Morning In the Morning
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"Janna?" Harry's voice came from around the doorway from the stairs, Janna could only answer with moan in pain. Janna could hear Professor Potter come around the corner, she stared him with her chin resting on the edge of the bed where she had been left, his eyes widened as they looked past her head, he knelt to her with a shaky gait "w-where were you last night?"
"I-I-I don't know!" Janna cried, turning her face away from Potter "The Wolfsbane didn't work... I can't remember anything!" She wailed, Potter rubbed her shoulder to keep her calm but the sensation of something on her shoulder made cry out "G-Greyback must have taken me somewhere, I know it"
Potter's face turned pale, he looked at Janna's damp hair covering her other shoulder, moving the blood soaked locks of hair he saw the fresh bite mark on her shoulder. His voice shook as he answered Janna's previous comment "I don't know how he would be able to counteract Wolfsbane"
"I... Think I killed someone... I can taste it" Janna murmured, her face burned with tears so to calm the pain she buried her face in her hands, she knew what this meant, she mumbled miserably as her hands slid off her face like dead birds "I'm going to get arrested?"
"No, you're not because there's no proof you did it," Potter produced a Patronus which Janna could not help but be mesmerised by, "Greyback is the one who wanted someone to get hurt, he did it, not you" suddenly the stag leapt away from Janna's sight, possibly to the castle. Potter looked back down at her "Janna, can you sit up?"
I still hurt someone, just leave me alone. Janna shook her head, feeling stiff in her shoulders "I don't want to... Just leave me here"
Harry breathed in deeply before asking I'll help you up—"
"No!" Janna choked but was interrupted as she coughed from the dryness of her throat "just leave me, I'm... I'm a killer, Harry—NO! Don't. Pick. Me. Up!" Janna protested as Potter pulled her up by means of holding her under her arms to sit her up, her head lolled back from her resistance to sit up straight while Harry held her by her shoulders. There was a twist in her stomach as she saw the blood on the bed... What's mine? There must be the blood of the person I hurt. Potter wrapped his cloak around her shoulders that shook as she felt a lump rise in her throat, she curled her bloodstained fingers around the collar to keep the warmth around her but it did not the back of her neck because of a snag. Janna stared at her feet, they were mottled in dried blood and dried mud that was squashed between her toes "Just leave me"
"I won't" Potter tried to pick her up by holding her by holding her by her shoulders and under the bend of her knees but Janna kicked out at him, narrowly missing his chin. After a small battle of trying to catch her right arm he wrapped the arm over his own shoulders to lift her up but she trembled on her legs, "lean on me, you have to let me carry your weight"
Janna tightened her lips and shook her head, Potter pulled her up again to carry some of her weight before he began walking, consequently Janna's feet dragged on the warped dusty floorboards. Janna hissed through her teeth in pain so she leaned on Potter for support, as they moved down the first steps he asked "Where is Ash?"
"I don't know" Janna pursed her lips realising she might have scared the ferret away, "what's going to happen when people find out—"
"Let's just focus on you at this moment" Potter distracted Janna, she looked away from him and to the trap door when he gently pulled Janna over a step to the step down "are you alright?"
Janna glared at him as they went down another step, feeling a pain fuelled rage in her stomach erupt from her lungs "Are you alright? Because you should see that I am not alright!"
"At least we now know you're not a morning person" Potter muttered under his breathe as he stepped down to the step soon bringing Janna's feet to the step.
"I'm not a morning person, Potter, not particularly" Janna murmured as she was brought to another step, she hissed through her teeth as her aching toes and heels grazed on the old wooden steps, this one Potter misjudged and went down too fast.
"Sorry, my fault" Potter apologised, Janna leaned onto his shoulder with all her weight now, feeling blood run down her leg to her bare feet from the her back where there was an energised pulsing ache.
Around a corner came a squeak, Ash appeared, Janna felt her stomach drop at she saw a blood patch on his side "Does he know where to go?" Asked Potter
"Yeah, just let him get on our shoulders first" Janna murmured from her rushing heart as she watched the bloodstained creature sit on her shoulder.
"You won't get splinched, will you?" Potter questioned, Janna shook her head as she ignored Potter to mutter Hospital Wing, poof!—a burst of blinding white flakes twisted around the pair, as though they had been falling they slammed onto a solid floor, Janna winced when her heels smacked the floor.
