Sweet Pea
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Olive doted over Orion like a happy newlywed, she hugged his arm as she walked with Janna, Juno and Jake, they tried to distance themselves from the pair as the group of first years walked onto the Quidditch pitch. Janna stared up at the hoops which were high above them, Jake had explained Quidditch to Janna during breakfast...Jake also explained how he still didn't understand what Muggles thought when they began to use only one ball for a sport like soccer.
A woman with falcon grey hair and golden eyes watched the students move towards her... Janna saw a two long lines each with about two dozen broomsticks on the green dewy grass. The group stopped in a crescent around the teacher, she looked each one of the students in the eyes, counting them.
"Alright, we have enough brooms." The Professor muttered to herself. "Good morning first years, welcome to your first flying lesson! I am Madam Hooch, so all of you can know. Find a broom and stand to the left of it if you are left handed, and if you are right handed, stand in such a way you do not clash with each other's space."
Janna, like most students, stood to the left of their broom, only a few students were right handed, Polly Chapman, Gianna Horne, Aimee and Robin Vinca. When Madam Hooch was satisfied she turned on her heel and faced the whole year.
"Now, lift your dominant hand above the broom, and with a stern voice, say up!" Madam Hooch explained, after a few seconds the chorus of the word up! repeated over and over like a undying echo.
All the Hufflepuffs had their brooms in their hands, Juno was the only Gryffindor who has his latched in his hand already. Janna felt a tingle in her fingers as she saw the broom rolling from side to side while a whisper from her pocket urged her to wait for the broom to come to her, instead of calling to it.
Next to her Jake had his broom hovering just below his hand, he tried to grab it but it swayed, swatting his knees with its twigs. Polly Chapman struggled and Albus desperately said up to the broom. Orion's shot up to his hand, this signalled Olive to swoon over his achievement, which seemed to irritate him a bit. Rose basked in approval from Madam Hooch, a few Ravenclaws had theirs hovering a little off the ground.
Scorpius urged Albus to try harder, suddenly Janna's broom shot into her hand, hitting her palm like a bullet. After a few moments nearly everyone had their brooms in their hands, all except for Albus who winced in desperation, moving his wrist, attempting stretching his fingers, he tried everything under the sun.
"Hey, Potter, aren't you supposed to be good at this?" Teased Polly Chapman, Janna glared at that girl as Madam Hooch came to Albus to coach him.
"Maybe James was right, Albus was possibly swapped at birth" Rose muttered, watching like everyone else as Albus tried his damnedest to get the broom to his hand, still yelling up at the broomstick.
"Shut it, not everyone is as rushed as you are." Janna scolded Rose, sadly Janna realised Albus was fearing the fact that he was going to let down Janna as well now. She shook that thought out of her mind and watched in anticipation like everyone else, but now she felt the wand hum again, suddenly Albus' broom hovered towards his shivering hand, he smiled at Janna who grinned back at him.
"Now, kick off the ground. Do not fly away or lean in any directions" Hooch explained, the whole class easily kicked off the grass, even Albus.
Throughout the lesson Janna had a voice at the back of her head telling her to just open out her nails and attack Rose, but she ignored it, feeling a bit scared of herself for imagining the wicked thought, passing it as the upcoming full moon converging with her thoughts.
At then end, Olive pulled Orion to one corner and Albus lead Janna to the outskirts of the group of first years returning to the castle. "Thanks for standing up for me, Janna. But you honestly didn't have to do that... I'm used to it—"
"Albus, you shouldn't do this to yourself, bending yourself for the wants of others—" Janna stopped, it was the full moon talking through her lips "Although if it is for the betterment of others you should." Janna leaned to Albus' ear "But I wouldn't do so for these people" Albus nodded to Janna, understanding what she had just told him, she wrapped her arm over his shoulder and squished her face to his, sort of like an awkward hug.
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The Saturday afternoon of that week Orion left for his detention with Professor Longbottom, trying to get a pining Olive off his arm as he attempted to leave without her knowledge. Janna distracted Olive with opportunity to play with her curly hair, which Olive jumped to and began using a small charm she used to grow tiny sweet peas and little white flowers which smelled heavily of honey and wax.
Janna read through her books she had bought a Knockturn Alley when Harry took her to Diagon Alley, this one had a catalog of all the latest illegal creatures that were created in the three years prior and the same year as now. Janna saw creatures that were a poisonous neon green shell with irking blue skin and red eyes, it was derived from an animal called the armadillo, it's little red eyes blinked up at Janna before yawning and let out a flame of bright yellow, as it stretched Janna saw the scales on the neon green shell lift into sharp cones, shortly turning into spikes... This creature was responsible for the impaling of thirty odd witches and wizards who tried to handle the creature and was struck by the thorn like spikes. It said that the venom could be used to make Mer-xing or Merging powder. Used to treat ailments of the dark variety, which were more serious than a cold or flu.
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