Lovely People
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"I can tell you that Slytherin is terrible, there are so many students whose parents my dad has arrested, Neo-Death Eaters... They have become more active over these years, dad said I shouldn't let myself worry—but I do. What if the Slytherins turn on me?" Albus asked, obviously scared with his wide eyes.
"Who would want to hurt you? I mean, there can't be many" Janna stated, knowing that Purebloods would have died down to herself being the only one in the entire school that was known to have real Death Eater parents.
Albus glanced at the Slytherin table, inconspicuously he attempted to lean to Janna's ear "there are really only a few, Peregrina Swainson, her mother is a descendant of the Abbot family, the darker side... Her dad was arrested last year for breaking the law of secrecy by blasting a Muggle's vehicle to bits. Kimberly Dartmoor is in our year, she from Macmillan, some branch of the family has been attempting to disband certain laws that I cannot remember but really major ones, her family is related to Kristina Stirling, they might be cousins of some sort... Then there is Alexandra Boyle, she's from the Nott family somewhere—"
"Albus, how do you know this? Where these people are from?" Janna asked, looking right into his dark blue eyes.
He looked across the Ravenclaw table at a cluster of Slytherins "I know because my dad has been tracking down old Death Eaters with this large tree of families, you're on it too, he added you at the beginning of the year but he didn't suspect you." Albus rambled but he caught his own attention, he pointed at a auburn haired girl with a short haired girl "You see those two girls?" Janna nodded when she spotted the two older girls "Georgina Cross, Lorelei Corlow, they are really scary, I know they're from the Carrow family, you know the Carrow siblings from the Second Wizarding War?"
"Yes, I read about them and they were absolutely terrifying," Janna shivered, watching as Ash nibbled on a slice of oily bacon "I was put off of reading when I read their chapter"
Albus pursed his lips "They're the ones I'm worried about, even though most of Slytherin is mixed they're the ones to watch out for, I'm not sure about the other houses but there is Leigh Cintola, he is related to Prewett but really far from the family, he is from the Scottish and Scandinavian Pureblood families, he has been reported using the imperious curse on Muggles and Ministry officials, for some reason he wasn't ever arrested. Then there's Hesteria Siglavy, she's a far far away descendant of the Gaunt family, she's the daughter of some lady who fought in the first war, Temnein Siglavy, he's a Neo-Death Eater, sometimes held in custody and questioned, once my dad questioned him and came home looking all pale and sickly, as though he had caught a bad flu...
Then there are the older There is Ilanstina, the oldest thirty eight, I think, then there is Meghan Siglavy, thirty six, Cassidy—no... Christophina! She's thirty or twenty nine, Quietina Siglavy twenty five,, she's a really busy one, she causing those large red buses to malfunction, once she set a fire on a bus, nearly killing thirty Muggles... Alba Siglavy... Twenty and the second youngest child, Euphoria Siglavy, nineteen... I'm sure dad suspects Jake Siglavy and Orion Cintola of walking in the steps of their parents... Then there is Ophidia Erdem, she's Juno Erdem's older sister, she was sixteen when she died trying to set fire to a muggle school."
"Do you think Juno, Jake and Orion are like their families then?" Janna interrogated Albus, he froze, letting his face go pale. These boys were Janna's friends, he couldn't be honest if he wanted to keep to Janna's good side.
"No..." Albus let his word trail on, Janna's one eyebrow raised, she lowered her head causing her eyes to become darker and sink further into her skull "Well, why else would they chose to go to Gryffindor and befriend the long lost heir of the house of Black?"
"Maybe they chose differently from their parents, you don't know them Albus, Jake knows his parents are a bit bad in some shape or form and Juno lives with his Grandmother, she's a very nice woman, maybe not someone who would be killing Muggles, maybe his sister but she died long ago." Janna claimed, Albus's eyes narrowed.
"And what about Orion Cintola?"
Someone did mention that Cintola was violent but he was reformed by his wife "Orion isn't a bad person, his mother is a lovely lady—"
"And did you ever meet these lovely people?" Albus questioned, interrupting Janna who shook her head to answer his question "Albus, would you ever lie about your parents?"
Albus nodded "I would... If I wanted a person to believe that I was not attempting to catch their attention to my obviously dark family—"
"I came from a dark family... I'm not bad, so what sets the boys apart from me?"
Albus realised his mistake, he thought carefully, Juno didn't live with his parents so they were possibly dead, Jake was not from this country and Orion was... They were all so random "I don't know, I can't remember from my dad's notes"
Janna smirked "see, you need to see things for yourself, like with the Slytherins... There is little evidence but it is believable" Janna realised that she might have been judging the other students as Slytherin and not as their own person, but she didn't mention that.
"My dad does overreact about anything involving Voldemort" Albus muttered.
The two ate breakfast, catching up on a few thing from classes that they did not share, learning that they both enjoyed potions and that McGonagall had taken them under her wing, the one conversation started talking about the snow, talking about how clouds moved then ending at talking about pigeons. When the conversation became a bit more quiet Albus saw a glimpse of a small cut on Janna's one fingers "so your scar...where did you get it?"
Janna went pale, her hands sank under the table to hide from Albus' gaze, she looked down at her lap where she had her hands open, splaying her fingers "Scar?"
Albus took her left hand gently pulling her palm to his face.
He checked between her last two fingers "here" he brought her fingers to her face "on your ring finger, right there" there was a small pinkish scar on her ring finger where her pinky connected to it, the scar was hard for Janna to see so she moved her hand lifting her pinky and turning her palm away, the scar crossed the ring finger to the pinky. Must have been from when she hurt her hand on the mirror two months ago.
"Oh..." Janna then covered her hand blushing, pulling her sleeves up to her thumbs " myself, a... ink pot broke the other day and I cut myself attempting to catch it" Janna looked towards her, seeing the Ravenclaws "we can go for a walk... We can talk there"
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