*insert overdramatic youtuber sigh here.*
I didn't want to have to make this vi- wait. *ruffles through script, before throwing it away*
Screw that piece of shit. The point is the same though. I wasn't going to make this, but I was outvoted in the voting of writing it. So here we are.
To start this, I will proceed to out everyone who voted for this, so you can see what they caused.
and Jasper
I hate you all.
jk. You still my friends.
Anyway enjoy this one, and I will say it involves the sexual act of pegging.
Anyway enjoy.
No outro for this one.
Revenge was third time lucky.
Normally Nya would be alright with a bit of 'light teasing' from Jay, even out in public. But the vibrator at the table incident had been too much for her to handle, getting slightly annoyed at him for it, especially since Kai came over after asking if she was alright afterwards, which led to a half baked fake explanation to get out of it.
Additionally, the week had been rough on all the Ninja, as the villains they were trying to catch got away. They were all pissed off, especially Nya since she had one in her grasp before getting knocked out by another, only coming to, in Jay's arms.
Since then, she had been incredibly steamed, and needed some way of helping herself with that, when she remembered the 'special' room that they had in the house.
More so, under it.
So that is where she called Jay to, himself wondering why she was down here, until he saw her in leather, partially naked, holding a whip.
"We are going to have some fun Walker." She smirked, hitting the whip against the floor. "I just need the music.."
"They say, go slowwwwwwwww" She sang out holding the whip. On the bed, Jay was on his hands and knees faced away from her, dressed in a light bondage outfit. Nya had handcuffed his arms and his legs together, ensuring that he couldn't drop to the bed even if he tried.
And for extra, she decided to put a ball gag in his mouth while she did her own thing.
"Mmmhh mhmm!" He called out through the gag.
"We sayyyyy, go go!" she struck the whip around, doing a few practice shots. Jay however couldn't see how close they were getting, stuck to trying to look behind him, but failing.
"We're ready for the fight, we know the drill.."
"Monday morning and we feel defeated, feels so long agoooooooo" Nya decided it was time to apply the strap on, quickly attaching and looking down at it, a mischievous look on her face.
"Tuesday's comin' we just keep on beatinnnn'"
"Til we're in our zoneeee.."
"They sayyyyyyy, go slowwwww"
"And everything just stands so still..." Nya prepared her whip again, aiming it in Jay's direction.
"We say... GO GOOOO!!!" She lashed it, making it miss him, but only barely, Jay being able to see the whip come into his view, flinching a bit.
"MHMMMMM!!" His panicked muffled responses did nothing against her.
"You're gonna see us rip into it!" Nya lined up the shot, preparing.
"We just jump up kick back whip around and spin!" On the 'whip' bit, she aimed the whip, and struck Jay on the ass with it, not holding back. Jay's muffled screams grew as the pain set in, his reflexes kicking in, trying to move, but the cuffs still not giving him permission.
The noises fueled Nya, relishing in the sounds. She did a little spin, letting her hair go wild for a minute, enjoying the feeling of dominance over Jay.
"And then we jump back, do it again!" And she whipped Jay again, again getting the noises she was loving to hear from him. She decided to step the pace up a bit, and let him sing along.
"Ninja!" whip
"Ninja!" whip
"Come on, come on - we're gonna do it again, we just jump up kick back, 'whip' around and Spinnn!" She used all her effort, hitting Jay on the rear once again, Jay's eyes were starting to water at the pain.
"And then we jump back do it againnnnnnn" Another whip, another muffled yelp from Jay which Nya revelled in.
"NINJAAAA-!" whip
"Come on, come on - and do the weekend whip, YEAHHHHHH!!" She sang out, pulling no strings.
Feeling nothing more, Jay started to calm down, thinking the worst of it was over, but what he didn't factor was that it only just started.
Nya went to the shelf of many toys, and pulled out a collar with a short lead attached to it, some lube and a paddle, making her way over to the bed, and kneeled on it, dropping the paddle and lube for a second.
"Wednesday mornin' and we so discover, we gotta push our game" she sang out, before putting the collar around Jay's neck, before getting close to his ear, whispering.
"You're my bitch, got that?" She grabbed the paddle, and used it on his ass, smacking it hard. Jay's muffled cries rang out again, looking at her pleadingly.
"Got that?!??!!" She paddled him again, pulling on the lead to choke Jay a bit, Jay nodding quickly. Nya ruffled his hair. "Good boy." She rewinded the music about 4 seconds, before continued singing.
"We slept til Thursday just to get it over, the whip's a day away!" She prepared her paddle, holding it ready.
"THEY SAY" smack, smack
"GO SLOWW!!" smack, smack.
"And everything just stands so still."
"WE SAYYYY" smack, smack. "Come on Jay! What do we say?" She yelled to him, pulling on the lead.
"MMHMMMMM HMMMMMMM!!!" He muffled out, getting a smile from Nya. She pulled back, dropping the lead and paddle, opening the lube, and rubbing it over the strap on.
"You're gonna see up rip into it!" She placed her hands on his shoulders, preparing herself.
"Get ready Jay." Is all she said
"Just jump up, kick back, whip around and spin!" On 'jump,' she thrust into his asshole, aiming as deep as possible. Jay moan-cried out at the feeling of strap-on deep inside him. However, before he had time to regain his senses, Nya started her thrusting, moving in rhythm to the song.
"AND THEN WE JUMP BACK DO IT AGAIN!" Nya grabbed the paddle again.
"NINJA-!" smack
"NINJA-!" smack
"JUMP UP KICK BACK WHIP AROUND AND SPINNNNNN!" Nya increased her pace, forgetting about the music temporarily to thrust as hard and deep into him as possible. Jay however the pleasure was getting to him, turning him into a moaning mess. Nya decided to have more fun, unclasping the gag, letting Jay's moans free.
"AND THEN WE JUMP BACK DO IT AGAIN!" Jay's moans started to overlap the song.
"NINJA!!!" smack
"NINJA!!!!" smack
"Who is my little bitch?" Nya called out, pulling on the lead.
"I'm your little bitch, Nya!" Nya paddled him once again, pulling harder.
"Address me properly!" She paddled him twice more, getting another few yelps from him.
"I am your little bitch, Mistress!" Jay cried out, the feeling of getting pounded from behind, as well as the paddle was getting too much for him.
"COME ONE, CUM ON, AND DO THE WEEKEND WHIP, YEAH AHHHH!!!" She paddled him the hardest she could go, and the gates fell through, Jay climaxing hard.
Nya pulled out, undoing the strap on, turning the music off, and getting Infront of Jay, undoing his cuffs.
He immediately fell down onto the bed, defeated. Nya however sat down, her legs opposite side of his head, her exposed womanhood flashing to him.
"Funny," she said in a sultry manor, "I let you cum, yet you have not done the same for me." She pushed his face directly to her womanhood, closing her legs around him.
"Pleasure your mistress."
He obeyed her, using his tongue to get further, and deeper. Nya kept pushing down on his head, moaning. Eventually, she burst, spilling onto Jay. She grabbed the paddle, smacking him again.
"Lick it all up!" She commanded. Jay did exactly that, not missing a drop. Nya lied down, with Jay joining her moments after, flopping.
"Did that help with your stress, mistress?" Jay asked.
"It sure did Jay. I know you don't like doing it often, but thanks for doing it for me."
Jay undid the harness, getting under the covers, resting his head on the pillow.
"Anything for you Nya." He mumbled sleeply before falling to the land of dreams. Nya chucked to herself, before cuddling up to him, joining him there as well.
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