The dog and the wolf
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As soon as the conversation ended Sirius looked at the boarded up window, looking at Janna who was now a bit more fragile when he lifted her again, her shaking fingers clutched his cloak he placed her on the sofa again, kneeling he held her hand as a beam of moonlight pierced through the gap between the planks she soon sat up, her back haunching forward. Sirius watched her slight pale hand darkened with fur, her palms and finger tips callouss from use. Long claws replaced her nails, soon the clothes on her back ripped, revealing a few tufts of sparse black fur. Sirius pulled off the ripped cloths to let Janna grow a little more. a tail wagged to life as finally Janna's transformation ended.
Her amber eyes flickered in the darkness, Sirius held her cheek facing away from him to have her look at him, her strangely humanlike eyes blinked at him, intricate fractals of murky shades of green shrank and widened as her pupils dilated or contracted in the darkness. He stroked the ridge between her eyes causing her leaned on his shoulder, he hugged the young werewolf, she was much more smaller than Remus would've been. Soon a bearlike black dog took Sirius' place, he curled around the little black wolf, she was much smaller than him but her lanky legs took up more room than his legs.
The little wolf had the needle hairs on her back and tail that speckled her otherwise thinly haired body. Snuffles rubbed his face into her neck before nudging her to look at the loose plank in the wall. The black wolf sat up, wagging her stubby little brush of a tail watching as Snuffles trotted to the plank, padding the floorboards as though saying he wanted someone to open for him. The wolf jumped off the sofa, her long legs crouching under her top heavy body, she gave Snuffles a look then nosed the plank and moved it aside to let him through, soon she followed.
Most of the forest was green again, with a thick fog to cover the forest floor, Sirius bound off to a patch where the wolf came to slowly, he ran circles around her, as she tried to follow him she tripped over her own back legs, Snuffles soon imitated a fight like a dog would do for a puppy, to teach them to take down pray. The wolf let out a bark that sounded like a breathless giggle as Snuffles made funny little snuffing sounds while pressing his wet nose to her shoulders. Soon Janna rolled onto her legs again, Snuffles bowed to play and soon he ran to be chased, the young wolf looked at him with a titled head, her short ears watching curiously. Snuffles barked at her with a loud yap, bounding off. Soon the black wolf darted after the dog, her long legs stretching far ahead of her body but when Snuffles took a sharp turn the wolf turned sharply and slipped onto the floor onto her back with her legs wagging in air, she felt the leaves scratch her fur so she began to wriggle and twist to get more scratches.
Snuffles watched the funny little wolf waggle with her paws waving awkwardly in the air like confused snakes with tufty heads, the black dog came to press his nose into her neck again. The wolf whined happily taking his head in her paws to try get his neck but he wriggled out her grip before bounding off with her following shortly after. Before midnight the two tired out, soon the wolf and the dog were snuggled on the four poster bed upstairs, the black wolf had the fluffy black dog curled over her with his tail wrapped around the lanky wolf.
The canopies of the trees were like lit candles that shivered in a slight morning breeze, in the Shack there was a series of cracks and snaps as Janna reformed, she had moved under the covers that night while Snuffles laid at her side on the dusty blanket, she wrapped her arms around the dog. With her face buried in the dense black fur Janna felt happy, a tingle went through her brain making her giddy, Snuffles rolled onto his back, Janna's arms know wrapped around his chest where there was a little white streak forming over his sternum, a pink tongue licked at a smudge on Janna's face, she smiled softly as Snuffles then rolled onto his tummy to rest his head at his paws to watch her "Thanks Sirius"
As Janna ran her hand through the dense glossy fur of Snuffles he wagged his shaggy tail "You're gonna have to go now, huh?" Snuffles whined at her, he nudged his wet black nose into her palm, the dog seemed to then wrap his paws around her arm holding her tightly "Just a few more minutes, until Pomfrey comes?"
Snuffles' eyes widened with excitement, he curled at her stomach she could wrap her arms around him, he watched her press her ear to his ribcage... hearing the old heart beating.
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Snuffles left as soon as someone came to the trapdoor downstairs, just to be safe he sniffed the air before leaving to be sure... after quickly letting Janna giving him a scratch that behind his ear Snuffles trotted away on the wooden floorboards, unseen by the visitor who just lifted the trapdoor after the loose plank squeaked with the black dog exiting the Shack.
Professor Potter's voice called "Janna?" there was a clinking of bottles with his voice. "I'm upstairs" responded Janna as she attempted to sit up but felt an ache in her shoulders which stunted her attempt, possibly from running about in the slippery forest floor.
Soon the short man appeared in dark purple robes that hung loosely on his lanky frame, he looked tired and his hair was far more messy than usual "McGonagall came here last night... you were not here" Potter sat on the bed next to Janna as she sat up slowly, scrapes of green from the dewy grass and bruises from slipping all the time blotched Janna's pale skin like dark black holes in her skin "Where were you? Who did that—?"
"Calm down Harry," Janna murmured as she leaned onto her knees at her chest "I was running around the forest with Sirius, he came here last night to just spend some time with me, you know, to keep me safe and to just be with" Janna pressed her fingers into a bruise on her other arm, she pulled to skin to her eyes to see the purple blotch and a scratch of opaque yellow-green "I slipped a whole lot on the grass, but that was worth it"
As soon as Janna looked up Harry watched her but he went to the medicine bag of glass phials he had tugged along, she bit her lip, wondering if she should ask the next question "Er... Harry, did you get a letter from Sirius?"
"Yeah," Potter said, extracting a manganese-purple bottle, age had turned the glass purple while concealing the liquid that crept along the glass walls with an iridescent sheen "The one about you living with him?" Janna could not help but smile, a small firecracker of excitement burst in her stomach, she leaned to him contemplating an answer, Potter looked at her before drawing a deep breath "What's the plan if it's the full moon?"
Gulping down a crackle in her throat Janna ran a hand through her hair although the ache in her arm strained her movement so she yanked her hand back down to her knees, she stared at her fingers that had a thin layer of dirt under the fingernails "I don't know"
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