They stood for a few seconds until Janna's knees shivered under the weight of her body while Potter must have been recovering from the new mode of transportation. The world began to become diagonal and only when Potter caught Janna she realised that she must have nearly fallen out of his grasp, he held her up again with her arm over his shoulder "Alright, Black?"
"Black?" Janna coughed, she shook her head and closed her eyes to hide her rush of remembering Sirius, she couldn't help but allow a sly grin to spread across her lips as she opened her eyes "Goodness, Potter, is this for me not calling you Harry?"
"No, I wanted to make sure you were still conscious, and it may be a habit I have, I guess" Janna nodded as she was sat on the edge of the bed Potter had brought her to, Pomfrey came to Janna's aid carrying all manner of potions and vials. McGonagall came through the floo, first seeing Janna's back from where the blood ran down to her ankles... All Janna could hear was a sound of hands slapping to cheeks and a gasp from Pomfrey "Oh, dear girl!"
Putting her one hand on the bed for support Janna looked over her shoulder to see a handle obstructing her view of McGonagall rushing up to her "What happened, Harry?"
"I got out," Janna answered quickly, catching McGonagall's eyes "Greyback must have done overpowered the Wolfsbane with some sort of neutralising potion—" Janna gulped, her throat tightened, she swung back around to swallow "Am I going to get expelled?"
"What idea is this?! Miss Black, you are staying at Hogwarts even if the Ministry thinks otherwise" McGonagall looked at where the handle was in Janna's back "However I will need excuse for a few days—"
"Why?" Janna questioned as she tried to turn but a hand keep her shoulder fro. moving so all she saw was Harry sitting a stool as he looked at McGonagall standing behind her. There was a thick, sticky, sloshing Pomfrey poured something fairly warm that had the similar consistency to wax onto her shoulders, when the wax sealed her wounds she winced at the stinging heat of the wax and balled the fabric of Harry's cloak to her chest to concentrate elsewhere.
A sound caught Janna's ears, a sound of grass in the wind... but there was not grass anywhere near this part of the castle. Janna turned her head to the sound to see an owl hurtling through one long window, the mass of grey mottled feathers crashed into Potter's chest, after popping up back onto his claws the bird dropped a letter into Harry's hands then flew away in a rush, nearly hitting his wing on the window pane. When janna looked back at Harry he was reading the letter, he looked up at Janna accident then quickly can bed his gaze to behind her —"McGonagall..."
When Harry got up from the stool he gave Janna a small reassuring smile before he and McGonagall huddled in a corner far from Janna. While Pomfrey pulled pellets from Janna's back, she would hear pieces of what thy were saying, "must be" "cannot be" "the Ministry" "must not" "from me" these words hissed left Janna's head until "Cintola"
"What about Orion?" Janna queried the two looked at her from their private conversation, she felt her stomach drop "did... I...k-" Janna chocked on the word, like just saying the rest of the sent snake was going to suffocate her "kill h-him?!"
"No," Potter came toward, he stood before her at Janna's eye level, he knelt to make eye contact then whispered "Janna, you shouldn't eavesdrop"
"What did I do? Harry, if I did do something you should ruddy tell me, I can take this—"
"Believe me," Harry looked over his shoulder at McGonagall then back to Janna's eyes "you will not be able to handle this as well as you think... This situation is a bit complicated—"
"I'll find out sooner or later," Janna mumbled, feeling her throat tighten as she prepared "we both know I will"
Potter breathed in deeply, he stood up and pulled the stool nearby Janna to sit in front of her. Harry clenched Janna's hand, she felt his hands tremble as he looked at her face.
As though her body was breaking to pieces her stomach lurched up to rip itself from her body, Janna felt her shoulders turn to lead as she made one more inquiry "I killed her..." Janna breathed out the rest of the sentence "Didn't I?"
The room was quiet, even though Janna's voice was in a low whisper. Harry squeezed her hand as she lowered her head when his actions answered her "These hands, they're too gentle to do harm, Janna, you didn't kill her, she was murdered by Greyback."
Feeling her organs slide up her through like the gooey feeling she felt in her heart "Greyback bits children, you know that... Harry" Janna pushed back her hair with her free hand to allow her to see the window the owl flew through "It's not like Greyback to kill adults"
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