Meet Elsa
Hey guys! So, one of my favourite Wattpad people, Moonlight35472 has already voted on this book.😁😁😁 She has inspired me to do another chapter, an so has Ginger_Apple101 so let's get going hey?
Elsa's pov:
Hi there! So nice to meet you, my name is Elsa Dell. I'm 17.5 years old and I have a little sister Anna dell, who's 15. We're best friends, have been since she was born. I have platinum blonde hair, Crystaly blue eyes and super pale skin.
Hmmmm what else? Oh yeah my parents, Idun and Allen Dell are the most beautiful people you'll ever meet. They're kind and caring. And they try to help whenever they can. Probably not much else, I've never had a boyfriend, I have ice powers that I've had since I was born. And for the record I can control them.
And my family never visits Arendale, the kingdom that rules over the village we live in. I kinda don't blame my parents though. I mean it's ruled by a crazy woman. Her name is Queen Moira. But she's so horrible! I've never seen her before but she only cares about herself. And she took the kingdom off her sister when she died, so there's no one else who could rule. It's sad really. (A/N Elsa doesn't know about Moira's powers)
My parents forbid talking about the Queen in our house. And I'm never allowed to show any one my powers. I work at the little bakery shop. The old owner passed it to his daughter and she is so nice. She's like my second mom, and she looks after me and Anna whenever mom and dad can't.
"Elsa? Hey are you there?" Anna called, making me look at her.
I smiled. "Yea, sorry, just thinking. Anyway, what's wrong?" I asked.
"Mom wants you, she said dad is packing for their trip away." Anna grinned, giving me a side hug.
I hugged her back and then headed off to mom's room. She was sitting on her bed and reading a letter. I knocked on the door archway and she looked up, with a gentle smile.
"Ah Elsa my dear girl. We decided this year you are going to be in charge of you and Anna. Since you're old enough now, it should be safe. Just remember not to show your powers to anyone." Mom declared.
"Really? You trust me enough to do that? This is amazing Mom! Thank you! An about my powers? You know I would never." I smirked letting some snowflakes dance in my hand. Mom just laughed and shook her head.
"Okay then. Go share the news with your sister, I can see it written all over your face that you want to." Mom told me, a knowing smile.
As a family we've always been pretty well off. My dad is a carpenter an my Mom sews. Every winter people come begging for warm clothes an they'll get whatever they wanted. Of course given my powers, I don't feel the cold. That's kinda my catchphrase. At home of course. I love saying "the cold never bothered me anyway". It annoys my family like crazy! I like to think I'm pretty powerful, but since I never use my powers outside of home I can't really prove it. But get this. A ice blanket I made when I was born somehow was still on my bed, and I love it more than anything! I made it! I was a baby! Doesn't that mean I'm powerful?
Mom is always saying with great power comes responsibility. I believe her I really do, but I wonder when I'd need to use them. I mean I'm not allowed to, and it's not like anyone she knows has powers they've used for evil.
"Anna! Guess what?" I called out, excited to share the good news with my sister.
"What's wrong Els?" Anna asked, a worried look on her face.
"Nothing silly! Mom and Dad are leaving me in charge of us when they go out for their anniversary! Isn't that awesome?" I squealed.
"OMG! Yes this awesome! We can eat chocolate for breakfast lunch and dinner!" Anna squealed back.
"Well maybe...... Either way it's gonna be fun! They leave tomorrow, so let's go play ok?" I offered.
"Yes! Let's go play! And Elsa?" Anna smirked.
"Yea?" I asked.
"Do you wanna build a snowman?" She giggled, running into the backyard.
Thank God it was winter right now, it was easy to hide your powers in the back yard. We didn't really have neighbours, but you know. Just incase.
"Hang on Anna. I don't want to slip ok?" I smile, taking in a breath. I then let my powers free and make it snow in our back yard. Anna squealed and grabbed a snowball, then threw it at me.
"Oh it is on!" I smirk, making more snowballs. I throw one at her face but it misses and hits her leg. She throws one back and I fell over, and gasped as I fell backwards and got a glimpse of this guy flying. I swear I saw him!
He had silver hair, super pale skin, even more than mine. He was wearing a blue jumper, with frost designs creeping up it and then brown pants. He had no shoes on and he was holding a long staff, with a C shaped end.
