"I feel naked."
Hyebin just rolled her eyes then stands beside you.
"It's called a dress, my dear Jangmi."
"I know it's a dress but not this revealing! I thought you bought the one that I really like?" You shouted while looking at yourself in the mirror, disgusted.
"It's like a white lady's dress, pabo! Trust me, I know what's trendy and what looks good on you." You just sighed in defeat then sit.
"Fine. Just do my hair and make up so I'm done with these girly things." Hyebin looks excited as she grab her make up kit.
After half an hour...
"Aaaaaand.... There! Lookin' good, girl." Hyebin beamed as she's proud of her make up skills.
"Am I a clown now?"
"Ani! Just look at yourself in the mirror. You look legit pretty."
So you did as Hyebin told, and your eyes widened while looking at yourself from head to toe.
"What kind of sorcery is this?"
"You're welcome, now come on! We're going to be late. We'll go boy hunting for you before the wedding, right?"
"Isn't that your hobby?"
"I've got my eyes on someone, remember?"
You stopped at the moment when Hyebin said that, because you know who she's referring to.
*Why am I feeling so weird when Hyebin's happy talking about that guy?*
When you arrived at the church where the wedding's supposed to be, lots of people are already there.
"Operation: Boy Hunting for Jangmi starts now." Hyebin whispered and you just sighed in annoyance.
While she's looking around, you also secretly look around.
*Well, it's not bad to look around, too, right?*
While you're looking around, one person caught all your attention. You looked at Hyebin who's still looking around and back to that person.
*It's that guy...... What a destiny. I shouldn't tell Hyebin that he's here or she'll go crazy about him all over again.*
You simply grabbed your phone and took a picture of the guy.
*Better have something than nothing.*
"Jangmi!" You almost lose hold of your phone because of Hyebin. You glared at her but she just laugh.
"I found a guy for you! Look over there! Isn't he a god-like?" You looked at who's Hyebin pointing at.
*Oh my god, he is. Man, what's with this wedding? There's lots of handsome guys.*
"Quick! Take a picture of him!" You quickly focused your phone to the guy and took a picture of him.
After 15 minutes of boy hunting, the wedding ceremony finally starts.
"So, you have anyone on your mind right now?" Hyebin asked.
"I don't know...."
"Oh, come on. There must be at least one."
*There is. But you won't be happy when I said it.*
You looked around, wondering where the guy who Hyebin like sits. And you spotted him staring at you. You blushed and quickly looked away.
*He's staring at me? Or Hyebin?*
You feel a little disappointed because of that thought then just focused on the wedding.
After the ceremony, Hyebin looks at you, shocked.
"Jangmi-ssi, why are you crying?"
"It's just that they're so sweet and really perfect for each other! And you know, I have the sudden urge to cry..."
"Aww, you big baby. Don't worry, someday you'll find someone who will make you happy. Now stop crying, you're going to ruin your make up."
When you arrived at the reception, the wedding coordinator guide you to your seats. And that's when you and Hyebin are shocked.
"Y-You!?" Hyebin exclaimed. The guy just smiled at us and didn't say a word.
"Oh gosh, I knew I will meet you again. Anyway, who's side are you?"
"The bride, she's my bestfriend."
"Oh, is that so? Well, we're the opposite." The guy just nod then looks at you. You blushed and quickly looked away, whistling.
"Well well well, look who decided to be a woman once."
You have the sudden urge to punch him right in the face.
"What did you just say....?" You asked, controlling your anger.
*After I thought you were so freaking hot and handsome, you're just going to said that to me!?*
"Last time I saw you, you looked like a mom with annoying kids."
"If you're not the bride's bestfriend I'll shove my fist to your face." You said in annoyance.
"A-Anyway! Hey, maybe you could tell us your name now since we're not totally strangers now, right?" Hyebin said as she blocked your whole presence to the guy.
"Okay, my name is Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." Then he leaned his head a little to see you because of Hyebin blocking you.
"And maybe you can now tell me your name?" He questioned. You just rolled your eyes.
"No way! ...after what you say minutes ago..."
"Nothing. Why don't you just ask Hyebin? She wants to talk to you, you know?"
"Yeah, Jungkook-ah. I want to know more about you." You just closed your eyes in frustration because of the atmosphere.
"Hey, Jungkook-ssi! I'm sorry I- Oh. I guess you've got company while I'm gone, huh?" The guy nudged Jungkook's arm playfully while smirking.
*Wait. It's that guy again! The god-like one!*
The four of you, even yourself, is shocked of you. You looked at the guy nervously.
*I can't let go of this opportunity to date a guy! And I also don't want to be the third wheel in here.*
"N-Nice shoes!"
Hyebin just face palmed while the two are still in the state of shock.
*Oh god, what a stupid thing to sa-*
The guy laughs and the three of you are now looking at him.
