The Twenty Year Chase
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The shapes were forming into bodies that were pale skinned figures draped in dark threadbare cloaks, merely waving in the harsh whirlwind that picked up stones, leaves and pineneedles. Sirius pushed into the wind, his hair billowing in the force with his elbow in front of his face in order to cut through the antimagnetic force, James pushed him in further to Janna however with a strong burst of energy Sirius was catapulted in the air, pushed further away from Janna.
One of the five figures stepped out wrapping a scarf around his neck, his boots crunched the pine needles under their heavy soles, he strut towards Janna daring to touch her shoulder with a slight grace. With a liquid jab he swept his arm under her shoulder causing her whole mass to spasm in pain as though she was being ripped in half, all her nerves being pulled to their limits like string before snapping. Janna screamed out as he then pulled her off the ground, his tangled brown hair swung on his shoulders, a red streak flashed in the eerie green light.
After attempting to penetrate the whirlwind Sirius and James finally fell through the wind, landing on the pine needles in a great heap CRIIIIIIIAAAAAACKKKKK! Suddenly a massive black dog leapt at the man who was carrying Janna, the efforts were stunted when the man swatted his hand causing a smite to hit Snuffles' chest, the dog fell out of the air cracking to the disturbed forest floor with a great thud! followers by a shiver of dry pine needles as the dog slid on the ground.
Janna struggled to look up at the man as he turned to her hanging limp off of his arm since her eyes barely open and she was barely able to take in a breathe with his arm under her ribcage "Ain't 'oo strange?" Janna felt a fingertip lift her face from under her chin, he frowned as he saw her neck, the sleeve of her jumper was pushed off her shoulder, Janna snuck a glance of the other four forming behind him, whoever the grunt he made when he saw her scars made her eyes leap back to his face "One'f Greyback's" he curled a hand near her face then brought a lock of her hair to his nose "Le'see wot I can do t'ya..."
"You can take your hands off of her!" Lily called aiming a wand at Janna, no, past Janna.
"We ain't gotta wand, Potter!" The man taunted, waving a pale open hand at Lily, Janna felt her feet slid under her as the man skulked back. The man swung his head over his shoulder as quick as lightening, he must have noted the four other people behind him, a dark grin slid across his face as he lowered his head in a mock bow which made Janna slide near the ground however he grabbed her ribs, she stared up at Lily who was glaring at the man who had his dark eyes laughing at Lily.
Suddenly there was a hiss of voices as the last four appeared, the air was thick and humid like it was hard to breathe, the man kept a wary eye on Dumbledore, Janna could the older man was studying his movements through half moon spectacles. It seemed that the man was not akin to having stiff eyes on him—there was a jet of light that attempted to stroke Lily, she blocked the hex—throwing a spell at the assailant.
Janna saw where the spell cranked into the forest floor to see James looking up from where he was helping Sirius' arm over his shoulder, he was frozen and his face was contorted in disbelief before he murmured "Wormtail..." Janna looked to where James was looking, it was a fat, pasty man that twitched at the name as though James had shrieked the name at him, the fat man caught the faces of his late companions—he jumped back when he saw James was watching him.
"Good, everyone knows everyone" Said a devious man who tugged on his rotten black robes to straiten the material over his narrow body, his dark eyes watched the group surrounding his four companions, he raised his pale hands up "let us free... We have no master"
"We have a master!" Hissed a different man who then tugged up his left sleeve to bare a pale arm with a red mark, the first man spoke lowly at him. Lily still had her eyes trained on the man who still had Janna in a tightening grasp who seemed to be inspecting her, to Janna it smelled that they both were aware that if Lily did anything Scabior could take off with Janna who stared at the ground thinking to herself But why would they want me?
"Indeed... We had a master, but he's no more... We have grown tired of taking orders from the old bastard anwyay" The first man reassured the group, Janna saw Fred noting her wand on the forest floor, he discreetly passed behind Remus with his arms wrapped tightly in front of Tonks.
As she watched Fred in Janna's head she could hear someone coming, there was an itch at the back of her neck that ale rammed her someone was coming, finally her eyes fluttered wide open from her eyelid's heavy weights as she saw Sirius leaning on James, his breathe was loud enough to be heard since his chest was stiff from the hex, both men had their eyes trained on a fat pasty man. Soon Janna realised she needed to get out of this man's grasp, she knew he would take her to Greyback, a voice told her that was not going to happen—with a burst of energy Janna bucked, swinging her head back she felt something crack at the back of her skull, kicking her feet up she saw the man's hand rise to her are so she bit down on his fingers. The man yelped, letting go of Janna to grab his hand that was streaking with blood, this was enough to make sure he would not note Janna jumping away, falling onto the ground as his companions yelled to get her.
To add to the rising movement Fred and Lily shot spells at the four men, however Lily was attempting to dodge Peter, Janna had to press her hands to her ears from ache of hearing three men disappear with a crack! Tonks took this opportunity to leap at Janna who struggled on the damp soil with her hands on her eras, she pulled the young girl away under the arms past Sirius and James who were watching Peter intently.