I stood up for a second, dazed. He was sitting right behind Anna! And she didn't even notice!
I shook it off, hoping I was imagining it and made another lot of snow.
"Okay Anna, from now on you're making your own snowballs!" I laughed.
She pouted for a second and threw another at me, and I ducked and threw one at her. It went over her head and the guy seemed to laugh. Then he flew away, leaving me to wonder what on earth has just happened.
"Elsa! Hey look I'm you! The cold never bothered me anyway! Let it go, let it go!" Anna started singing, probably just to annoy me.
"Okay girls that's enough! Come in before you get a cold." Mom yelled out for us.
"Okay mom, we're coming!" Anna yelled back. She grabbed my hand and dragged me inside.
"Hey Anna, did you see anyone else near us when we were playing?" I asked.
Mom and Dad frowned at us.
"No, why? Trying to deflect the fact you missed me so many times?" Anna smirked.
"Yea, that's all. Sorry guys. Anyway, Dad when do you leave tomorrow?" I asked quickly.
"We'll be leaving at 7am. You don't have to kiss us goodbye if you don't want to. I know you'll probably be at work." Mom smiled.
"Don't be silly! I'm not letting you leave without saying goodbye!" I frowned.
Dad laughed loudly. "Okay then Els. Don't worry too much."
We finished dinner and then me and Anna cleaned up. Then we headed off to our room. I used my powers to get changed into a comfy shirt and pants. Anna got changed too, an then we layed in our beds.
"Hey Els?" Anna whispered.
"Yea Anna?"
"Why did you really ask if I saw anyone tonight? I know it wasn't because you were deflecting." Anna asked.
"Oh Anna you know me too well. It's just I could've sworn I saw this guy with silver white hair fly past. I know it sounds crazy but I'm sure I saw him!" I mumbled, going red.
"Well, I guess it does sound weird, but you can't be the only person with powers can you?" Anna offered.
"Good point. Well, I have to be at work early tomorrow. So I'd better go to sleep. Goodnight Anna I love you." I smiled. I let a snowflake loose and made it fall on her cheek.
"Haha cold! Goodnight Elsa I love you too." Anna replied.
The next morning, Elsa's pov:
I woke up really early today with Anna. I had a cold shower, got dressed into my work outfit and then we went downstairs to say goodbye to mom and dad.
"Goodbye Elsa, we love you. Don't forget to look out for your sister and don't use your powers." Mom whispered.
I hugged her tightly. "Don't worry mom I won't. I love you too."
Dad did the same and then Anna kissed them goodbye. They got into the coach and headed of to the ship dock.
"Okay Anna, come with me and we'll make breakfast ok? Don't worry they'll be fine." I said happy.
Anna nodded and we made her favourite chocolate pancakes for breakfast.
"Okay little sis I need to leave. I love you, don't set the house on fire while I'm gone. And have fun with Kristoff." I winked, as I left.
Kristoff was Anna's crush. He came by most days to help with our horses and animals in the barns. Of course he had no clue about her crush but it was fun teasing her.
I rode my favourite horse snow to the bakery and tied her up out the back in their barn. Natalia, the owner waved at me as I walked in.
"Good morning Elsa! It's cold today isn't it?" She smiled.
I nodded, not game enough to attempt talking without saying the cold never bothered me anyway.
"Well dearie, I need you to go bake some baguette ok? 10 sticks please." Natalia ordered.
"No worries! I'll be back soon!" I smiled. I headed into the back and started baking. Soon enough I was done and it was time to go home.
On the way, I saw the boy from yesterday flying again. But it was like no one else could see him! I seemed to be the only on who looked up and saw him. I attempted to wave, but then I noticed what he was doing. Little spurts of snow here, little spurts of ice and by the looks of it wind? He could control the winter elements like I could!
And every time he did, a little child would laugh, which brought a smile to his face. I wanted to call out to him but every time I tried, he'd vanish. So weird!
When I finally got home and walked in, Anna's face was not welcoming. She had night red blotchy eyes and puffy cheeks.
She's been crying!
"Anna Anna what's wrong?!" I demanded wrapping her In a hug.
"It's momma and Papa. Their boat sunk!" She wailed.
Dan dan dan daaaaaaaaaaaan! Cliffhanger! See what happens in the next chapter guys! And don't forget to:
And leave kind criticism!
Elsa, xxoo
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