Laurel said she was alright. In reality, she was far from alright. But even Laurel wasn't aware of this.
Laurel's dark brown eyes stared out at the street ahead, foot tapping anxiously against the car floor. Luckily for her, she'd just received her driving permit in the mail, perfect for their plan today.
Jonathan insisted she didn't go, but Laurel refused to listen. Will and their mother came home soon after, as they explained what happened to him in the field. Laurel finally confessed that she felt something too, less disturbing but more painful.
Joyce was quite mad at her for keeping this from her, not knowing about her daughter's unhealed wound and sleepless nights. Joyce quickly forgot that anger after seeing how distressed she was.
Laurel squeezed her eyes shut, blocking out the memories of the feeling on her stomach.
This isn't about you. Don't be selfish. Will's the one in trouble. Push it down. Push it away. There's nothing wrong with you...
Endless thoughts of the dark parts of her mind screamed at her, but before her eyes could release the tears that burned beneath the surface, the passenger's door flew open. Laurel jolted in her seat, blinking away the old tears and dark memories, a hand lingering on the wound that stung just a day before.
"H-hey," Laurel mumbled, hands fumbling to hold the steering wheel. The thought of her being too unstable to drive popped into her mind, but she pushed it away, knowing this was the only way their plan could work.
"Hey," Nancy greeted, hopping into the car and shutting the door lightly. Laurel felt her gaze on her, but she refused to return it, fingers tapping on the wheel absentmindedly. "I heard about what happened yesterday. How are you feeling?"
Laurel bit down on her lip, hiding the truth behind her tongue. "Better. Just a bit of a sting."
You'll never get better. You'll be a freak forever. You'll always be in pain. You-
Laurel ground her teeth together, head twitching to the side, as if she was trying to mentally dodge her thoughts. Nancy noticed her strange nature, but wasn't sure how to approach it.
"Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything."
Laurel finally looked at Nancy with furrowed brows. How could she say such a thing? Such a lie? Whatever Laurel would say, Nancy would shove it to the side, and crush it below her feet. Laurel told her—showed her how she felt about her, and she threw it away like garbage. Laurel was nothing but garbage to Nancy, but she'd never know that.
Sometimes Laurel wondered if Nancy even remembered the kiss, or if it was all in Laurel's mind.
"Yes. I'm fine."
It physically hurt her inside to lie directly to Nancy's face.
The drive to the park was mostly silent. Nancy tried to strike conversations, but Laurel gave short and closed answers, her mind in a different place than her body.
The two sat on the park bench, grey clouds glumly hanging over the sky. All they had to do was wait.
"It's fifteen past," Nancy commented. Laurel pulled herself from her thoughts, nodding in understanding. She sat cross legged in her corduroy skirt, bouncing her leg anxiously.
"Let's just wait a bit longer," Laurel said, and Nancy agreed.
Their eyes drifted to different parts of the park, Laurel's eyebrows knitting together when noticing strange men glancing often at them. Even Nancy noticed the strange looks, both shifting uncomfortably in their seat.
"I think we should go," Nancy suggested.
"Me too."
Both stood to their feet, quickly yet inconspicuously making their way to the car, trying to avoid looking back at the one man following their trail.
They finally hopped inside, Laurel letting out a sigh of relief. She turned the key into ignition, but it had a tough time starting.
Somebody knocked on Nancy's window, making both girls jump in their seats.
"Trouble with your car, miss?" The old man asked. "I can give you two a lift if you like."
Nancy glanced back to Laurel, silently asking for her answer. Laurel's eyes drifted to her own window, finding a woman walking closer to the car.
"Laurel..." Nancy mumbled in fear.
They were completely surrounded.
The government facility that Will went to, the place that brought back memories of what happened the the year prior, was where the people had taken them. Unknown to them, this is exactly what they wanted.
Will's Doctor showed them around, giving them an eerie tour of the place that the demogorgon was pulled from, the portal to the upside down. They couldn't get rid of the portal, and that's what Laurel feared most.
After the little tour, they finally made it safe and sound into the car, giving each other a knowing look. They got exactly what they needed if they wanted to expose the real monsters.
sorry this is so short, this ep didn't have much with nancy. next chapters gonna get a lil crazy....
thanks for reading anyways!!!
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