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Over the next week the boys were far more obedient in their lessons, when Janna mentioned the Maurader's Map they changed the subject, they had told her what Professor Potter was expecting of them, so for the time being Janna would have the plan kept dormant. Albus and a few others had sent their regards to Janna, most of them knowing from the papers. Albus was more skittish around the boys, bringing Janna to the courtyard where he spoke to her about Mr. Winslow.
On the evening supper of Thursday Professor Potter came to the Gryffindor table when Janna and the boys were heading to the dorms "Janna, I may need you to come with me" Potter ushered Janna up the stairs leaving the boys to go back to the dorms without her "Professor McGonagall has agreed to let you stay in a room where people will have to try quite hard to enter and a safe place for you if Greyback sneaks into Hogwarts to take you."
Potter brought Janna to a wall, she knew where they were, "This is the Room of Requirements," Potter said as the door etched from the stone wall "Flitwick placed a charm on the corridor so nobody accidentally walks into the room while you are here" Potter opened the door, letting Janna go in first to the room, she saw the writing desk and candles were gone, now a four poster bed stood by a window, Janna saw her at the trunk foot of the bed and Ash on the pillows, she turned to Potter.
"Er... Are you sure? I think it is lovely but aren't I supposed to be in the Gryffindor dorms?" Janna asked running her hand through her hear to push the locks from curtaining her face.
"You'll all be safe" Harry reassured "if you do get lonely you can move to the boys' dorms" Harry put his hands on Janna's shoulders "just be careful of your friends, they might be watched by their families somehow—"
Janna shook her head "I will leave them if that happens, I swear, but right now I am safe here, thanks to you... I think I should get to bed, though" Janna stretched her arms up, causing Potter to talk his hands off her shoulders.
The Professor left, letting Janna move around the room, by a wall her she saw a writing desk with her books on a bookshelf, she followed a door which lead to a bathroom, there were charts of the moon cycle, the posters moved as they showed the moon orbiting a latitude and longitude lined globe, there was one with the constellations, asterisms and another with the moon's craters being shown on a diagram of the two faces of the moon.
After exploring Janna fell back on the bed, she shook her head and closed her eyes "coming to Hogwarts was a mistake..." Janna told herself.
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Whether or not Hogwarts was a mistake Janna carried on thinking about her mystery of Arbel Bucuvir-Brown, she woke up the next morning and a pile of books were at her writing desk, she pursed her lips when opening one of the books curious to where they had come from. The one book she opened was an archive of teachers, headmasters and headmistress. Janna grabbed her book bag and shoved the books into the mouth of the bag, one of the books was about Dark Magic: how to catch darkness, another was about Kindles for Dark Flames and Forgotten Creatures created the strangest was a book with twine crisscrossing as the back, holding two thick bovine leather squares which sandwiched stained pages named Opt of Obligations over Occult Observations this title was written in a long lacy font which sparkled on the blueberry blue cover in golden letters.
All these books drew Janna in as she read the first paragraphs, she pulled her bag onto her shoulder, the bag seemed to be heavier than usual but the weight would be worth what was going to reward Janna. Ash appeared on her shoulder, he purred at her rubbing his face into her neck as she walked to the wooden doors.
The day rushed past, all Janna could think of was the books, she discussed the books with the boys, when the school day had finally ended Janna ran up the stairs with the boys to the Room of Requirements, they all landed on Janna's bed, spread on the bed were the books, one of which Juno was carefully reading, scanning the runes, which none of them could translate besides Jake, who knew some old Celtic and Nordic runes as well as Germanic and Gaelic Symbols.
The three followed by reading the books, putting down findings that they had found, Janna read through her book, Opt of Obligations over Occult Observations the book was full of dark magic spells not even Juno had heard of... The wand in Janna's pocket hummed to her, with the same melody from when she argued with Rose. She read about harnessing darkness itself from creatures however you needed a life to place this darkness in... Next she found something about called Horcruxes which even she, a werewolf who had seen pus, bone and pulsing arteries, could not stomach, she felt woozy scanning through the pages so she skipped the chapters entirely.
Juno was searching in Archive of Hogwarts Professors and Heads of School trying to find Arbel Arcadium Lud-Eli Pilfres Bucuvir-Brown but no names matched, so Juno used a spell to use the letters to find a name that suited the mysterious name "Are you sure he wasn't lying to you?" Juno asked skeptically, watching as the book's pages, violently leafing back and forth as the letters on the note Janna had written the name down were shuffling too.
"Yes, I am certain, he seemed to know what he was talking about... He felt real, Juno. I think I may had met him before he died," Janna shrugged, turning the page she had finished reading "he must have been with the Ministry as well..." Janna stopped herself from talking about Mr. Winslow, she diverted her mind by reading the paragraph following the last one she was reading.
The book stopped turning, stopping dead at a page, Juno jumped up "Yes!" He lifted the book to his sight "I found the Headmaster with the pseudonym, Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore! This portrait, Janna, he must have been a younger version," Juno shoved the book into Janna's face "see, the auburn hair, yellow waistcoat and purple coat!"
Orion looked at new name on the note Janna had written on "Why would'e make 'is name different? Wouldn'e want te be recognised for inventin' a method of usin' the resurrection stone to bring back the dead as alive people?"
"No," Jake shook his head, looking at the grey old man who wore a purple with orange stars patterns curling hat and matching robes, he looked at the four of them through his half moon glasses "my matushka and tatuś have a friend who works in the Department of Unlawful Witchcraft and Wizardry, it's illegal to resurrect the dead because of the repercussions, she said that the people always come back missing something... For instance, a personality trait or talent even a recognisable feature, like being a witch or wizard and coming back a squib"
Janna felt her stomach drop, she couldn't imagine Mr Winslow missing anything... or else he wouldn't be Mr. Winslow, just a man she brought back who looks like him.
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