy to have you here with me.'
After the interview, you were changing into more comfortable clothes in your dressing room when you heard a knock on the door.
'Come in!' you shouted.
Jenna's figure appeared in front of you. You watched as she delicately closed the door behind her.
'Are you okay?' she asked walking closer to you.
'Now I am' you took her hand in yours and hugged her.
You laid your head on her shoulder, never wanting this moment to end. You felt safe with her.
'I'm glad' she whispered and pushed you away a little so she could hint a few kisses on your face, stopping only inches away from your lips.
'I never wanna be like her' Jenna sighed. 'I never wanna make you feel like you're unwanted.'
'I just don't like the fact that you're arguing with me about the smallest things. It feels like you're just bored and have nothing else to do but fight for fun' you whispered.
Esther was on the other end of the phone. You couldn't see her but you knew exactly she just rolled her eyes at you.
'I don't wanna feel like I'm a piece of garbage.'
'Well, you are'
'Wow, okay...'
'Oh my god, I'm just kidding, stop being so sensitive' she sighed.
'I'm not sensitive, I just don't like the way you talk to me nor make me feel. I can't help it.'
You knew it was a bad idea to be honest about your feelings with her. What the hell you were even thinking?! You should've known better. You should've known she's not gonna care and she's just gonna pick up a fight.
'If you don't like it, that's on you. That's the way I am. Take it or leave it.'
'Let's just go to sleep' you said.
'You wanna get rid of me?'
'No, I'm just tired and I'm not in the mood to argue right now.'
'Okay. Night.'
'Good night, I love you' you smiled a little to yourself.
'Yeah, sure you do.'
*End of flashback*
'Jenna, you make me feel so special, you shouldn't be worried about that. You are never gonna be like her. You are never even gonna be close to be like her' you stroke her cheeks with your thumbs. 'You're so different. God, I wish I realized that sooner.'
'I wish you realized that sooner as well' she giggled, pressing a kiss on your nose. 'You could've saved yourself from a lot of drama. And I mean A LOT' she laughed.
'I know. But hey! Better later than never, isn't it?' you smirked.
'Whatever you say, my love' she pecked your lips. 'I hope you know that you deserve everything in the world. Cute date nights, loyalty, love, affection and so much more.'
'I, in fact, do know that.'
'Good, because that's what you gonna get. I'll make sure you feel like the luckiest, most loved and adored girl in the whole world. I'll make you believe in love again. I'll fix everything that bitch ruined, I promise.'
'You already do' you looked at her with sparks in your eyes. 'And I'm forever grateful for that and for you.'
She didn't say anything else. She pressed her lips on yours. You didn't need words, everything she wanted to say was in that kiss and you knew it. You could feel it. And for the first time in 3 years, you felt truly alive.
You were in a happy, loving and - most importantly - healthy relationship with a wonderful girl. With a girl who was by your side every single time you needed her. She was right. You deserved better than Esther. You deserved Jenna.
A/N: I'm taking requests, Loves, so feel free to message me.
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