The Will of Rebecca and Regulus Black
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Janna trembled in her seat "Mr Winslow... He didn't deserve to die" she shook again, her hot tears running down her face, McGonagall gave Janna a handkerchief, she blew her nose with a small sound before bursting into tears again.
"Greyback was looking for you... Mr Winslow had defensive wounds on his arms and hands... He refused to let Greyback get you. He fought very hard, his death was quick, he was found with his soul missing—"
Janna's head shot up from her hands "His soul was missing?!" Janna shrilled into tears "that is not a death at all if he isn't dead" Janna leaned on the shelf, remembering she hadn't said goodbye to him... She just left, now she wanted to go back, she didn't believe he was gone, she wanted more time... He had done too much for her and now she was crying like a baby over his death... which she caused. Janna thought of what she was going to do now... she had nobody, Mr Winslow had told her that when she was sixteen he would let her stay on her own, he would set her free from Mrs Winslow... She had dreamed of leaving that house, but now... Janna shuddered into tears, remembering his humbleness, she shook her head, her hair dropping on her shoulders... Her hands shivered... Mr Winslow was the only human being who had seen her transformations and still stayed near her... He had saved her from Greyback, he nurtured her back to health, even if he had a small peanut salary... Janna had been his life, he was also her tether to earth... Now she was free falling into a dark void.
Harry knelt to Janna's eye-level, her red nose twitched as her red rimmed eyes stared up at him, her green eyes were brighter since they stood out against the red. Janna couldn't see much since her eyes were blurry from all the tears.
"Are you alright?"
Janna shook her head.
"Will you be able to talk to anyone?"
With a pause Janna thought, she slowly nodded, lifting her head she closed, she breathed in deeply, then opened them again. McGonagall gently put out her hand to let Janna take her hand for balance to get off the low stool.
"There we go, Miss Black..." McGonagall patted Janna's back, the young girl was at her wits end, she felt like she had nowhere to go... Her stomach let out a tremor which made Janna cough out a cry as she came with McGonagall to the adults.
Janna sat in a chair with the three people watching her, Harry sat beside her, holding her trembling, pale hand. McGonagall stalked the officials when they spoke to Janna. Squinting at Prescila Batch who seemed to not be enjoy having Janna in tears, she would divert her watch from Janna to the person talking as quickly as she could.
"So Miss Black, you have to understand your—Misses Winslow has dropped all guardianship of you. So I am here to discuss where I can place you when you go home got the holidays" Mr. Hawn explained with a low voice as he opened his file,
"I don't have a home..." Janna said lowly as she stared at the bookshelf where golden framed books roosted "Technically... you'll be dropping me off at a dog kennel" Harry patted her arm, she looked at him and he shook his head.
"I'll let you think that" Mr. Hawn sourly muttered at Janna as he shuffled through his notes and papers.
Suddenly Janna woke up from staring at the file that Mr. Hawn had, she realised she had been nodding off and shaking her head subconsciously while he spoke. The Batch lady was up next, she neatly laid her small booklet on her lap, Janna heard McGonagall let out a silent sigh of exasperation.
"Now, Julianna—"
"Don't call me Julianna" Janna interrupted, her eyes staring far away, too blurry to see through her tears or her puffy eyes.
Batch glared at Janna before crossing her arms on her small booklet "Miss Black then... Since Mrs. Winslow has dropped all guardianship, you are going to be transferred to a—"
"Might I just interrupt" The dark skinned man lifted his hand to Batch who was turning a strange red colour "I have in possession a Will written by Regulus Arcturus Black—"
"Than man has been dead for over fifty years, the Will must be irrelevant" Batch hissed smiling as though she had Janna in the bag, but there was a glimmer in Kingsley's eyes, he pulled out a case, very old, black with silver locks and hinges, he flipped the hooks from their holding places and opened the case with a squeak of the black leather which crackled as the case's mouth opened as wide as the jaw could.
"Here the Will states on the very last line:—If my daughter is to be uncared for or put into the hands of the Ministry of Magic I request that this Will be put into affect, if she is under the age of seventeen. Sighed Regulus Arcturus Black and Rebecca Juliana Black, née Yaxley." Kingsley looked up at Batch was a hidden grin on his face "Tell me that is irrelevant"
Batch glared at Kingsley, she curled her fingers around the booklet, Janna looked back at Kingsley, he winked at her, smiling softly... Janna watched as Batch left to trade seats with Kingsley "Good morning, Janna, sorry for your loss..." Kingsley put out his hand, Janna shook it gently "I'll be here to discuss what your parents wrote in this Will, first I will read the caretaker list, then I will ask if you have anyone you know who can take care of you, alright?"
Gingerly Janna nodded 'yes' so Kingsley unfurled the parchment, the two pages had writing somewhat like Janna's but more neat. Kingsley put his hand in his robe and pulled out a pair of glasses, he placed the lenses before his eyes and pressed the glasses closer by pressing the holder to the bridge of his nose.
"Concerning Dorea Sirius Harfang Black—" Janna frowned at the name, Dorea? Harfang? Sirius? What names were those? "—legitimate offspring of Regulus Arcturus Black and Rebecca Juliana Black.. If our daughter is to be left to fend for herself if the both of us should die we request that whomever owns the Noble house of Black residence should take guardianship of our daughter, preferably Sirius Orion Black or any of his successors, should he be unable to take care of his niece. We request that our daughter also revive the Black family heirloom, situated in the library of the Black residence in the desk draw under a fidilus charm. Should our daughter be placed in a position of juxtaposition between the family, we request the guardians divert her from their beliefs, protect her from The Dark Lord—" Kingsley stopped, he sighed and looked up at Janna, he tilted the page to her, there was a list of names, above where the previous paragraph was the writing became more vigorous and closely spaced "you should read these names and see who you know..."
Janna was passed the list, she looked through the names, strange names. at the top of the list was
Sirius Orion Black
James Fleamont Potter
Remus John Lupin
Lily Jane Evans
Weasley Family
Tonks Family...
Janna read, she didn't know any of these people, only the first four rang a bell but they were dead. "What if I don't know anyone from this list?"
Batch grinned darkly, Kingsley leaned to Janna "You do know Teddy Lupin and Harry Potter" Janna looked up at him. "Do I have to the know and trust the children of these people?" Janna asked, feeling her stomach rise in anticipation.
Kingsley nodded.
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