Time ticks down.
10 minutes left until they have their culprit apprehended.
Time is of the essence at this moment. Ten more minutes until she finally receives her long overdue doom. After putting his family in agony, she'll finally pay. She'll finally pay for the trauma she put the people he loves through. She'll finally get what she deserves.
Yoongi knows the risk if they're caught, he knows but in this moment he just wants revenge for all the suffering. He lost time as a dad, he lost time as a husband, he lost time as a friend. He will make everything right, he will make sure there is no repeats, no second time.
Sure, this might be going too far, but nobody else cares. The world will be better with her gone.
5 minutes left, until Yoongi can be satisfied.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Jungkook asks the older.
"Don't you want to see her gone?" Yoongi replies.
"Of course, but hyung, are you sure about this? If we get caught-" Jungkook cut himself off, they both know the outcome if they are discovered.
"This is for the greater good. We'll all be able to sleep peacefully if she's gone." Yoongi says.
Which is true. Kyung-Mi wakes up with nightmares, Y/N can hardly sleep as well, Yoongi became a light sleeper for any bumps in the night, and Jungkook wakes up in cold sweat with Jimin comforting him shortly after.
With Emily still out there, nobody will have peace of mind.
"What about you Y/N? Are you sure you can go through with it?" Jungkook questions.
"I've never been so sure Kookie." She replies.
"Y/N- Think about Kyung-Mi.. If we get caught.." Jungkook says.
Y/N turns to look at Jungkook. "I know the risks, we won't get caught. If anything, we're doing everyone a favor."
Jungkook gulps and nods.
Yoongi get's a text on his phone from Jisoo saying that the place is ready to use.
He then looks up at the window of the unsuspecting victim, to see lights that were once on, off.
"Alright Jungkook, it's go time." Yoongi sighs.
Yoongi leans over from the passenger seat and pecks Y/N on the lips. "We'll be back."
She smiles. "And I'll be ready."
Both Jungkook and Yoongi slide out of the van and walk up to the apartment building. They aren't empty handed. They know what they're doing. They've been preparing.
"Okay guys, we need to figure out how to get her out undetected." Yoongi says, as he draws the attention of the other guys.
"Right, not like you can just carry an unconscious girl out of the apartment without raising suspicion ." Namjoon nods.
"Exactly. We already have the chloroform. We just need a way to transport the unconscious body out of the building." Yoongi says.
"Oh! Stuff her in a suitcase!" Taehyung suggests.
Everyone face palms.
"Taehyung.. Why would.. Why in the hell would we put her in a suitcase?" Jimin asks.
"I mean.. That's the nicest thing I could think of, she doesn't deserve good treatment." Taehyung replies.
"I see what you mean, she doesn't deserve respect, but it'll be a heavy suitcase. One minutes it's light, the next it's heavy. Kind of raises red flags Tae." Seokjin says.
Namjoon chuckles. "True, a suitcase wouldn't be a good idea anyways."
"How about a body bag?" Hoseok says.
Everyone's eyes went wide as saucers. Hoseok looks serious and scary.
"A-are you okay Hobi hyung?" Jungkook asks.
"No, we're talking about the person that made our life hell. Who helped in almost killing Y/N, who just won't go away." Hoseok says, gaze steady on the picture of the target upon the table.
"We're upset too Hobi hyung, it'll be okay." Tae says as he comes up behind Hoseok to comfort him.
Hoseok calms down only slightly, still upset that she isn't gone already.
"Okay, how about this. Taehyung and Jimin wait in the lobby, pretend to be residents in the building, or visiting a friend. Yoongi and Jungkook will go up and get our target. Yoongi will give the signal that they're about to come downstairs when Taehyung and Jimin get into an argument and end up fighting. Everyone else will most likely attempt to break up the fight, or watch on and record. Yoongi and Jungkook will proceed to carry Emily out of the building to the car." Namjoon says.
"That.. Sounds like it could work." Yoongi replies.
"What if someone walks into the building and see them carrying her out?" Jimin asks.
"They'll have to make up an excuse. Jungkook's pretty good at coming up with bullshit so it should be fine." Namjoon responds.
"I know her face but I don't know her name." Taehyung mocks.
Hoseok laughs and pretends to hold a microphone up to Taehyung. "What movie?"
Taehyung proceeds to pretend to think then says, "I know movie, but I don't know movie name."
Everyone ends up laughing while Jungkook hides his face into his hands.
Yoongi and Jungkook walk through the lobby and see Taehyung and Jimin in the lobby, conversing with each other. They pretend not to notice the other two walk in. They proceed to head up the stairs, and up to the fourth floor.
"Hyung, if we pull this off I'll be surprised." Jungkook says.
"Why?" Yoongi asks.
"You suck at acting." Jungkook chuckles.
Yoongi glares at the younger. "Let's just carry on with the plan."
Jungkook quietly chuckles again as they continue down the hall. They eventually find the room number Emily resides in. Jungkook get's down on his knees and pulls out the necessary items to pick the lock.
"So, is this what Jimin see's when you get down on your knees or-" Yoongi starts and get's cut off.
"If you continue with that sentence hyung I'll make you carry Emily." Jungkook growls.
Yoongi laughs. "Just trying to make conversation."
"Well you suck at it, so just stay quiet." Jungkook says as he focuses on picking the lock.
Yoongi crosses his arms and huffs. "Fine."
