The Little Creature
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During Quidditch practise Janna shivered above the pitch, she mostly watched her breathe in the air and rubbed her hands together after taking them out of the fingerless gloves, she stared over the canopy of the forest seeing the white endless stretched for miles, fading into a blue haze with wood brown mottling the landscape. Maybe she should see how far she could get one night, see where she could escape to...
She'd have to visit the dead first... maybe take Sirius with. Janna breathed in the frosty air, feeling her lungs get colder soon flushing with blood to keep her warm, she loved that feeling of the heat rushing to her chest, she smiled.
There was a similar feeling when she felt dark magic in her grasp, Janna lifted her hand, maybe I can control this better she contracted the muscles in her hand, invoking the sensation of tension during stress... Janna felt something shiver from her chest, like a heartbeat, this was stronger though—she soon felt the pulse again feeling a cold thin liquid move through all her arteries in her arm, moving to her fingertips, black webs pulsed to life, darker and darker after each pulse little globs of black drops moving in her skin like oil on water.
Soon the black crystals formed in a fine dust, the dust spiralled into the cold air mingling with snow that fluttered in the air. Almost having a gravity to it, the dust attracted tiny pieces of other things from around Janna, she saw a hint of green coming to the dust moving past her ear with a waving movement. Soon many colours formed a small figure, giant, disproportionate amber eyes that seemed to bulge out at Janna from naked pink skin formed a bird like creature's top above the shoulders, below was just a small heart that lost all pale colour, the small tentacles of veins, arteries and capillaries floated below the bird like a macabre octopus.
The creature soon faded out of existence after blinking the eyes once...
The little creature completely dispersed easily, soon the veins that connected to a small heart pumped once but the life was short lived after twisting violently, squelching loudly as the bloody colours swirling in a mesh of blood and bones, shrinking, smaller, smaller and smaller, soon the twister of the creature were gone, disappearing in thin air, as though engulfing itself.
Janna coughed, as though someone threw their fist into her stomach, she hunched over, her eyes went blurry with a strange sensation of something slimy moving in her chest between all her organs. To cease the feeling Janna tried to put her hand on her chest but soon a sharp stabbing sensation pinned the slimy movement onto her ribs as though to keep whatever it was caged in.
After practice Janna went to Orion, already seeing something was up, she hung off his shoulder as he listened to her explanation of what had happened to her above the pitch, the attempt at making something from the darkness alone. Orion shivered when Janna told him about the bird creature, that soon faded, how the colours interacted with each other "Orion, I know why it couldn't stay alive"
"'Cause wot ya did was practically impossible" Orion muttered as he held up Janna.
"No, I needed to have something to channel some sort of life into the body, not an electric thing, like it needed living essence of some sort to make it tick..." Janna then leaned on Orion "it also needed a soul"
"Wot were ya thinkin' when ye created it? Pigeons?"
"No, it must have been a bird because I was so high up, I was actually looking over the forest"
"We need Juno an' Jake on this, those two ken this from history or some other thingy"
During lunch the four of them discussed the bird, Juno was put off of his food when he heard the whole description of what the creature looked like, soon he gathered his wits, asking "why not ask Professor Potter?"
"We've jus' got here, Janna looked like she'd seen a spirit" Orion said, soon munching on a sandwich with Janna next to him, her head resting on her arms on the table, feeling too tired to eat.
"I created life..." Janna shrugged "this means I can do it... I was just missing a way to keep everything in the body" Juno held his stomach, soon crouched over with his curls obscuring his face "sorry Juno"
"T'is fine" Juno let a muffled murmur out from his palm, sounding a bit dazed. Jake put a hand on Juno's shoulder.
"Do you know when the resurrection is taking place? You'll need enough of this dark stuff; just from a general observation you look awful... You can't bring back half a dozen people, grown ups... As I said you'll need time to get enough—"
There was a loud screech of an owl above Jake, a small owl dive bombed to Janna. As small claws outstretched to grab Janna's arm the owl soon lost balance in the air as the letter in its yellow beak fluttered in front of it's wing causing it to tumble in the air. A hand grasped the bird, holding it above Janna's head, she looked up, not having moved from her position it was hard to see who caught the bird.
"Are you alright Janna?" Professor Potter asked, the three boys watching him in awe as he gently placed the dazed owl next to Janna's elbow.
"Yeah, yeah" Janna lied, her voice thick with sluggishness "just full from lunch"
Potter nodded, looking at the boys as they gawking at him "See you four later then" the Professor walked away to the front table.
Juno soon leaned to Janna, talking in a hushed voice "Why didn't you tell him?"
"We're in public" Janna murmured, her eyelids he at as she took the letter from the owl's beak, giving the small brown owl a stroke on the back.
"He's supposed to help us with this, he's no use if we don't inform him of these things" Jake commented, not seeing Janna's eyes as she scanned the letter's contents.
"You can tell him" Janna said, urgently getting up from her seat, seeming to have more energy "I'm just going..."
The boys watched Janna walk distractedly out of the Great Hall "she must be hiding something else" Juno murmured.
"We all hide things, Juno" Orion said lowly.
In a dark corner Janna read the letter, her hands clenching the sides tightly, the writing was smudged at the upper paragraph, excited hand writing went down the page—
I heard what happened to you, uncle Harry explained the whole thing to me, you have to read this alone, don't let anyone see this but you.
Sorry I hadn't written sooner, I've been so busy with work, it's a ruddy terrible business being a working man. You have to tell me if you need me next month, I'll come, I don't want you to get taken by Greyback, the old walker can bugger off, even if I have to fight him myself. Tell me how you're doing, I'm worried, generally, I know I trick with the scratches if they're still bleeding at this point: take saltwater, silver and murtlap, it's gonna hurt but this will help... At Mungo's they tested this out on a lad, who is a werewolf they caught the other night... a very quiet fella but he's defensive. Anyways, Lily's sitting next to me and being a downright (a few pet names were scribbled through) filibuster, attempting to commandeer my letter (the 'r's tail ran off as a scribble as well) she hasn't seen what I've written above, she's trying to pry my arm off the parchment.
See you in a few
Teddy + Lily (there was a small heart above the 'i' where the dot was supposed to be)
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