Must not leave
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Janna had waited for Kreature to come back, she had spoken to Sirius about Kreature—and did she get an earful. The night before the full moon Janna was in the Hospital Wing, Ash had come back the night before, possibly for the full moon.
There was the same crack! from the end of the February, Janna jumped as she saw the elf at the foot of her bed, his one shoulder was bloody, there was evidence he had tried his best attempting to wrap the bleeding in a dirty cloth "Don't leave..." His voice was weak and croaked heavily, Janna tried to reach to him but he jumped back "Don't! Kreature is warning Mistress! Do not leave!"
"Kreature, what happened to your arm?" Janna asked, reaching forward but Kreature flinched.
"Kreature says do not leave!" The elf hissed angrily, "Kreature knows what's coming to Mistress, Mistress must not leave! Must not leave! Don't leave!" Kreature wailed, his milky eyes began to water "A beast is coming for Mistress and Kreature must tell Mistress to stay! Don't go! Must not leave!"
"Where shouldn't I go?" Janna asked, clenching the bed's duvet "the Shrieking Shack?"
Suddenly Kreature screeched at Janna in a blind rage, he nearly lunged for her but Ash came between her and Kreature in a burst of white flakes. Stunned, the elf backed away, his hand curling over his bloody shoulder "Mistress... Kretaure cannot say, Kreature cannot say... Mistress mustn't leave" he began to turn away.
Snap! The elf was gone.
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The next day Janna could not eat, a force in her pushed her away from food, Pomfrey had tried to feed Janna by force, stubbornly she spat the food out. Janna even skipped the extra lesson, telling Pomfrey to explain to McGonagall that she needed the night to end, a possible bad moon.
As Janna walked through the castle Ash was at her feet, her mind was in and out of a splitting headache, her stomach had the sensation of being bloated but was grumbling for the lack of food, at some point Janna would close her eyes and lean on a wall for a breathe but suddenly she was walking aimlessly, Ash kept her on track turning her back to where she was supposed to be.
What felt like hours Janna finally found herself moving through the snow, shivering in only stockings and a robe as extra warmth "What was I thinking?" Janna scolded herself as she soon fell into the snow from exhaustion... Ash squeaked at her, unable to move her via dispersion, he feared she might get worse from the weakening process... Janna pushed herself up, her knees were shivering in a dull pain in her nerves and her spasming muscles, Janna whimpered in pain Full Moons were never been this bad... Ever.
When Janna approached the tree Ash dispersed into flakes prior to pressing the knot of the Whomping Willow, as soon as she fell through the hole Janna stood up, attempting to make the long trek to the Shack. The breath in Janna's chest was frozen, she could barely keep her eyes open so she leaned on a cold wall for a rest but Ash tugged at her robe hem.
"Please..." Janna murmured weakly, her body sinking under its own weight however Ash yanked again at the hem "Ash... Stop" if Ash could talk he would tell her to move, instead he squawked at her to annoy her headache. Janna looked down at him, her eyes dark with lack of sleep, she could sense what he was thinking don't give up, don't give up don't give up, don't give up don't give up, don't give up don't give up, don't give up don't give up, don't give up don't give up, don't give up!
To gather strengths Janna pursed her chapped lips, she fell forward to force her body to walk, her eyes shivering in their sockets from the pulsing pain in her veins... Soon enough the trap door to the Shack was above Janna's head as she bumped into it, her arms let out a last burst of strength, all she wanted was to sleep, even if it was on the dusty floor.
The door slammed on the floorboards, causing her headache to worsen, with a groan she pushed her body to its limit as her bad leg struggled to lift her, her right leg did not have much life either... Soon enough the dust mingled with Janna's tears as she slid her face of the floorboards since her head was too heavy to lift, she breathed heavily on the floor disturbing dust that glinted like glitter on the evening light. Her mass rose and sank... By her feet Ash gently closed the trap door with a small thud—
SHREEEEEKEEEEEEKEKEKEK! Ash wailed as a wrought iron cage dropped over him rattling so loudly Janna felt her head explode even with her hands covering her ears. Over her shoulder she saw his flakes could not move out of the cage as he hissed at the bars with the ball of his back arched up with spindles of white fur standing up as a threat. Soon the fact of Ash began trapped was the least of Janna's concerns, a large hand pulled her up by her arm, she shrieked at the body of the hand and kicked at it as she was pulled into a broad chest, the stomach churning smell of blood mingling in Janna's stomach made her feel nauseous.
"Bottoms up" Hissed a gravely voice soon followed by a bottle lip being shoved into Janna's mouth... she choked on the lips, squirming as a tart liquid was forced down her throat when her nose was slapped over with a grubby palm. When Janna was forced to take the last drop to breathe again, the bottle clattered on the floor followed by a hand sliding over her mouth... Janna shook her head to get free however the strong arms squeezing her to hold still.
When Janna finally gave into swallowing the rest of elixir was a pulled up the stairs, then she was lifted off the floor and thrown onto the bed like a rag doll... Janna coughed in the dusty that mingled with the scent of dried blood, her diaphragm spasmed causing her to hiccough on the dank air... The grubby hand slid over her check, when Janna stopped coughing and caught her breathe she looked up to stare right into the eyes of Greyback "Gotcha" he smirked, his yellow teeth glinting in the late evening light, Janna froze "Think ya coulda got away?" Greyback hissed, his hand moved over her temple to clench her hair in his fist causing her to rise on the bed as he stood up causing the floorboards to creak and cause Janna's headache to blind her, she squirmed in the blinding pain, holding her scalp tightly in both her hands to heed the ache "We're gonna have some fun" a deep growl came from Greyback's chest, his face was so close to Janna's she felt the mangy facial hair on her cheek, humid air brushed over Janna's face as he laughed "Don'cha worry, I ain't gonna take ya 'way" Greyback hissed in her ear, causing her stomach to churn while his other hand wrapped around her hip "Tha's comin'"
"What do you want?" Janna whispered, her blurry eyes barely able to stare up at his disgusting face "why not take me to your pack now?"
Greyback let out a gruff chuckle "Can' have a idiot as mine... Ay 'ave 'nough of those" Greyback put a sharp fingernail under Janna's chin so he could inspect her face "Yer de pretty one Ay want"
"You're disgusting!" Janna pulled back, his nail grazing her chin "You are a monster! A beast that deserves to be killed!"
Greyback moved around her liquidly stopping behind her like a crude waltz "Tha' makes de both of us, ya see? Ey made ya, yer mine" Greyback whispered into her ear as he dropped her hair as pushed her onto the bed by her shoulders "We're de same t'ing" Greyback laid next to Janna on the bed as she tried to crawl away, she tried to move away but he yanked her onto his chest by her hips "Ya can' escape, the Wolfsbane ya took is useless"
Even with a face of a monster stalking her every emotion on her face Janna had to sleep, she needed to sleep to try heed the effects of whatever poison he administered to her, she did not care what Greyback did to her, she would escape from him, if it meant fighting him again so be it. For now she would have to let him stroke her hair with his claws like a pet, Janna felt a ball of bile in her throat trying to choke her and make her cry but she would have to gather herself to fight Greyback again.
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