Chapter nine-Papillon.
Adrien/Chat Noir's pov:
I look at Marinette sleeping and smile.
'She seems so peaceful..Like a perfect angel, but when she's awake she starts to feel intolerable pain, why is that? All of the pain and sadness disappears when you close your eyes.' I think to myself, then lay down on the hospital couch.
I turn my head to the side and look out the window, it's night time now and the stars are shining more than ever. Is that a good sign?
"Possibly." Plagg says, reading my thoughts.
"How'd you know what I was thinking?" I ask him In a whisper, so we don't wake Marinette.
"Well, I can just tell, and I'm practically apart of you so I can sometimes hear your thoughts. Like how you thought Marinette was ladybug? I could hear that too. Sometimes I don't even have to know what you're thinking. I just guess." Plagg whispers.
"Plagg. Do you know who ladybug is?" I ask.
"Yes, but I promised master fu, and ladybug that I would never tell a single soul." He says.
"Alrighty then, I'll just find out on my own."
"You do that." Plagg whispers, yawning. I see him lay down and fall asleep, I smile and begin to drift off to sleep myself.
(In Adrien's dream:)
"Papillon." I spit, looking at this villain in disgust. He smirks and begins to speak,
"Chat Noir, What a pleasant surprise. I'm guessing you're here to talk?"
"No. I'm here to end this. You have done nothing but torture my friends, family, and innocent people in this city. You have even hurt my lady. That. Is. Not. Okay." I say, practically yelling.
"Oh, you plan on settling this? How cute. Your mother would be proud, Adrien." Hawkmoth says with a smirk.
"H-how do you k-know m-my na-name?!" I begin to freak out, but papillon interrupts.
"I am your father, Adrien."
"I don't believe you!" I yell, getting angrier and angrier per second.
"Oh, Adrien. Yelling at your father? Such a shame. I should lock you up in your room and lock the windows so you can't get out. Such a bad boy."
I then fall to the ground and grab my hair with both hands. I start to pant frantically and I yell once more;
"B-but you've made people die! Real, innocent people! You've caused Ladybug, and my classmates pain! You aren't my father!"
"I've done all of this for you...My son. I want ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses so I can rule the world, with you as my prince. When my time is up, you will rule. Wouldn't that be amazing? We could capture all of the miraculous holders and kill them for interrupting my work!"
I shake my head and tears roll down my face.
"N-no!!" I yell, causing my face to turn red; "I will never work for you! I will never kill my friends! And. I. Will. Never. Give. My. Miraculous. Up!"
He then shakes his head, smiling in the process, making him look even more terrifying;
"Poor Adrien. You beer had a choice. It is very funny that you thought you could run your life. This is the same thing that happened to your mother, son."
"Wh-what d-did you do-t-to m-my mother?!"
"Well I killed her of course, she refused to do what I said and I couldn't have that. So I had to get rid of her. Same thing will happen to you if you continue to refuse." He smiles.
"Y-you monster! H-how could I ever call you my father?! You are a killer!" I scream; "A murderer!"
"Oh son, you have a lot to learn."
"No...I am not your son...I am not even a friend! From now on, I'm not going to have any contact with you. You will be out of my life forever!" I scream as hot tears stream down my face and onto the ground.
(Back to reality)
I wake up, sweating.
'Is that really how my mother disappeared?' I ask myself, hoping it wasn't true. Hopefully it was just a made up dream.
Hello everyone! Sorry for such a short chapter, I've been talking with my internet friend and we're talking about a lot of stuff, catching up and bein besties :3
I'll update as soon as possible!
Make sure you tell me what you think! Comment suggestions, or ideas you have for the story!
Until next time,
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