"You're cute. What's your name?"
"I'm... I'm Lee Jangmi. You?"
"I'm Kim Taehyung." Then the two of you shake hands then stared at each other.
Hyebin and Jungkook keeps looking at you and Taehyung alternatively.
"U-Um... Excuse me." You said then stand up but Taehyung grabbed your wrist.
"Yah, don't be so flustered. It's making you more adorable." You blushed from his words.
Jungkook coughs loudly.
"Annyeong, everyone! How's everyone been doing? Good?" The MC greeted everyone.
"So I have a game. It's kind of simple. But before that, I need four ladies and gentlemen to participate. Please come here at the front."
"Jungkook-ah! Let's go there." Hyebin beamed. You just looked at them but you feel a little uneasy.
"Hey." Jungkook called you. You raised both your eyebrows, gesturing that you're asking what-is-it.
"You coming with us?"
You awkwardly smiled then shook your head. Hyebin stand and pulled Jungkook to the stage. You looked away, sad and uncomfortable.
"Jangmi-ssi. Let's go?" You gazed at Taehyung who's smiling at you while offering his hand to you.
*How could I say no to this guy?*
"Come on. I'm with you." You're finally convinced to go and accept his hand so the two of you walk at the front holding hands.
"Well, if it isn't the next couple who I'm very sure will get married soon." The MC said while looking at you and Taehyung.
That's when you realized that you two were holding hands so you take off your hand to his hold.
"We're.... We're not-"
"My girlfriend here isn't ready yet, but I'll make sure that we will be soon." Taehyung wrapped his arm around your waist then winks at you. You smiled as you blushed.
*I guess it's fun to experience to have a boyfriend for just one night, right?*
"You two are really perfect for each other, and this game is also perfect for you! Anyone wants a guess of our game?" No one wants to answer because they're all looked like they already know what that is except you.
"Our game today is to put on and take off the garter of the bride to your partner!"
*What garter? What's going on? Why is everyone so excited? Is it that fun?*
"Let's see the demonstration of the bride and groom right here!"
The bride sat down the chair in the middle and raised her gown a bit. The groom kneeled in front of the bride, holding the garter. Then the groom simply puts on the garter to the bride's leg. You were stunned of what you just saw.
*We're going to do that!?*
"But I gave this game a twist. You see this bowl? Each paper here is written with body parts that the boys will use to put the garter to the ladies' leg. AND the partners who'll be the fastest in putting the garter WINS!"
"T-Taehyung-ah? I-I don't like where this is g-going... We should go b-back to our seats." You said while awkwardly pulling his sleeve. Taehyung just chuckled.
"Come on, this will be fun. Trust me, arasseo?"
"But I don't want to! It's too kinky!"
"The first couple is......... This muscular man over here with a very beautiful lady. What's your name?"
"Jungkook. And this is Hyebin."
"Ohh, I see. You two really look good together. But my favorite here is that couple over there who were fighting. They look so cute."
"Please, Jangmi-ssi!" Taehyung said with puppy eyes.
"I.... But.... No!"
"Do you want me to kiss you to just make you?" He pouted. He leaned in for a kiss but you blocked his face with your hand.
"Not today, you pabo."
You jumped in shock as the guests looked at you and Taehyung in awe and you just realised that everyone is looking at you.
"On with the game! So Hyebin, right? Pick a paper." Hyebin do as the MC said and gave the folded paper to the MC.
"Let's see.... It says here that Jungkook will use his...."
*The suspense is killing me! And also make me feel this weird feeling again.*
"His feet!"
"How will he do that?" Taehyung asked to himself. You also thought of it, too.
Jungkook just casually grabbed a chair and the garter and sit in front of Hyebin, who's also sitting. Hyebin took off her pumps, Jungkook also did the same and put the garter around his feet.
"Time.... starts.... NOW!"
Jungkook quickly puts the garter around Hyebin's ankle as he removed it to his feet and starts lifting the garter with his toes.
"Andddd... There! He puts the garter in 15 seconds!"
*I have a hard time watching such scene. And look, Hyebin's enjoying herself! While I'm not.*
The other couples or partners finished and still no one beats Jungkook and Hyebin's record.
"The last one is my favorite!"
"I don't wan-"
"Come on, Jangmi-ssi. Please? For me~" Taehyung begged. You just sighed in defeat.
"Arasseo! You owe me one." Taehyung nodded while smiling like an idiot.
"What's your name?"
"Jangmi. And he's Taehyung."
"Okay, Jangmi! Pick one." and so you took a piece of folded paper and gave it to the MC.
"And- Ohhh, this is... Well..." the MC giggled.
*Oh god, please have mercy on my innocent soul. Oh right, I'm not innocent anymore.*
"Taehyung here is going to use his... teeth for the beautiful Jangmi here!"
"Freaking what!?"
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