Your POV:
The morning after your day on the beach with Jasper started much like the one before it. You got up early in the morning, tended to the horses, then cooked breakfast for a sleepy Jasper. Except this time, it went WAY different.
Pancakes beeped in the oven and the stove hollered at you to shut it off. You were so busy making everything in the kitchen shut up that you hadn't noticed the cracking sound of the back door open and shut roughly against the wall.
"Hi, (y/n)!" Said a voice from the door.
"Gah, shit! Cindy, what the hell? What are you doing?!" You nearly dropped a blazing hot fry pan of fried potatoes on your foot. You would've killed Cindy for that.
"Sorry, I just thought it would be important to let you know that-OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?!" Cindy went wide eyed and you spun around to see what she was pointing and shouting at. Low and behold, there stood Jasper in nothing but a long t-shirt that thankfully covered everything that needed to be covered. You ran over to stand in front of Jasper and she looked down at you confused.
"This is, well this is..." You tried to think of something clever to say but nothing was coming to you,"....this is Jasper. She's my-my friend." You said confidently and looked up at Jasper who was staring at you. "Jasper this is Cindy." You gestured toward the blonde haired woman.
"Cindy." Japer nodded her head in acknowledgement. "What is this human to you, (y/n)?" You sensed a pang of jealousy there and cracked a small smile.
"Cindy is a friend of mine who boards her horse here at my farm. Don't be rude, go shake her hand." Jasper wasn't sure what to do as you shoved her closer to Cindy. The blonde looked utterly terrified. Jasper held out an outstretched hand for her to take and Cindy reached out to take it with an extremely jittery palm.
"N-nice to m-meet you." The lithe woman managed to chatter out. Jasper gave her another head nod and removed herself from the situation, but not before she took a plate of food and gave you a look and a nod as well. You heard her loud footsteps clamber up the stairs. Looking to Cindy, it seemed as though she had witnessed Bigfoot doing the cha-cha with the Jersey Devil.
"Is she an alien?" Cindy said in a curious yet nervous type of way. You thought about it for a moment before responding.
"Well, um, yea I guess she is. She's a gem thing, like the Crystal Gems or whatever except she's not part of their group." You explained, trying not to give Cindy any major details. The blonde grabbed a piece of sausage from the plate on the counter.
"You like her don't you?" Was her next statement with a mouth full of sausage. You blushed fiercely while choking on some potato and quickly denied the fact. Falsely denied the fact. Because if Jasper had asked to take you right then, right there, you would've had her clothes off so fast, The Flash would be jealous.
You had known you were into women for just as long as you'd been horseback riding. Your parents could tell from a young age that their little (y/n) was just a little bit different. They never shamed you for it, in fact, they tried to help overcome the bullying and encouraged you to be yourself. You wished they were still here. Maybe they could help you somehow.
"No! Cindy she's, shes...idk. I don't like her...Pfft no...." You were a terrible liar and Cindy noticed it immediately.
"You do like her! Wow, that must be erotic don't you think? Have you ever seen her naked?" Of course she asked that. Of course.
"Well....I saw her ass. And she stripped in front of me in the dark once but I couldn't see much. She's extremely sexy..." You recalled the night you found Jasper in your room. Cindy squealed and jumped up and down. Her low-cut, yellow t-shirt barely kept her boobs in as she did so. "Cindy chill. Nothing is going to happen." Oh how you wished it would.
"You don't know that. I saw the way she looked at you." Immediately, your head snapped to look at her.
"What do you mean?!" You blurted out. Oh man. What if she did like you?
"I don't know, she's just looked she'd jump in front of a bullet for you at any moment." Cindy shrugged gently. For a moment, you wondered if you and Cindy were talking about the same Jasper. The Jasper you knew hated humans. But just maybe....
"Well Jasper doesn't even like humans." You remarked back with a sullen tone. It was never going to work between you no matter how much you wanted it to. You and Jasper were too different and she probably internally hated you because of your race. And to be honest, you should hate her. She tried to destroy your planet, thus never leaving time for you to exist. If Jasper had gotten her way, you wouldn't be alive.
"Then she's the one with the issue. Not you. You're a catch babe." Cindy winked at you and headed towards the door. "Oh and by the way, Jade had her baby." The blonde haired woman remembered. You squealed like a little girl when you heard your favorite mare had delivered her foal.
"Oh my goodness! I must go see! Why didn't you tell me sooner??" The shouting ended with a thud from upstairs. What the hell was Jasper up to now?
"Well I was about to tell you when I found your alien, gem, thing, girlfriend staring at me." Cindy replied as she gave you another wink and headed out the door. You were buzzing with excitement from news of another new baby around the farm. However, some feelings coursed through you. You were happy about the foal but sad because of Jasper. Then, you realized you wouldn't let your sorrow get the best of you.
