Chapter 1
one night while fallacy was away his wife gave birth to jasper and died after child birth. Jasper was wrapped in a blanket with his name woven into the blanket. There was a maid who was jealous she wanted fallacy to herself so she stole the child and took them far away into another forest and then left them on the ground to die and then proceeded to rush back to the castle. when fallacy got home from the meeting the maid told him everything and that she got rid of the distraction so that they could be together. Fallacy was furious that he had lost his son to this maid's stupidity he killed the women and told his vampire subjects to search for his son. Encre lived alone in the forest he only went to town when he needed to stock up his supplies. One night he heard crying not too far away he went out to investigate he came closer to the crying and found a blanket the crying was coming from the blanket. He picked up the blanket and unwrapped the top it was a baby skeleton and then he saw the fangs. The baby was a vampire he looked at the blanket the see the name Jasper embroidered it the blanket. "So your name is Jasper a lovely name I can't just leave you out here so your coming home with me." Encre said so he took Jasper home At first, it was hard after all. He didn't really know how to take care of a vampire child, but after a while he started to get the hang of it. He started putting traps out in the forest to catch some rabbits and deer. He would harvest the meat for himself and he would drain the corpses for their blood for his new son putting blood in a baby bottle was really weird at first but watching his new son eat while staring innocently staring into his eye sockets melted his soul and he got used to it also. He also let his son have a bit of his blood but he made sure that he was very careful about giving it to him after all he didn't want to bleed out. His son would need him in the future. Years passed and Jasper was now five years old. He had grown fast teaching him how to fly was another problem though. So he decided to do the smart thing and he set up tracks to hopefully catch a fruit bat, so he did teach his son how to fly. Fallacy the vampire king was devastated. He spent years searching for his son the only one left of his family and was convinced that he was dead. At least until chara showed up one day."My king, your son has been found." Fallacy snapped his head towards chara."Where Is he?" "He's in a cabin with a mortal living on the edge of the forest." "I will go and see for myself." Fallacy took off from his castle in bat form towards the edge of the forest. Unfortunately he was caught by a net he struggled worried that he was going to die and that the vampire hunters were gonna kill him before he could ever see his son. He was astonished to see a normal mortal come to the net. You'll do perfectly, you can teach my little Jasper how to fly, and after that, I'll set you free Mr. fruit bat. Fallacy was stunned this was mortal who had been taken care of his child, it would seem he wasn't going to die here and he would be able to see his son sooner than he thought.
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