"Peter..." Lily hissed breathlessly already tired from the one spell "Move, I need to hit this... Man"
To stun the unknowing ones within the group Pettigrew's face pulled back into a strange ratty smile—James' head to turned to Lily with a face of confusion. "Don't trust him Lily, Peter is not to be trusted, a lot happened when you two were gone" Sirius explained to Lily, her face pulled into a frown.
From behind Remus Janna heard a snap! causing Pettigrew to jump, the reaction let loose a rogue bright yellow spell from his fingertips, Lily was pushed backwards like a feather in the wind, blood was spilling out of her lips as she fell onto the ground, like a ghost Snape came from the shadows kneeling at her side, holding her under her back, for a few milliseconds he watched James who was already halfway to his wife, he looked back at Snape... They seemed to reach a short agreement so Snape turned to the woman in his arms murmuring "Lily"
For a split second time froze all eyes fell onto Pettigrew causing him to shrink, time remembered to move as though it was shocked as well—Sirius leapt off of James' shoulder, yanking Janna's wand from Fred's hand to aim the point at Pettigrew "You filthy rat!" Sirius snarled, his eyes wild as he stomped to Pettigrew, the fat pasty man had a looked in his eyes that divulged he was to shrink into a rat "Homophormus!" Pettigrew shot into a human again, with a hiss of rage Sirius had a dark look in his eyes "Not this time, Pettigrew!"
Pettigrew put both his hands up, too terrified to put a sentence together "N-n-no" he whimpered but Sirius came up to him stopping far enough for Pettigrew to see Lily's face that was all bloodied, she stared at him, betrayal was in her emerald green eyes...
A flash of light came through the borders of the trees, Remus pulled Tonks closer to his side when he saw the lights like a deer in headlights. Janna stumbled forwards to Sirius "the Ministry's coming" Janna murmured weakly to Sirius but she was caught by Lily, Janna looked back when Lily ushered her away and saw James moving to Sirius.
Many of the people dispersed into the cimmerian forest, "Go James!" Yelled Sirius as he saw the lights coming closer "You need to go!" James looked at him, with his hands at Sirius' shoulders "They'll arrest you, I need to teach this rat a lesson" he turned to Pettigrew who shrank at Sirius' gaze but James pulled his shoulder, Sirius turned to show his wild face, unfamiliar to James—regardless he still held on "now James!"
"Padfoot! He doesn't matter, we have to go—"
"James, you cannot get arrested! You just came back" Sirius then breathed, glaring at Pettigrew, choosing slowly "I'll be fine, go find Lily, make sure Janna is alright"
Sirius already gave him a forced glare, James reluctantly turned away soon running as the lights came closer "Stop right there!" Yelled a voice from the flashing lights then with a pop Pettigrew slipped out of Sirius grasp, he hissed attempting to follow the rat but it scurried towards the lights that were at the border of the clearing—he stared wide eyed as people saw him "Sirius Black?! You should be dead!—"
With a twist in his muscles Sirius stumbled in the Shrieking Shack through a puff if white flakes, he hit the floor near the trap door with a violent thump! Sirius groaned, sitting up in the dusty Shack, he pressed his hands to his eyes feeling a rush of feverish worry... He was under the radar again... he was seen... he was the scapegoat... Sirius shook his head shaking out the thoughts, soon shifting into Snuffles, he could hear the far away sounds in the forest of the Ministry officials possibly searching for him...or Janna. He ran out to the loose plank that Janna had ripped from the wall to escape through, the mangy black dog trotted out the Shack, he turned his head to look around and find his bearings. Snuffles spotted the flickering lights of Hogwarts in the distance, soon he galloped towards the castle where he knew Janna would be going.
When Snuffles was over the green Ash trotted to a sill, he squawked poof! The ferret grabbed onto the shaggy fur to stop the great black dog, Ash squawked, catching Sirius' attention the dog stopped. Ash squealed to show Janna in the distance waving her arms Ash clambered up Snuffle's shoulders then poof!
In a puff of white flakes Snuffles was launched across the green, Ash squeaked in response of a yelp that came from Lily, she was standing next to a tree where Janna leaning haphazardly, trying to regain strength. As soon as Snuffles shot up to become Sirius James galloped to him before hugging his mate tightly "you bleeding idiot!"
"I'm not the idiot, you're tosser who didn't have his wand!" Sirius laughed lowly, his hands clenching James, embracing his old friend whom he had desperately missed attempting to replace all the years they had missed with this hug, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, James... You should hate me for trusting Pettigrew!"
"Never" James grinned, soon they looked at each other for the first time, Janna noticed they did look more lively, more details were visible "Blimey Padfoot, what year is it? You look like you're one hundred and twenty" James turned to look at Remus, he was cradling Tonks while she rested from the run after just waking up "You look ancient, Moony, is this your daughter?"
Tonks smiled in her tiredness, she opened an eye as her hair turned a bright pink, Remus laughed at James for his bluntness "No, Prongs, this is my wife, Tonks"
To carry on the introductions Sirius came to Janna to pat her head, she smiled at up at him "This is my niece" Sirius grinned, wrapping an arm around Janna proudly to lift her up, she couldn't help but grin as Sirius showed her off.
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