Slughorn's Speil
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The students were full with rich desserts of every single flavour and colour, such as every single type of ice cream you could imagine, pies, jelly with warm custard, sponge cake with white icing, powdered doughnuts with jam stuffed centres, strawberries dipped in chocolate and topped with whipped cream, halva, treacle tart which just warmed your mouth with every serving like an autumn morning with the cool glow of fiery orange leaves beaming like sunshine and cherry cheesecake that just melted in your mouth like a meringue. But soon the desserts sunk into the golden plates to signal the dusk of the feast.
Everyone was either talking in slow conversations or struggling to keep their eyes open while yawning with wide mouths. Janna felt especially groggy from eating more than she ever had in an evening. When Professor McGonagall stood up the hall went silent, everyone looked at the Headmistress.
"Now, before I send you off to bed there are rules you must follow," McGonagall then took a dekko at Janna before looking at the rest of the school "starting with the Forbidden Forest, the forest is called that for a reason ladies and gentleman so is the Whomping Willow the two are out of bounds to all students, might I emphasise to you all that the Whomping Willow is also not a substitute for a Quidditch hoop to fly through—" McGonagall's bespectacled eyes landed on James who did not try to hide his smirk "—Since we're on the topic of Quidditch might I remind you that Quidditch trails are held in the second week of this term, if you are looking for an exhilarating experience other than using Pygmy Puffs as forms of entertainment then you should inform Madam Hooch
Third years and above, the village of Hogsmeade has informed the school that there is a new ghost lurking within the Shrieking Shack, I must admit that some of you will care to venture into that shack with your thick heads and get torn apart by the ghost, there have been injures" McGonagall then watched all of them shift in their seats "Pip-Pip off to bed with you all"
Everyone was frozen for a moment before they stood up out their seats. Janna felt particularly unsettled now, her scars felt itchy like her body was being boiled. She felt a hand on her shoulder, Janna looked over to see McGonagall was behind her.
"Miss Black, a quick word, it will only be a minute" McGonagall said—Jake, Juno and Orion looked at Janna.
"It's a quick word" Janna assured the three boys. Juno nodded, he took Orion and Jake's robes sleeves before leading them after James.
After the hall was completely empty with only Harry, Professor McGonagall, Janna and an abnormally fat old man with a completely bald head who watched Janna with watery, analytical, gooseberry eyes.
"I have to pardon the manner I had described the Shrieking Shack" Professor McGonagall apologised.
"Sorry?" Janna asked, McGonagall looked at Harry who pushed his round glasses towards his eyes.
"That's where you will be shifting on the full moon" Harry said in a hushed voice, Janna looked at McGonagall and the fat man before leaning closely to Harry.
"They—They know?" Janna whispered to Harry, ignoring the previous subject, he nodded and gestured to the fat man.
"This is Professor Slughorn," Harry then looked at Janna "Slughorn is the potioneer who shall be preparing your Wolfsbane potion"
"Harry," Janna said, keeping her eyes on Harry "are there other teachers who know?"
"Yes," Harry said "only specific, trusted teachers know. You don't have to worry, Professor McGonagall has done this before"
Janna then looked at Professor McGonagall who smiled slightly, "T-Then where do I go for the full moon?"
"The Shrieking Shack." McGonagall answered, Janna's eyes then widened thinking about how the ghost "I assure you Miss Black, the violent ghosts are only rumours to keep people away from the Shack, when I take you there in a few weeks time I will explain everything to you"
Harry quickly excused McGonagall to a separate conversation, Janna felt some warmth now but she wasn't sure about this—
"You know Janna, I didn't get a chance to express my congrats on you finding your family." Slughorn then began to spiel "I should recommend you come to one of my dinners, it will, of course, be for the most talented and it may take me a couple of weeks to see who can make it but you are a easy pick for a talented young witch. I did teach another werewolf, a quite few years ago, Remus Lupin, but I also taught your your uncle and Harry's father—Sirius and James—those three were best friends. Speaking of your uncle, Sirius, it's a pity I didn't teach him although I did teaching your mother and father. Rebecca Yaxley and Regulus Black, it was an arranged marriage between them, a good match to be terribly honest, they always did make the best out of it" Slughorn then watched Janna's hair "yes, you have your mother's hair and your father's smile. Now don't forget about that dinner—"
"Horace, you might talk her ear off." McGonagall interrupted before looking at Janna "you must be tired dear, I will have Professor Potter take you to your dormitory. Goodnight Miss Black"
"Goodnight Professors" Janna responded, Harry lead her down the tables towards the Great hall's open doors, Harry turned left with Janna at his side towards a large marble staircase. Janna watched the stairs in awe as they walked towards it, she stared up at the front halls ceiling again, as they walked towards the staircase Janna was shown a new scene.
Janna stared up at a near endless ceiling, she riveted her eyes slowly to each of the millions of portraits on the eternal walls of the unlimited staircases that each moved at there own accord by their landings like hinges on windows.
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