Chapter Two-Little Notes
Adrien's pov:
We arrive at the house and I get out of the limo with the gift basket and Plagg. I start walking towards the gate and then I hear squeals coming from the bush. I walk up to it and see two girls giggling and taking pictures of me. They suddenly stop when I look into their eyes.
"May I ask what you are doing?" I laugh which makes them blush.
"W-we-were-l-looking f-Fo-for you and we s-saw you c-co-coming and we hid b-b-because we thought you would think we were weird. W-we just w-wanted a few pictures." The blonde says.
"Oh. Well then, here." I take their hands and help them up. Then I hold my hand out to her phone. She then hands it to me and giggles.
I raise it up and go to her camera. I hold her close and smile.
"Smile for me, okay?" I ask and she nods and smiles.
I take the picture and she squeals.
"Now, Nathalie. Would you be willing to take these girls home? So they get their safely?" I look at her and she nods then they squeal.
"Th-th-thank you! Adrien Agreste! Have a good night you kind sir!" The brunette says as they get into the car. I nod at the driver and the car starts moving. I wave at them and they smile and squeal. Like the usual fangirl.
I then walk into my house and look around the lobby. Nobody walking around. Perfect.
I tip toe up to my room and quietly open the door. I turn the lights on and shut it carefully, trying not to make noise.
But then-
"ADRIEN! FEED ME NOW!!!!!!!!" Plagg yells.
I wince at the sound and I sigh.
"Plagg shut up. I'll feed you once I read this note from ladybug. Please let me do this."
"Fine. But you OWE me Adrien Agreste. Oh yeah, while you're at it, open up that package on your bed. It smells like cookies and...rain?" I look over at the bed and there is a box, a little bag, and a note.
"Hm, did you see who dropped this off?" I ask Plagg, he then shrugs his shoulders.
"Nope. Maybe it was your loveeeeeeeeee Marinetteeeeeeee!" He laughs.
"She's just a friend Plagg." After I say that I pause, this was exactly what I said one year ago. Oh no. I couldn't have forgotten, could I?
I walk over to my bed and plop down on it. I set Ladybug's bag down and then open the letter from the anonymous person.
"Dear Adrien,
Happy one year! I'm so glad that we've been friends for this long. I hope we continue to be friends!
Love, I-I MEAN
Sincerely, Marinette Cheng."
I smile then open the box. I pick an object up and unwrap it. (It has bubble wrap around it). I blush when I see a black umbrella, the one I have to Marinette exactly one year ago.
Oh no.
I forgot about Marinette and I being friends for a year...Had I really been THAT caught up with ladybug and chat that I forgot about sweet, funny Marinette?
I sigh and open the bag. A waft of sweet smells came from it and I look down and find chocolate chip cookies, my favorite. Wait, they're still warm.
I blush a lot and take a huge bite out of a cookie. I then smile and think to myself,
I have to thank her for these. But wait. First I have to read the letter from ladybug.
I set the cookies down and grab the letter from ladybug, I then open it and smile when I see her name.
"Chat noir, Happy one year.
I decided to give you a clue about my identity, Because of the special occasion. I wanted to tell you that I go to Parisian Highschool, it's right by the bakery on south street, and by the Agreste manor. Find me if you can.
I can't believe I'm saying this but, I'm so lucky to have a partner as great as you.
Thank you, for everything.
I squeal and jump up on my bed.
"Plagg! Ladybug goes to my school! How great is this?!" I jump up and down and twist and turn.
"That's great kid, but you're forgetting about Marinette. Go call her or something. Just tell her thank you and it'll be over with."
I nod and grab my phone then call her. After a few rings, she picks up.
"Dupan bakery how may I help you?" I hear a small voice say.
"Um I'm not calling for baked goods, terribly sorry though. Is Marinette there? I wanted to thank her for everything."
"Oh yes. She is here. Hold on a second. Who is this?" The lady on the phone asks.
"Adrien Agreste."
I hear a squeal on the line and I hear the lady yell.
"Marinette! That crush of yours is calling, Adrien! Come and talking to him. Take a break from baking!"
I then hear Marinette's voice in the background.
"Mama! He could probably hear you! Don't say that out loud! Plus we have customers! They might know him and tell him!"
"Sorry Mari. Come and talk to him. I won't say anything else I promise."
"Okay fine. Hello?"
"Hey Marinette. It's Adrien. I wanted to thank you for all of the gifts and for giving me the umbrella back," I say.
"Oh...Um-yeah no big deal..."
"Well I have to go now, I'll see you at school tomorrow! Have a nice night Marinette! Bye!" I say quickly and hang up.
"Adrien you didn't tell her happy anniversary. Aren't you planning on giving her a gift?" Plagg asks.
"Nah. She'll think I'm trying to flirt. I love my lady. And nothing can change that."
Hello my gorgeous readers! Thank you for reading this book so far, I hope you're enjoying it! If you have any suggestions, make sure to comment! I'll try and make it happen!
Have a good night or day!
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