Just shortly after they hear the lock click and Jungkook smiles. "I'm not the golden maknae for nothing."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're good at everything." Yoongi grumbles and pushes Jungkook out of the way to quietly open the door.
The apartment remains dark and silent.
Both Jungkook and Yoongi silently crept into the apartment, closing the door softly in the process. They walked into the living room and saw the doorway that hopefully leads to her room.
After confirming that it's her room they proceed with the plan. They have the chloroform because she's a light sleeper. She always has been, so once the rag laced with chloroform hit her face, she woke up in a panic.
The last image she saw, was the man she once loved before she passed out.
Once she came to her neck was sore, only to realize the reason is because she's strapped down onto a chair.
"HELP!!" She screamed out once panic, once again, settled into her system.
She screamed over and over, but the only voice she heard was her own echoing back.
She looked around and couldn't see too far in front of her. Reason is because of a single light shining down on her, concealing the rest of the room in darkness. She heard footsteps approach her, until it stopped just outside the ring of light.
Her voice wobbled. "W-which one are you?"
He laughed, and she knew that laugh. "Y-Yoongi?"
He steps into the light. "The one and only."
Her head hangs down. She can't believe she wasn't prepared for this, she should have been, she expected it but not so soon.
"Okay Yoongi, you win. I'll leave you alone, I'll stay away." Emily lies.
"No you won't. You forget, I grew up with you. You're stubborn, you like to get what you want, so I know you'll try again." He says, walking around her chair.
She laughs to herself. "Right, of course you'd know that."
"I should. You put my wife through hell, you put me through hell, you put everyone through hell for your selfish agenda." Yoongi says through gritted teeth.
She smiles to herself. "Then you should know how I felt when you chose her over me."
Yoongi is in front of her in an instant, his eyes level with hers. "You can not put the blame on me, you should know I wouldn't throw what I have with Y/N away just because I knew you longer. That's not how life works. So don't you blame me for everything."
She looks down, because he's right. She can't blame him for her own faults, her own flaws. It's just what makes her human.
Yoongi straightens up and sighs. "You brought this upon yourself Emily."
"You should've planned if we escaped. You're not so smart." Another voice breaks out of darkness. The voice is deep with a satoori accent. A voice that is foriegn to her ears.
She looks up to see a handsome bunny like man. His hair brown with some wave to it, like he put product in his hair carelessly. He has his arms crossed over his broad chest. His thighs look like they'll break free from his pants any moment.
She sighs once again, recognizing the handsome man in front of her. "You're here too Jungkook."
It was a simple statement that sounded more like a question. Jungkook didn't care either or.
"Of course I'm here. You almost tore our family apart, you kidnapped Y/N. Of course I'm going to be here. I don't want to miss the show." Jungkook says, in the same accent.
At that Emily's eyes widen. "Sh-show?"
"Yes, a show." A feminine voice replies. It causes Emily's head to whip towards the direction of the voice. Her eyes looking for the person who produced the sound.
She's also jealous on how smooth Y/N's voice sounds. Even her own ears wishes for the voice to come back.
"W-what show?" Emily dared ask.
Y/N steps into the circle of light, right between the two handsome men. How can she be surrounded by attractive men and not faint?
"A show of your life." Y/N answers.
Emily is confused, it must show on her face because Y/N sweetly smiles.
"It'll flash before your eyes before darkness takes over."
Emily panics. "P-please no! I'll do anything! Just please don't kill me!!"
Y/N frowns, it looks twisted through Emily's tears that blur her vision. "Aw, sweetie. There are things more fearful than death."
Emily chokes back her sob to ask. "Like what?"
Y/N shrugs a shoulder. "Life."
It hit Emily like a ton of bricks. Living is worse than dying. Living means you must keep fighting, fighting to live, an endless amount of fighting to stay alive is tiring. Once you give up, you're still fighting, fighting to not die of starvation, fighting the cold, the heat, and your thoughts.
Death is an escape, death relieves you from fighting. Death is a friend welcoming you to a cold bed and never ending sleep. Death is dark, and welcoming.
Life is the beautiful lie, and death is the painful truth.
Life always fucks us all in the end.
Emily smiles as a tear escapes her eye. She understands what's coming to her, and she'll accept it. As it relieves the world of her, and her of the world.
Y/N readies her weapon of choice, one that will give Emily an easy way out. One they all want anyway.
Emily looks them all in the eyes, as she pushes her panic down and closes her eyes and bows her head.
Even after everything she did, Y/N still has a heart. Emily truly regrets what she did for once.
Just as she heard the gun cock, she whispers. "I'm sorry."
And then..
Her end credits roll before her.
Everything is finally over. They all return to their home where everyone is waiting for them eagerly awaiting the news.
The news that Emily is no more. Everyone is excited, but they don't look it. As it had to do with taking away someone's life, a life that mattered to other people, but not to them.
Everyone looks at each other. This wasn't the feeling they expected to feel after everything was done, but it's better than nothing.
They buried the body in an unmarked grave, secluded in the place she loved. Her once lively childhood home, that now stands empty and lonely.
Sure, she's a monster. But Y/N, Yoongi, and Jungkook have hearts, they'd still feel bad leaving her there.
Yoongi looks at his wife and smiles. "We did it."
Y/N tears up, she finally feels the weight lifted off her shoulders. "We did."
Official Fin
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