Chpt 14-Adrien?
Adrien's pov:
Marinette and I work for hours upon end, but when five o'clock rolls around we get interrupted by a phone call.
I look over to my phone, but it isn't buzzing. I then look over at Marinette and she is already checking her phone.
"Hey can we take a little break? My parents need my help in the bakery." She asks. I nod, "Of course."
We walk downstairs and she makes her way to the bakery kitchen. I stand back and watch because I don't want to disturb anyone.
Marinette is stuck in the front of the bakery taking orders and handing people their baked goods. I sit down at one of the tables and after about thirty minutes of me watching people walk in and out Marinette walks over to the table and places a drink with some beignets to go along with it.
"I brought you a snack. I wasn't sure what you like so I just gave you the most popular thing on our menu. Sorry for the wait. I have to do this a lot. Sometimes I'm up until three a.m. Working on pastries." She explains, smiling. I don't understand how happy she is when she barely gets any sleep, and is bullied.
'Marinette is a hard book to read.' I think to myself. But I nod and smile at Marinette and thank her for the snacks, then begin to chow down. She walks back to the counter and continues to take orders.
After I finish my snack, I hear the bell on the door ring and I look towards the opening of the shop.
I find Alya there smiling. Holding something in her hands.
"MARI!!!" She screams, running over to the frightened girl.
"Alya calm down! We have customers! You're going to scare them away!" She says with a calm tone.
"Sorry sorry sorry. I just want to show you something! It's about Ladybug. She disappeared into an alley at about 4:55am on April 19th, this year. The thing about it is...that alley was on North street, right beside your house. That means ladybug was right by your house girl!!! Isn't that amazing?!" She asks, jumping up and down. Marinette seems to just nod and blow it off.
'Maybe she's hiding something.' I think to myself, but just shake it off and smile at the two friends.
My phone starts to buzz and I answer it, Who's voice do I hear right away?
"Hello?" I answer.
"Adrien I am right outside the door. Tell your girlfriend that you have to leave. Your father wants you home immediately." She barks.
"S-Sh-She's not my girlfriend!" I argue.
"Adrien. Please do as I say." She pleads.
"Fine." I say, finally agreeing. I stand up and walk over to Marinette then ruffle her hair.
"Thanks for inviting me over, but I gotta go. We can work on the project on Wednesday if you'd like."
"A-a-alright! Th-thank Adrien-I mean! Thank you A-Adrien!" She stutters, blushing. I laugh and kiss her on the cheek.
"Bye Mari." I say, waving to her. I walk out of the shop and I hear squeals coming from behind me. I laugh and see Nathalie and Gorilla waiting for me.
My face goes blank and I sigh then get into the limo.
When I shut the door Plagg flies out of my bag and snickers.
"You think she's ladybug, don't you?"
"I have suspicions. I don't want to make false accusations though. I'll know when she's ready for Me to know." I explain.
"Adrien it's been a year. Don't you think it's time for her to open up to you? I mean if you don't figure it out soon Alya is going to do it for you. You wouldn't want someone else finding out who your true love is before you, right?"
"I know. You're right Plagg. I'll ask her when we go on patrol tonight. Maybe she'll answer some of my questions."
"Okay then."
(Still Adrien's pov:)
I sit down at my desk and go on Alya's ladyblog. I look at the picture of Ladybug for about fifteen minutes until I hear a scream from outside.
"An akuma! Plagg, Transform me!" I demand. I am then swallowed in a green light and transformed into my other self. Chat Noir.
I jump out of my open window and see a flash of red pass by me in an instant.
"Mil'ady! Wait up!" I say, jumping from building to building.
Finally I reach the place ladybug was going to.
The school.
My school.
It starts raining and I find a black umbrella on the stairs of the school building. I pick it up then open it, I use it until I get under the arch where the door is.
There, I wait for ladybug.
After a while, she walks out with a frown on her face.
I smile; "Hello My lady~" I sing.
She smiles a bit. "Chat Noir. Why are you here?"
"I thought there was an akuma attack because I heard a scream and I saw you and followed you to this highschool." I explain.
"Oh...Well that scream was from me. My parents...made me...upset and I had to get away for a bit."
"What happened?" I ask.
"They..found out I was ladybug..and...They told me that they were more than upset with me for lying to them for all of this time. They yelled at me for forty five minutes non-stop."
"I'm..sorry My lady. Would you like to walk around Paris with me? So we can get your mind off of it?" I ask, holding the umbrella out to her.
She looks at the umbrella then looks at me and blushes madly, then stumbles back.
"A-A-ADRIEN?!" She gasps.
(Pov change. Master fu;)
As I observe the two on the stairs from far away.
I smile to myself.
"This was what I wanted. It was time."
"How do you know?" My little Kwami asks.
"I just did, little one."
"Are you the one who placed the umbrella there?"
"Yes, indeed." I answer, smiling. I then walk away from the two miraculous holders and sigh.
"It was their time to figure out."
Another update whoop!
I've been working on this chapter for about four days. I hope you guys enjoy it.
I was having some huge writers block but I somehow managed to fit 1000+ words in this.
Thanks for reading!
-This is not the last chapter-
Love y'all
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