Regulus' apology and forgiveness
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For a few moments Janna had to find her bearings to see where they were going, she soon lead Potter through the forest again. Janna kept reminding herself on where Fawkes flew, she could not remember some places, though, without a smell or anything that sounded familiar she would pause before remembering where the moon was when she looked up at Fawkes as he flew above...
"Harry, why are you still following me..? Aren't you a little bit concerned to where we are going?" Janna questioned as she stared up at the chalky grey sky, seeing snowflakes fall through the air.
"No, because I know where you're taking me" Potter said as he came to Janna's side, she only stared at the sky, slowly closing her eyes "you talk in your sleep"
Janna pursed her lips, she opened her eyes to look at Professor Potter "You're not stopping me?"
Slowly Janna moved away from Potter, moving through a path of slightly blackened snow, possibly from when she walked here previously "Why?"
"Because I know you won't be able to find the Cite"
Janna stopped, she turned to look at Potter "How do you know about that? Do you know where it is?"
"I know where it is because I was the one who had to hide it" Potter's jaw clenched, he came to Janna, soon clutching her shoulders "you know what they do to people who have resurrected others in the past?"
"No, but I'm still doing it"
"In 1233 there was just one resurrection performed, the wizard involved in bringing back a person was proclaimed as a man who performed the killing curse to get the corpse, he wasn't sentenced to death, he was forced to live as long as his resurrected person did, Janna... He was only a wizard who was capable of living nearly two hundred years, however he lived for seven hundred... Most of his life he was frail and decomposing... What would the Ministry do to you, Janna? You're a werewolf, a descendant of the House of Black... I don't know what they will do to you... I know it won't be death, just worse"
"I can cover up my tracks, Harry... Dumbledore has explained it in detail to me, I know what I'm doing—"
"He hasn't explained everything to you. Dumbledore... Dumbledore had a few secrets, he might be keeping some from you"
"Can I just try to persuade you, please" but as Janna began to move to lead Potter again he clenched her shoulders, not letting her move. Janna knew that he thought that she didn't understand what she was attempting "please, I probably won't find the Cite anyways, just follow me"
For a while, Potter just stared at Janna's eyes, he breathed in attempting to understand her thoughts as he watched her face, his eyes flickering behind round glasses... Eventually Potter let Janna free, she stepped back wondering if he would inform the Ministry of what she was doing, she began to doubt herself on whether this was a good idea at all.
Still, she turned to lead Potter
Janna hugged her chest as she watched the forest slowly rotate as she moved through it, she moved slightly faster, hearing her feet crush the snow under her. Soon the shadow of the forest was illuminated as the clearing absorbed the grey sun. As she did on the full moon she pulled out the stone, clenching it in her hand, soon the forms shimmered in existence, all of them watching Potter.
"Harry..." Lily uttered breathlessly, she ran up to her son then hugging him tightly, Potter wrapped his arms around her, he breathed in seeming to think this was unreal, he felt her hair.
"I...I can touch you..." Potter said, bewildered, his mother smiled at him.
"Yes, see?" Lily clasped his hand, lifting the intwined fingers to shoulder height for Potter to look. Soon she looked at him, lifting herself on his shoulders to look at his face "goodness, you're just like James" she ruffled his hair, then patting his bearded cheek.
"Harry has your eyes, Lily" Remus said, coming from behind Lily.
"Who else is here?" Potter asked, looking past his mother to Janna, who had sat herself on the stump.
"I just know that Remus, Lily, James, Tonks, Dumbledore and Sirius come here... People appear according to who you need" Janna explained, soon Potter saw all the people Janna had mentioned, he stared with an awestruck expression.
"Wotcha Harry!" Tonks yelped from Remus' side, her hair was a shocking pink, although a strange aura surrounded all the dead, like they were faded but still visible...
"You've gotten far older than the last time I saw you" Sirius croaked as he leaned against as tree by Potter.
"Last time I saw Harry was when he was a baby" James laughed, coming towards Lily and Harry "Bloody hell, you're my son!" James grabbed Harry into a strong hug, pressing his one hand behind Harry's head, James pulled the older man closer... James looked more like he could've been Harry's son.
