Teal and White
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Lastly Harry and Janna went to the Magical Menagerie, Janna hadn't ever really been in this shop before—since Mrs Winslow never allowed pets and Janna didn't want to get attached to a creature when she saw it—but she always tried to peak inside but it was too cluttered with cages; nothing could really be seen.
"I think Teddy might be here" Harry said as they walked into the large store which was packed with creatures—steel bird cages hung from the ceiling, the cages lead down to the corners of the shop to the walls where more were hung—there were perches for birds and nests for strange creatures Janna had never seen before and tanks for frogs with long arms or little black rats who were playing leapfrog.
"Yeah—" Janna snapped out of her childlike gawking "who's Teddy?" Janna asked breathlessly when she saw the different types of creatures, she had already forgotten about the normal cat or dog, there were some animals Janna had never seen before, tawny coloured owls or even ones with pink eyelids and a strange bird with greenish grey feathers that resembled a very underfed vulture. Janna let him sniff her hand (the bird had gotten curious of her as it leaned forwards to her on it's perch.)
As Janna was about to turn back to Harry, the white ferret with snowflakes following it appeared, Janna frowned. The ferret traveled through the cages before noticing Janna's face as it squeezed out of a gap between two cages, the ferret then burst into a cloud of white flakes, Janna slowly looked around before feeling something crawling up her back. She turned her head but as she did it quickly licked her face before bursting into the white flakes again, he appeared on her dirty black sneakers. The white furred ferret began to race away with her locket in his claws as he ran on his hind legs.
Janna leapt across the room to reach the ferret before losing her locket. As he reached the walls covered in cages, he took the locket in his little tight jaw then he began to climb with all fours on the cages, Janna watched in horror as the ferret climbed up to a cage with a murderous looking electric blue pixie laughing hysterically inside, a pixie held onto its bars with its long blue fingers, flapping its large mosquito wings as a smile swarmed his face. The ferret still had white flakes trailing him from Janna's shoes, he stared at her with her locket in his mouth as she jumped at him with her hand reaching for the dangling chain from the locket. The ferret watched her with his head arching to his back, his mischievous black eyes staring at Janna as she tried to silently get the locket and not catch any attention by putting her hand out to him.
"I just want my locket back, I saved your life, you know" Janna agitatedly whispered to the ferret, the ferret broke the stare before he took the locket in his paws, he sniffed it for a few second. The white ferret looked down at her, he quickly tilted his head, his ears slowly followed and so did a few white flakes behind his ears. Suddenly he jumped onto her shoulder, she looked at him but there was only a puff of white flakes, Janna felt his paws on her arm, he hooked the locket on her outstretched fingers, she looked at the two little black eyes which were now accompanied by the ferret's ears going flat on his head.
"It seems this ferret got out" A voice said to Janna who quickly turned around while hiding the locket behind her back. In front of her was a young man with teal hair, she eyed at him as he stood right in front of her.
"Hullo. . ." Janna said shyly as the ferret crawled up onto Janna's shoulder to quickly sit there and watch Janna's big eyes.
"You're Julianna, right? Uncle Harry picked you up a while ago?" The young man asked—Janna slowly nodded, he smiled vaguely, he ran his hand through his teal hair then putting it out to Janna like he suddenly remembered to introduce himself "I'm Teddy"
Janna then took out her right hand while keeping the locket in her left before shaking Teddy's hand "I'm Janna"
"That's an interesting name" Teddy nodded, Janna smiled softly before letting his hand go "Have you seen Uncle Harry by any chance?"
"Um..." Janna looked over her shoulder then back at Teddy "I might have lost him" Janna said before looking around, the ferret chirped to Janna before pointing to the door.
"He must have gone to go look for everyone else," Teddy said, "Is that your trolley outside?" Janna slowly nodded before turning to the lady at a till, her sleeves were layered in different colours, her brown hair was fuzzy and misty.
"I will... be right back," Janna said over her shoulder, this young man seemed odd to Janna, something she didn't like. The ferret squawked in Janna's ear "I'm not leaving you here. And if you want to stay here I won't let you" Janna muttered to him, he narrowed his eyes before folding his arms and sulking.
"Hello dearie" the woman said as Janna came with the ferret on her shoulder.
"Morning ma'am. Er... How much are the ferrets here?" Janna asked, the woman frowned and looked at the one on Janna's shoulder before nodding to herself and then pointing to a large tank filled with jacketed ferrets and plain white ones, some had masks on their fur and others had brown patterns on their fur.
"Well dearie, the ones here are mostly at about twelve sickles but I'd like to know where you got that stunnin' white one? I haven't seen one in the shops before" The woman said. Janna paused for a moment, the ferret then elbowed Janna's neck, she looked at him, he made a gesture to say nothing. "Oh, he was a... gift from my late aunt.." Janna looked around, she noticed a net above them "Late aunt—Netta, old lady she was"
The woman nodded, looking at the ferret, Janna slowly turned around before putting the chain of the locket over her head to get it around her neck, she hid it under her extremely long scarf—she nearly had forgot about Teddy but she was reminded of his presence when she saw him by the door.
"I think we should go find Harry" Janna said as she walked past him, the ferret hugged Janna's neck, she smiled softly at him as he squealed as they walked out the shop.
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