'We should have one!' (III.) (requested)
'So, what do they know?' you asked Jenna and sat down by the kitchen table.
'I told them we have something to share with them and invited them over for dinner, that's it.'
'Okay, I said the same to my friends. I called mom last night, though' you smiled.
'What did she say?'
'She's super excited, she couldn't stop talking about the things she's gonna buy them. I mean, it's understandable, we're talking about her first grandkid after all. I wish she could be here to celebrate with us' you let out a heavy sigh.
'I know, baby. But hey, we're flying to London in a few weeks, we sure as hell are going to celebrate with her. Sounds good?' Jenna sat down next to you and pulled you closer to her by your chair.
'Sounds amazing, thank you' you kissed her lips.
She was about to say something else when a knock on the door interrupted you both.
'You ready?' she asked and you nodded your head excitedly.
You couldn't wait to tell your friends and Jenna's family about the baby. You knew they're going to be just as happy and over the Moon as you two are.
'So what did you guys want to tell us?' Natalie, Jenna's mom asked and finished her glass of champagne.
Everyone was in your living room, having small conversations with each other. None of them had any idea what this get-together was all about and they were desperate to find out.
'Alright!' Jenna started and intertwined your fingers with hers. 'So, we asked you guys to be here tonight because we wanted to share something with you all that's gonna change our lives forever.'
'Please don't tell me this is a break up party..' Emma said, clearly joking.
'Do you think I would celebrate that without a big ass cake and with just boring black balloons all around the house?' you asked sarcastically.
'Hey!' Jenna carefully smacked your shoulder. 'We're about to share the greatest news and you talk about our breakup? Shame' she giggled. 'So, as I was saying, we have something important to tell you. We kept it in a secret because we didn't want the same thing to happen' your girlfriend took a deep breath.
'Wait, is this what I think it is?' Edward, Jenna's father asked with a huge grin on his face. 'You guys are expecting a baby?'
'Thanks for letting me tell the news, dad' Jenna rolled her eyes but a huge smile was on her face anyways. 'Yes, Y/N's pregnant.'
'Holy shit!' Y/BF/N, your best friend squealed and pulled you in the biggest hug followed by Natalie and the rest of the people in the room.
'You're gonna be an amazing mom, Y/N. I'm so glad you guys are finally becoming parents, it's truly a blessing' Jade said and kissed your cheek. 'I'm so excited for you. I hope you're aware that they have to be best friends with Caiden!'
'Do you guys know the gender?' Markus asked his sister.
'That's the other thing we wanted you all to be here today' Jenna smirked.
'And that's why the boring black balloons are here, too' you added pointing at the balloons behind you. 'We just got back from the ultrasound a few hours ago. We also have no idea, we gave the envelope to Aaliyah, so technically she's the only person in this room who knows the answer to that question.'
'Wait a minute, you knew?' Natalie turned to Jenna's sister this time.
'Jenna can't keep a secret from me, of course I knew' the younger Ortega laughed.
'Okay, so we made a bet with Y/N, if it's a girl, she's doing everything around the house for a month and she gets up if the baby cries in the middle of the night. If it's a boy, I do the same' Jenna laughed a little.
'Looks like you're doing it together' Aaliyah shrugged.
'What do you mean?' You looked at the girl with a confused look on your face.
'You'll see, start popping the balloons, I'm excited to see your reactions. The rules are easy, you have six balloons. Each has blue or pink glitter inside. You'll know the baby's gender if you got four balloons with the same color in them. Clear?' Aaliyah handed you two needles.
'Since I'm the one who's carrying the baby, I'm gonna start' you giggled and popped the first balloon. 'Blue.'
Jenna copied you and popped the next one. 'Well, that one is pink, one-one, Y/L/N' she smirked.
'Oh, I'm confident it's a boy' you said and popped another one. 'Pink' you laughed and looked at Jenna who just playfully rolled her eyes.
'Blue' she laughed nervously after her turn.
'Okay, let's see' you took your needle and popped the fifth one. 'Blue, which means, the last one has to be blue as well. I won. You can start cleaning tomorrow' you smiled victoriously at your lover.
'Just pop the last one as well, don't ruin the game just yet' Aaliyah smirked and waited for Jenna to do as she said.
'That's a pink?' Jenna asked confused when she popped the last balloon.
'The math ain't mathing' you added, just as confused as she was.
'Oh it does' Aaliyah smiled. 'Looks like it's a tie. You both can start cleaning together tomorrow because I have great news. You are expecting a boy AND a girl.'
'Say what?' you both asked in sync.
'Jesus, you're dumb as hell' Aaliyah laughed. 'You guys are having twins!'
'Well, that explains why you're hungry 24/7' Jenna joked.
'We're having twins' you whispered to yourself.
You couldn't help it anymore. Tears started to stream down your face. As crazy as it sounds, you felt like you got a second chance after you lost your baby a few months ago. It was like the universe gave that baby back to you in its own way.
Jenna knew exactly what was going on in your mind at that moment. Of course she knew. She had the same thoughts. She pulled you in her arms and gently played with your hair, pressing kisses on your cheeks.
'I know, love' she whispered in your ear, followed by sweet nothings to calm you down a little bit.
The evening was full of joy, full of love and full of excitement. You couldn't be more grateful for the friends and family you have. And of course, you couldn't be more grateful for Jenna, the love of your life and this whole new chapter, whole new milestone ahead of you.
A/N: i'm taking requests, Loves, so feel free to leave a comment here or message me.
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