Janna smiled weakly, she saw Harry's eyes glimmer with tears, hugging his father tightly, she turned away, the need to be apart from this was too great... She didn't understand it all, she hated that she was in the bliss of ignorance but Janna understood... It wasn't her scars, she never went through what they went through.
"Janna?" Asked a voice above her head "well done for bringing Harry"
Janna lifted her head, seeing Sirius perching next to her "he's so stubborn, I didn't think he'd come" she stared at him, he looked at the scar on her cheek.
"I should be here for you," Sirius leaned forwards, his hair obscuring his face as he observed Harry "Dumbledore is wanting to uphold the resurrection 'til next year, however I told him that your darkness can bring itself together again in a short period of time" Janna looked at Sirius with a quick turn of her face, her hair swatting the cold air in her rush.
"How do you know?" Janna asked, Sirius smiled looking her in the eyes.
"You should've been in the hospital wing far longer with those scratches" Sirius turned to look at the snow carpeted floor, shrugging "I noticed that after two months"
To distract herself Janna rubbed her arms to keep warm "But... Doesn't that make me dark... I might gather enough darkness to just... just lose all control"
"That's impossible, Janna, I can't imagine you losing control, I can see you losing control with reading too many books; you're innocent in all rights, you're too good to do anything bad..." Sirius looked deeply into Janna's eyes "You're somewhat like him..."
"Regulus," Sirius distractedly ran his hand through his hair, sighing "when we were younger... He'd ask me if he'd become a Death Eater, I'd tell Regulus that he was so good hearted," he snorted, grinning to himself "so much that he could never treat anyone lower than him, not even my mother could fully remove that from his head... I'm certain that he remained like that after I left"
"Where did you go?"
"To James" Sirius looked at James and Lily taking to Harry, possibly catching up "I left when I was fifteen"
"Why did you wait so long?" Janna squinted at Sirius "if you left it must have been terrible"
"I stayed because I wanted to keep Regulus safe, he'd done nothing wrong, even though I was reminded everyday that he was better than I was and when we had drifted apart I still cared for him but very little" Sirius paused, soon taking Janna's hands, the strange phantom feeling becoming familiar to her, but she soon forgot the sensation as he stared at her hands "The damn boy decided to give in to our parents, first thing when we came home Regulus received the dark mark... I got out of there as quickly as I could" Sirius clenched Janna's hands tightly, he shook his head "I shouldn't have left him behind"
"But if you didn't leave without him..." Janna looked at Sirius' face attempting to find his eyes "He wouldn't have discovered Voldemort was creating Horcruxes" the air was stiff between the two of them, Sirius face Janna, his eyes watching her in confusion "you don't know?"
"I haven't seen him, I just thought he died by the hands of Voldemort after your mother died... He doesn't wouldn't want to see me anyways" Sirius said.
"He drowned... Becoming on inferi for betraying Voldemort..." Janna pursed her lips feeling her eyes warm with tears that threatened to flood her eyes "the locket, Sirius" Sirius' face lifted, Janna slid her hands from his hand taking the chain of the locket then pulling out the locket, the silver gleamed in the evening sun "it's not the actual locket, this was brought to me by someone... something... Harry explained the twin of this locket was found by my father, there was a note saying that he would destroy the Horcrux to kill Voldemort," Janna's hands sadly sank from the locket to her lap "he didn't get the chance to get out, but the clue he gave helped Harry... It's in all the history books, Sirius, he was a hero"
For a moment Sirius watched Janna, his eyes widened, shaken with some indescribable emotion, a happy one... She quickly wrapped her arms around him, he tugged her closely, his shoulders shaking, clenching the jumper material at Janna's shoulders his strong arms, hugging her as though he hadn't seen her in years... This belief that his brother was on the side of wrong until death finally lifted off his shoulders... This was as though Regulus was forgiving him and apologising. Sirius kept Janna close, making sure she understood his feeling.
Nothing needed to be said.
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