The bespecled man, Harry Potter
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The sky was a canvas of yellow and blue merging into an unknown colour the sun was setting as Janna walked from the bus stop when the Knight Bus zoomed away into the evening.
Janna pressed on towards twenty-one Leve Don, nothing seemed to bear any strong scent of Mrs Winslow, the looming perfume did catch Janna's nose. I have to get home! Her feet lifted far apart from each other, her knees reacted before the rest of her body could so she stumbled slightly.
After turning a corner—to meet number nineteen's red brick wall with a near collision—Janna noticed a car standing outside of number twenty-one then a parliament of owls that were huddling tightly on the house's roof. Janna skidded to a stop at the gate of twenty-one where a small grey owl with bright orange eyes watched her, his small body was almost blocked by a letter he held in his beak.
The shine on the car reflected Janna's body in a more facet monster than a clear reflection of a girl, the small owl purred behind her before a soft flapping of wings came to Janna's ears, she turned her head to look at the owl who rubbed his head onto her cheek as he perched himself on her shoulder. This was not normal at all, owls weren't this common at Leve Don; nor were birds with letters in their beaks.
Janna turned her body to the house before unlatching the gate, she gently swerved through the gate closely hugging the books to her chest. The owl hooted happily as he then spread his wings to glide off Janna's shoulder to the front door where a few owls were patiently watching the door with intense stares.
Janna scooted her feet through the group of owls who hopped or flapped away from her trainers, she pressed her thumb down onto the latch which opened the front door, she let the door slowly edge open. Inside she saw the Winslows standing in the hallway talking to someone; the two stopped talking when they both saw Janna who was followed by a few of the owls that hobbled in towards the family room.
A bespectacled man then stepped into the hall to stand by the Winslows, when he saw Janna he lit up slightly, a small, shy, smile come up as Janna meekly progressed to the Winslows. His short posture and his untidy jet black hair made Janna uneasy since she had seen nobody like this before.
"Good evening everyone" Janna said abruptly, attempting to make the atmosphere less uneasy.
"Hullo Julianna. I'm here to tell you about something brilliant" The man spieled, Janna stopped in her tracks, her eyebrows clashed tightly together into a frown, the man noticed this before slowly stepping forwards and putting his hand out "I'm Harry Potter" the way Mr. Potter said his name made Janna think that he thought that Janna was aware of him, as though he was famous or well-known.
Janna nodded slowly, she felt her frown easing away. But now she had even less of a clue to who he was; she still shook his hand with her free hand after coming past the kitchen "I'm Julianna" Janna then felt an owl land on her shoulder as she realised he already knew her name "a-are these owls yours?"
Mr Potter gave a quick look around at the aviary around him "Yes—well, no. My daughter, Lily, and my son, James must be behind this" Mr Potter gently let go of Janna's hand which she immediately recoiled back around her books. Mr Potter then turned to the family room, Janna followed behind.
The Winslows watched carefully; Mr Winslow was more pleased than Mrs Winslow.
Mr Potter stood next to a tawny owl with black spots, it watched Janna with flaming yellow eyes—the owl then reminded Janna of Mrs Winslow because of its smokey eyes and black beak but most importantly the claws reminded Janna of Mrs Winslow's daggers-for-nails—leaning on the owl's wing was a letter with a red wax seal to keep it closed, Janna gently unwrapped her arm around her books before pinching the letter between her fingers, on further inspection the wax seal looked like an insignia with four creatures in the wax: an eagle, a badger, a lion and a serpent.
Janna gently laid her books on the arm of the chair next to the owl, before turning over the envelope Janna discovered black cursive writing:
Addressed to: J. Black
Turn Kindling, Twenty-one Leve Don, Boiler Room near the kitchen.
Janna looked up at Mr Potter from the envelope, her eyebrows furrowed together again "I don't have a surname, Mr Potter. N-Not one that I know of"
"Oh. . . Then what name do you go by at school?" Mr Potter asked, Janna lowered her head.
"I haven't been to school in a while to be very honest, sir" Janna admitted, Mr Potter frowned but he quickly nodded to himself.
"Is it because of the up coming full moon?" Mr Potter asked, Janna's head shot up, she watched him inventively with wide green eyes.
"How...How do you know? I haven't ever met you" Janna questioned, Mr Potter straightened up his circular glasses from the edge of his nose before responding.
"You actually just met me" Mr Potter answered, Janna narrowed her eyes. "But," he quickly asserted Janna "you will get to know me"
"You're going to take me away, aren't you? Since I'm a werewolf?" Janna agitatedly egged for an answer, this made Mr Potters eyes widen behind his glasses "respectively sir" her voice was cold almost like a growl "I'm not going to the Ministry," Janna then backed away by a few steps "you can't make me!"
"Mr Potter..." Mr Winslow tried to step forwards but Mrs Winslow pulled him back by his shoulder her claws pressing into his Oxford shirt.
"Janna," Mr Potter calmly breathed in, ignoring Mr Winslow "just open the letter, it will explain everything you need to know"
Janna suspiciously glared at him before she looked back down at the letter between her fingers, she gently sat down on the chair, which had the flame coloured owl sitting on the arm of the chair, with her books. Her finger slid under the wax, it popped off revealing a letter within, Janna pulled the parchment out of its envelope before unfolding it and setting her eyes up to read the script written in an emerald green ink.
Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall
(Order of Merlin, Second Class, Grand Sorc.,
Runic Apical Degree)
Dear Ms. Black
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September.
Neville Longbottom
Neville Longbottom
Deputy Headmaster
Doing as the writing told her, Janna pulled out the second piece of parchment, she unfolded it and laid the first parchment on her lap.
First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.
Yours sincerely,
Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus
Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions
Janna lowered the letter to look up at Mr Potter "What is this Hogwarts?"
Mrs Winslow then muttered to Mr Winslow "Thank goodness you didn't tell about that place, I would have never heard the end of it"
"Moira" Mr Winslow muttered back as he had a feeling of Mr Potter glaring at the two of them "don't"
"Hogwarts," Mr Potter faced Janna again "is a school of magic, it's where all witches and wizards go learn to be witches and wizards. I'll be taking you there tomorrow," Harry then glanced at the Winslows "We hadn't revived a response on your other letter so here I am, knowing that those two didn't tell you anything about it"
Janna turned her head to the Winslows, specifically Mr Winslow "You didn't tell me about how this" waving the paper as she spoke.
"Janna.. You must understand... We didn't want you to leave, you're..." Mr Winslow gulped, seeing the ferocity and betrayal in Janna's eyes "y-you're our responsibility—"
"You were just using her to get the money from us to take care of her!" Mr Potter said angrily, the Winslows then sank back to the wall of the passage, meanwhile Janna came towards Harry.
"But why didn't you take care of me then?" Janna questioned, Mr Potter glanced at her... then pausing to look at the carpet at his feet.
"It wasn't in anyone's control but the head of your case" Harry muttered, Janna frowned at him before he then took in a deep breath and looked to the Winslows "do you have her wand?"
Janna froze... The Stick.
"Yes" Mrs Winslow anxiously wimpered, Harry looked at her, expecting something to be in her hand, this caused her to shoot down the hallway to the stairs out of anger and fear.
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