Powerless Passion
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Albus Potter sat under a tree near the entrance of the school, he had seen the squid rise then disappear into the Black Lake, he watched the horizon of the highest slopes to see Orion Cintola carrying Janna in his arms. Albus stood up with his wand at the ready in his fist, ready to prove Cintola guilty of hurting Janna.
When the skinny, pale boy came to the steps, unable to spot Albus by using his wiry forelock to block his view and the blinding terror in his stomach as he watched the ground under him. Albus shot from his hiding hole giving Orion a scare causing him to hug Janna closer to his chest "Gads! Ya bampot!" Orion stamped his foot seeing Albus in front of him with his wand pointed at Janna "Ge' outama way!"
"What did you do to Janna?" Albus questioned the taller boy, he looked at Janna before pursing his lips. Cintola then shot past Albus, his shoulders hitting the other boy, spinning him into a fall to the snow. Orion passed a few faces who watched him with judging stares, but he didn't care, with his coat billowing behind him be heard a voice say this way as he passed an empty corridor, Orion hesitated thinking this was Peeves playing a joke.
I want to help Janna, come on! The voice echoed down the corridor which Orion turned to while looking over his shoulders suspiciously take her through this wall, there's a staircase up to the Hospital wing! Orion nodded then rushed into the wall seeing Janna's face light up in the dimly lit corridor scared him as the shadows under her eyes darkened so he galloped up the stairs like a ferocious horse fleeing danger.
Suddenly the end of the stairs opened to a light which shone into Orion eyes with the power of the blinding sun after a long night. The boy persisted with Janna in his arms, her body was cold—as though she was dead—he stopped at the end of the steps before placing his ear to her nose...there was a low snort of air which sounded raspy, he pulled his ear back seeing the corridor to the Hospital Wing.
"Pomfrey!" Orion yelled at the door, his shoes clapping on the flagstones, his heart choking his dry throat "Janna! She needs help!" He yelled desperately as he skidded to the doors. Pomfrey appeared, first seeing Orion then she looked at Janna's pale cold face.
"Merlin!" Pomfrey then yanked Orion in "The bed right there, boy!" Orion followed Pomfrey's finger to where she was pointing. He gently laid Janna on the bed, her wand hand still holding the wand with black crystals forming around the contact of her hand and the wand "Out! Out!" Pomfrey yelled at Orion, he jumped back as the nurse came with a strange book in her hands, it had dark red crystals and strange skulls incrusted in the thick bubbling leather. Orion watched as Pomfrey swished her one hand and the curtains of the bed shut him out.
The wiry haired boy turned... knowing he could do nothing for Janna but he wanted to stay away... not wanting to cause more harm. He closed the door behind him—without warning he was caught at the collar by the shorter Albus who pushed him into the stone wall.
"What did you do to Janna!?" Albus hissed, Orion had his hands up in surrender with his throat throbbing and his hair obscuring his eyesight, Albus pushed him again into the wall "What did you do!?"
Orion choked on his words feeling a little guilty while sparks from Albus' wand stung his cheek "Away with tha' wand, ya Sassanack! Janna saved me!" Albus' eyes narrowed, his wand trained on Orion's face, Orion then murmured, shrugging "Moan then" he swung his fist up meeting Albus' cheek causing the shorter boy to stumble back lowering his wand, Orion pulled out his own wand pointing it at Albus who glowered at the boy across from him.
"Expelliarmus!" They both shrieked... there was a wand that clattered on the floor... Orion attempted to jump for it but Albus was quicker—he advanced his opponent who watched him with a shaken expression, his eyes twitching to the Hospital wing doors on his hands and knees.
"Janna's righ' there..." Orion looked at the wand, his hair falling into his eyes "I won' fight" Orion stood shakily, his knees creaking under his weight as Albus kept the wand on him "Grow a pair... If ya wanna figh', do it like a man, I'm powerless"
The two stared for a long moment, there was a scream from the door, Orion rushed to it ignoring Albus who preferred to be focused on, "incidere!" Orion paused, his left leg below the knee was feeling strange, he looked to his leg to see he had a slice at the calf, he hissed in pain holding his wound as the sensational of pain flooded his spine "ah ya b—"
"ORION!" Screamed Janna's voice, he swung the door open with his bloody hand he limped in, his nose flustered, he saw Janna's silhouette in the curtains, he pulled them open with his other arm seeing her cloak, her jumpers and her shirt had been taken off, her vest covered her chest which had a black mark leading to her sternum that branched out like a burn mark. Orion held her hand as Pomfrey attempted to use a strange potion to get the black crust off her skin.
"I'm 'ere, I'm 'ere" he whimpered he knelt to her hand, grabbing it with both hands. seeing her face bury into her pillow. She squirmed as drops of the potion fell onto her skin, she gritted her teeth as her crystal crusted hand turned a bruised purple "Wheesht, ma'e" he then pushed her hair back "I'm 'ere"
Pomfrey stopped, he looked at the woman who looked back at him "What are you doing?"
"No-nothing, just holding her hand" Orion shivered as Janna whimpered in pain "aw, ma'e hold on" the black crystals began to flake off Janna's skin, Orion then looked at Pomfrey who watched Janna's arm with contemplation "c'mon I'll stay with ya to the end, hell or high waters" he promised, the black flaked off further from her skin that seemed to have cracks where the dark matter came from her skin, her veins.
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