"Hey Jasp! Get your lazy ass down here and get dressed. I wanna show you something!" Your screaming was acknowledged by a grunt, a muffled "k" and the sound of moving from the guest room upstairs. Jasper came down moments later in a white t-shirt and ripped jeans. Holy shit she looked hot. Her hair was out and in her face. Thankfully you'd taught her to shower, because the whole stinky alien thing wasn't flying by you anymore.
"Where are we going?" She asked in her very signature, raspy, low voice. It was almost a hobby of yours just to hear her talk.
"Outside to the barn. I want to show you something." You told her.
"I was watching the moving box upstairs. Let's do this sometime else." Well Jasper will be Jasper. She turned to walk away and you stopped her (barely) by grabbing her left arm and clinging to it for dear life.
"Wait, wait, oh no you don't! You're coming with me, General Jasper!" You looked like a monkey hanging off the huge mass that was her bicep, kicking and yelling. Finally she gave in and you gave her a quick, little hug and grabbed her hand to pull her out the door. The gem huffed the whole way out, complaining about how she wanted to go back in.
As the pair reached the foaling barn, Jasper continued her slew of irritating comments. She followed you through the feed room and into the stall area.
"Jasper, what im about to show you, is very weak and very fragile. You absolutely, positively cannot be rough with it. You will kill it." You warned the muscular gem. You didn't think she'd hurt the baby on purpose, but you were afraid she would get rough with it. Opening the stall door, you heard the tiny whinny of the little foal inside. It was a little filly, a brilliant liver chestnut with a small star on her forehead.
"Look at her. She's just a baby. Do you know what babies are Jasper?" You wondered.
"Aren't they weaker, stupider than normal humans?" Jasper inquired. Yet again, she hasn't realized she had hurt you a little bit with her indirect insult.
"No they are just young. They will grow up to be just like me, or Pat, or Vino. You must be careful with them." You told her and walked into the stall with Jade her filly. "This is Jade and her baby." Motioning for Jasper to come in, the large gem carefully put each foot in front of her till she was standing next to you. She barely fit in the stall height wise.
Jade was a light bay, 16 hand, Holsteiner mare your parents imported from Germany three years ago as a jumper. She had always been a little bit sassy but a fun, easy ride.
"She's so small." Jasper responded as she stared at the foal. She put reached a hand to place it on the baby.
"She needs a name." The filly knickered a little bit after you mentioned naming her. Jasper out one big arm on the filly's back. "Why don't you name her?" Jasper looked shocked.
"I've never named anything before. We always came with names. I don't know how....." Poor thing. She actually looked somewhat defeated.
"It's easy. Just pick something you like, or something you think reminds you of her. Simple as that." Jasper crouched down and even then she wasn't eye level with the foal. Jade became a bit wary, but a hand on her back from you reassured the mare that Jasper wasn't going to hurt her precious newborn.
"Diamond." Finally came from the orange gem's mouth.
"Diamond it is then. Pink Diamond will be her show name and we will call her Diamond for short. Sound good?" ️You reassured Jasper and placed a hand on her back. You rubbed her shoulders in small circles before she stood up and you followed her out of the stall and locked it. It was then that she turned around abruptly on you and pinned you up against the hard redwood of the sliding stall door.
"Jasper what are you..." She had both hands on either side of your head and the gem leaned her face closer to yours.
"I saw this...on the TV. It means affection I think. Just hold still (y/n)." Jasper hovered closer and closer to you, as you breathed out and almost moaned a little. Your eyes were half lidded and looking upwards at the lovely shade of orange of Jasper's skin. Very subtly, you reached out and grabbed the part of her shirt by her sides, feeling the hard oblique muscles bulging from under the cloth.
"Please Jasp..." Your breath caught in your throat as Jasper snatched your lips up in a sweet rapture that became a very passionate kiss. You fell into the oblivion of her arms and your head, heart, and stomach were doing complete backflips. Jasper lifted you up off the ground and you wrapped your legs around her waist to make it easier for her to keep kissing you the way she was. You never wanted her to stop. But you had to.
Finally, Jasper let the hold she had on your mouth slacken and then disappear all together. "Was that okay?" She asked, actually seeming very sheepish.
"Yes Jasper, it was so right." Your arms were around her neck and your fingers intertwined in her thick, white mane. "Does that mean, you have....affections for me?" You gulped.
"I seem to care strongly for you, yes." Jasper was still holding you and you felt a poke in your back as you were pressed up against the stall doors. You turned around to see little Diamond's grey and white nose poking through the bars and into your side. How fucking adorable was that.
"I think Diamond approves." You chuckled softly and so did Jasper. "Come on, let's get back to the house. I'll order dinner." You couldn't stop staring at her eyes and your (s/c) cheeks hurt from smiling.
"Sounds good to me." Jasper replied and she carried you just like that all the way back to the house.
Author's Note:
Holy balls.......that just happened. Jasper kissed you guys! Lucky little shits.... Lol anyway, this is now going to be the time I will usually be updating from now on since school started, but I will make every effort to keep posting every day!
I have a couple ways this sorry could go....each being awesome I'm their own right. So just buckle up, hang on, and enjoy the ride ;3
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