Speckles walked along a river bed kicking a few rocks. No matter how boring it seemed, it always was amusing and kinda fun to kick rocks and stones. Speckles never knew why but he liked it. He then heard loud stomps coming like some dinosaur was aggravated. He slowly walked through the bushes to see a large brachiosaurus on its hind legs.
"Who could be that stupid to aggravate a sauropod?" Speckles mumbled to himself. He then switched his gaze towards a barking utahraptor who was jumping around the brachiosaurus like it was teasing it. The raptor seemed to be feminine and she looked familiar. "Can't be Cora can it? No it can't. Cora's not stupid enough," he mumbled to himself again. Then all of a sudden, the brachiosaurus dropped and was about to stomp on the raptor when Speckles jumped in and saved her. They landed beside each other and although the had a few bruises and scratches, they were fine.
"Are you okay?" Speckles asked the utahraptor.
"Yes I'm fine" said Cora's familiar voice as she was looking down.
"Cora?" Speckles asked in confusion as she looked up, "I never knew you were stupid enough." he joked. She kicked him in his flank causing him to fall over.
"Next time don't call me stupid!" she said angrily. However, even she couldn't stop laughing. The brachiosaurus snorted and stomped its front right leg causing the two to run away chuckling. They hugged for a brief moment and stared. Speckle's green eyes held Cora's gaze. Speckles was the first to look away and immediately looked down at his feet. A smirk grew on Cora's maw, "I win."
"Hey you never said that it was a staring contest!" Speckles growled in annoyance.
"Then why were you staring? And you stared at me for more than six seconds. And I know you don't wanna kill me so that means that you wan..." Cora stated with a smirk that continued to grow bigger.
"Shuddup!" Speckles interrupted knowing what she was gonna say.
"You like me don't you?" Cora smirked tilting her head, "You're just afraid of rejection."
"I don't!" Speckles growled again.
"Well that's harsh," she said jokingly
"I-I-I mean.. uh..."
"Ha! You do like me!" Cora trumpeted
"I never said yes"
"I have a secret admirer! Well he's not so secret anymore!" Cora called out for others to hear, "His name is Speck..." Speckle quickly covered her mouth with his claws, trying to shut her up.
"I said shuddup!" Speckles barked.
"You know what would make me shut up?"
"If I claw you in the face"
"Oh you silly raptor. You know you would not do that. Especially not after this," Cora said as she leaned forward.
"After wh-" Speckles said before he was interrupted by Cora licking him on the cheek. Speckles immediately froze and unknowing of what to do.
"Looks like it made you shut up! Mission completed." Cora stated before walking away, leaving Speckles to his thoughts.
Yes I know, I said I wasn't going to continue but someone by the name of @EnzioJoshuaRodriguez had given me support in my story and made me decide to continue. If you are reading this, thank you for the support! (sorry people for the short chapter. My screen was blinding me and it won't lemme turn down the brightness ;-;) Also I know this was a corny chapter.
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