Chapter Three
I stayed at Hoseok's place. I can't stay at the apartment alone. Everything there reminds me of her. Her scent remains there too. I can't even look at the bassinet without wanting to cry. My life was there, but in a blink of an eye it was taken from me.
Hoseok pats my back. He's always tried to comfort me since I showed up.
A few minutes later there's a knock at the door. I already know who it is so I didn't get up. Hoseok called everyone over to try and get my mind off of it for a while. So I'd have a clear head and can think of what to do next.
"Hey Hobi. How's he doing?" I can hear Jimin ask.
"He's horrible. He's remembering all the times they've had together." Hoseok replies.
"He's comforting himself of her with his own memories." Namjoon says sadly.
They all enter the living room. I'm sitting on one of the couches. Just sitting there thinking. Where I have been since arriving.
It's already Junior year. I sigh, how the hell have I made it this far in high school?
"Yoongi oppa!!"
I turn around at the sound of my name. There I see Y/N running up to me. My heart suddenly starts pounding in my chest.
Once she reaches me she throws her arms around me and gives me a hug. I hug her back, hoping she can't feel how hard my heart is pounding. I get so nervous around her now, but she's my friend. What am I supposed to do?
She pulls away and looks up at me. "How are you?"
The curiosity is plain in her eyes. Her eyes sparkle every time she looks at me. Every time she get's excited about something. Every time she sees food.
I smile at her. "I'm good. How are you?"
Her smile widens. "I'm good. How was your summer?"
I chuckle. "You should know how my summer was. I've spent all of it with you."
She suddenly looks down. "Oh yeah. I forgot."
I gasp and put a hand to my heart, faking hurt. "So time with me was forgettable for you?"
She looks up suddenly. "No! No! That's not what I meant!! I just didn't know you spent all of it with me, I thought you hung out with your other friends when we didn't spend time together."
I chuckle. "Y/N. I was just messing with you. I know what you meant."
Her face flushes red. "I- I- I'm going to head inside."
She ducks her head and heads to the doors. I look down at my phone and check the time. It's not even close to time yet. I chuckle and follow after her. She stops at her locker once inside and I lean against the locker next to hers.
"Why shy all of a sudden?" I tease.
A squeal escapes past her lips and she hides her head in her locker. "I'm not."
I chuckle. "Says the girl hiding."
I can hear her sigh, then she steps back away from her locker. "There."
I laugh at her cuteness and she continues to put books in her locker, keeping the ones she needs in her bag.
"Did you do the summer homework for Mrs. Calhoun's class?" I ask her suddenly.
(A/N: Calhoun is pronounced like Cal-hoon. I know, weird last name. I actually had a teacher with this name.)
Her face pales. "Shit!"
She digs in her bag and takes out the rubric for the assignment. She sighs.
"No.. I forgot." She facepalms.
"How could you forget? It was the easiest assignment." I say, surprised she hasn't done it.
"Well, I got distracted this summer and completely forgot." She says.
"You only have to write four paragraphs of someone you admire. It should be easy to say who and explain why. I finished mine quickly. Took about 30 minutes for me to finish it." I say.
I look at the clock on the wall. I grab her hand and pull her along with me.
"Where are you taking me?!" She squeals.
"The library. You're going to write it. I'm not letting you fail the class on the first day." I say.
I sigh at the memory. How I wish I could relive those moments. Because I could touch her and talk to her. She was there, unlike now.
I pull out my wallet and take out a piece of paper.
1st Hour
Who do I admire? I think that's easy for me to point out. Although, he'd never realize it until I can get over my fear of confessing. Until I can get over my fear of rejection. He's sweet, kind and an overall an amazing person. People around him say he's cold hearted, blunt, and rude. I don't see any of that though. They'll never understand him on the level that I do. How caring and sincere he is.
When he talks about things that he's excited about he literally shines. His face and eyes light up, and he shows off his adorable, gummy smile. He's only ever like that when he talks about things he's really passionate about, which are things he gets excited over. Like his music. He likes to write music and says that he'll produce them one day. I love listening to him talk. His voice alone can make me smile. He makes me smile.
He loves his sleep. He can take a nap marathon and win first place. He is scary when you wake him up. Although it is scary, I find it adorable in the end. Although he loves his sleep, I can wake him up with food. He loves waking up to food. It puts him in a better mood than being woken up carelessly. He'll glare and possible let foul words slip out of his mouth when you wake him up.
Although I see him as the most amazing person ever, he's normal like everyone else. He has feelings, he has dreams, he has wishes. I honestly wish everyone could see that. He is super talented and super smart. He always helps me with my homework when I slack off. He pushes me and motivates me to complete things. He pushes me to accomplish things. He is the best person in the world. I don't know how I ever gotten the chance to become friends with this human being.
Who do I admire? That question is simple.
Min Yoongi.
I smile as I read the words written out carefully on the paper. Ever word thought out, every sentence formulated carefully. So much emotion was poured into this assignment. I remember when she presented the essay to me in college, she finally let me read it. I couldn't sleep that night until I confessed to her myself.
I spent years keeping guys away from her. I thought I was being selfish at first. Chasing one after another away from her. Telling them that she's mine. Turns out. I wasn't selfish, because she didn't want them either. She wanted me.
I now feel like I let her down. I couldn't protect her.
"Yoongi..? Earth to Yoongi.." I hear a voice say.
I look up and see the guys looking at me.
"What?" I ask.
"Can you think of anyone who might be jealous of Y/N? Anyone that wanted your attention and you never gave it back?" Namjoon asks.
I search through my memory. "I thought it was Jisoo at first, but I was wrong."
I look down, trying to think more.
"Well, I had an old childhood friend try to come into contact with me again. She attended the same college as Y/N and I. Although, I never really gave her my attention. I talked to her, but not as much." I say.
"Who?" Jimin asks.
"Her name is Emily. I don't remember her ever talking to Y/N though. So I don't think it could be her." I then say.
---- Y/N's POV ----
Ever since arriving to this place, it's been quiet. Too quite. I was told the only reason why I was brought here was to feed Kyung-Mi. At least they kept me in the same room as her. I don't know where I am though. I couldn't keep track of where we were headed. I couldn't keep track of time, of every turn, and of every stop.
Now that I know Kyung-Mi safe with me, I can't help but worry about Yoongi. He must be scared and worried. He must be at a loss of what to do.
I surveyed the room once I arrived. The windows are barred, and it overlooks the building next to us, and an alleyway. I can hear cars, but I can't see them. The room is white, with a cot in the corner and a crib next to it. There is a single light hanging from the ceiling. The walls are cracked and stained. It's obvious I'm in a room that they don't really use. It smells of abandonment.
I cradle Kyung-Mi in my arms, and whisper to her.
"Don't worry honey. We'll get out of here. Yoongi will make sure of it." I whisper.
Please find us soon.
Thank you for reading!
Sorry for the wait. I was running a fever and then had to work right after I didn't show I had a temperature. We have been running late the last two days because one of our workers can't work for a while. So, I'm going to be extremely tired when I get off work.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope it wasn't boring either.
Until next time! ❤️
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