The Gallus Bird
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The three boys, mostly Juno and Jake, searched the office of the Dark Arts Professor finding out he had a lunarscope, a strange mirror which Jake tried to use to fix his hair but it only showed a piece of a house, dust floated around the air as the mirror showed a green velvet curtain.
Juno reckoned the Professor was extremely humble and a bit strange when they found a muggle handbook on how to deter pigeons, it seemed to be in arms reach of the desk and the window.
"Why isn't Janna here yet? We need a new pair of eyes to look at this place" Jake muttered, Orion was still in his theory of the Map being near the sentimental items and photographs so he wasn't much help at all.
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Outside the hallway, around the corner Janna had been talking to Harry about Rose, how she had an episode of feeling a darkness control her, Janna feared that the feeling would get worse if it continued and erupted in another dispute with Rose and her friends, she told him of the voice behind her that got her out her trance. Harry was most concerned about her vision of Greyback threatening her, he realised that Greyback might have used a type of dark spell to manipulate Janna's senses "Janna, we can move you if you don't feel safe in the dorms—"
"No, I don't think those girls are safe from me... What if Greyback tried to control me to murder them?" Janna stared at her shoes "Rose is horrible, she's a bit grabby, pushy at best, I feel a bit like a fox in a chicken coop, I know I can't lose control on a night other than the full moon without Wolfsbane but..."
Harry patted Janna's shoulder, he gently pulled her into a hug, she deflated, feeling her body relax from her stiffness, he looked at her and held her shoulders "I think I can persuade McGonagall to see where we can put you, to feel protected as well..." Harry leaned back, letting his hands in his pockets "I will have to send a statement concerning Greyback, maybe not mentioning you" he smiled thoughtfully, Janna's eyes lifted, she nodded slowly and as she was about to ask another question Harry spoke again "I'll see you later" he walked to his classroom, Janna felt her face go ice cold as she saw his back.
"Professor" Janna grabbed his sleeve after instinctively jumping to his back, the Professor looked at her, she dropped her hand "Er...Thank you... You know, for everything, sir" Harry looked at Janna, he smiled and patted her shoulder "you're welcome Janna, you should go for lunch... Find your friends" Janna nodded, he then walked again to his office.
Walking away Janna prayed that the boys were out, she hadn't heard the door open again... Maybe they are still rummaging in his office, looking for the Map, Janna told herself but they have the invisibility cloak with them so they have a way to escape.
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The boys continued to search, Juno looked in all the high places, Jake stuck his hands in dark corners and nooks while Orion swayed on his legs, trying to search the piles from different angles. Little did they know that Professor Potter was watching them from his doorway waiting until one of them jumped at his presence, he had a smirk on face, thinking of why they were searching in the dangerous space of his office where he could find them... At the back of his mind he remembered that two of these boys had parents which were neo-Death Eaters and the one had a fully fledged Death Eater father; he wavered on the latter.
"So, lads, what is it you need help finding, seeing this is my office?" Potter asked, Jake turned his head slowly to see the teacher. Orion's eyes widened, he pursed his lips, already knowing he was in trouble. Juno looked like he was going to jump out the window, keeping an eye on the Professor, like a bird in a cat's eyes.
Orion moved first "we... are lookin' for Jake's falcon..." Orion's voice thickened as he swallowed "De gallus bird mos' probably go' lost when were... er... chasin' 'im... he flew into your office when your door opened. He mus' be 'ere so we'll be out your hair an'..." Orion saw the Professor stare at him with questioning eyes, one eyebrow was raised "this was glaickit?"
Harry nodded, becoming them with his hand to the classroom below, Juno stared at Orion with a curled lip and furrowed eyes "what on earth did you say to him?"
"Wot does it ma'ter? We'r'in big trouble" Orion muttered following Juno out the doorway "jus' keep that thing in your pocket an' he won't be weary of ya"
Jake, Juno and Orion were sat in front of Potter's desk who wrote out their detention slips "Janna has been wandering around the castle..." Potter mentioned, looking up at the three boys, they all shifted in their seats. Juno was more concerned about getting free while Jake watched Potter write and Orion stared right at Potter's eyes "We... Well, Janna left with ya, we waited in the common room an' came 'ere te find Jake's bird..." Orion pressed his hands together at his knees "What happened te Janna, sir?"
"Her father died this morning, her mother had denied guardianship of her..." Potter looked down from them, he took another slip and faced the three of them "you three were not here looking for a falcon, you were here for something else..." Potter breathed in, "were you here because your parents told you to do so?"
Juno's eyes dropped "I don't have parents sir..." the boy fixed his blue scarf, looking up at Potter with hurt eyes "in all respect, sir, Jake and Orion are not bad people, they are very intelligent, at times, however they will never try to hurt anyone. I understand your Auror mindset has brought you to a conclusion of Death Eater plus ex equals more Death Eaters, but none of us are what you think we are." Juno breathed in, lying was now in play so keeping his emotion was key "We hadn't seen Janna after you spoke to her, she might need us right now."
Potter stared at Juno, as though the young boy had slapped him in the face, he watched Juno breathe slowly, trying to hide his flighting glances at the teacher. Potter leaned back in his seat, letting out a sigh "I will let you loose this time." Potter saw the boys sink into their seats "listen now, if any one of you boys fail to meet my raised expectations by fooling around in my, or any other teacher's, office I will give you detention for five weeks, on weekends and at the end of the school day" Potter watched the boys through his glasses "do you understand?"
Orion put his hand up.
"Mr. Cintola, if this is about being in other parts of the castle and grounds where you are not supposed to be then put your hand down" Potter said, nearly retracing his steps to give them detention now but stopping himself by closing his eyes. Orion pulled his hand down, Jake smirked at Orion who grinned stupidly, Juno rolled his eyes, shaking his head, the smiles were wiped from their faces when Potter looked at them again "go find Janna, stay out of trouble, do not use weak excuses again" the three boys then stood up, lifting the chairs back to the tables "And" the three boys turned their heads back to the Professor "keep Janna out of trouble, I'm counting on you three to do that"
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