Hear you, see me
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Outside of the Gryffindor common near the Fat Lady's portrait Snuffles was watching the dogs playing poker, he knew they wouldn't see him as he drunkly commentated on their moves, hiccoughing before taking a large gulp of the bottle he had conjured. Snuffles was lonely in this castle, still looking for that bloody bird, he would say to himself as he roamed the portraits outside the castle.
"...FREAK!" Yelled a voice, Snuffles felt shivers go up and down his spine, he recognised that word... The Word that hurt a best friend of his, he growled, slamming the bottle onto the floor, making the dogs at the table jump up and howl, throwing their cards up, Snuffles ran out of the portrait to the next one with a shower of cards following him... He bound off into the common past the Fat Lady, he ran to the dorms and stopped in a mural of a lion and a hunter, making him seem like the hunter's dog, his drunken eyes squinted. Turning to the girl's dorm running past tables of flowers in vases or superrealisms of tables of random foods and trinkets he finally found Janna, his blurry eyes saw something white specked with green in her hair, he shook he head and blinked his eyes so they wouldn't dry out again.
Her hair had a few gobs of potato mash and peas, he moved to the painting behind her, one of a maiden wearing a suit of armour, her fair face showing from under the helmet, other than Janna he saw a ginger, a blonde and a brunette. Snuffles let out a drunk doggie laugh at the beginning of the bad joke he had just ran into and a girl with peas and mashed potatoes in her hair.
"Well, Rose" Janna let the words roll off her tongue, she could feel a rattle in her chest which made her feel powerful "if I am correct, if I am a freak then you must be a Muggle"
Snuffles felt something was wrong with Janna, he knew he couldn't do anything but watch.
"Excuse me?" Rose frowned, anger was fulling her cheeks, Olive and Aimee stared at Janna with wide eyes.
"Oh, you don't know, in a history book there is a whole chapter about the Evans sisters, you know Professor Potter's mother and his aunt? His aunt was a muggle, she was jealous of his mother since her sister was more special than she was" Janna explained.
"I know what that is!" Snapped Rose, Snuffles felt Janna's coldness, he knew this feeling.... His shaggy tail went between his legs, he didn't understand why Janna would feel like a Dementor... Rose had just fallen into a trap.
"Then you know what I am talking about!" Janna laughed, Rose shot up and aimed her wand at Janna.
"I am not lesser than you, Black!" Rose yelled, Janna felt her head sink to her chest, it was an odd sensation, the rattle stopped but something lingered
"But you called me the Freak..." Janna murmured, she stood up straight and looked at Rose's wand, her eyes wandered to her bed where Ash was asleep on her pillow, Janna caught herself thinking if Ash had a wand pointed to him as his family was captured... This is what he felt... Cornered. Rose was that horrible man with the beard on the Knight Bus...
Snuffles saw Janna open her hand and curl her fingers into silhouettes of claws that were formed by some sort of black dust "Janna!" He barked, letting his voice through to Janna.
Janna heard her name echo at the back of her skull, she stumbled back before running for the bathrooms, she opened a sink tap and let the water fill her cupped hands before she threw the hot water on her skin, she felt something in her body click, she felt normal again, as though she wasn't in wolf form... But it wasn't the full moon. Her arms shivered as she rested her palms of the sink , she was staring down the tap, trying to breath in and out but it felt like something was chewing at her stomach and lungs.
I can hear you murmured a gravely voice in Janna's head, she looked up at the mirror right behind her was a tall dirty man with mattered grey hair, his chest was bare, curtained by his open black shirt, he had a grin on his face, baring yellow teeth, all of them were sharp and pointed. Janna saw his hand around her neck, his long dirty nails pierced her skin as he leaned down to her ear "You can see me, my prize"
Trembling with fear Janna slapped her shaking hands to his fingers, trying to pry then off "y-you're supposed to be in Azkaban!" Janna said in a shaky whisper, he lifted his other hand and pulled her robe sleeves down on her right arm, he grinned deviously at Janna through the mirror, her scars on her wrists shone on her skin, slowly her arm was bared, showing her scars, the half moon bites, the teeth marks that trailed up her elbow to her wrists where she tried to pull away as he bit her through the bars of the gate when she was five years old.
"Aren't those beautiful" Greyback groaned into her ear, the hairs on her nape stood up, he ran his sharp nails over the marks, slowly letting them run into the grooves as Janna tried to grasp for air when his grip tightened in her neck "I'm coming for you... Slowly you will lose all your family... Your friends... Maybe I should start with Siglavy" Janna shook her head, trying to peel his fingers off her neck.
"No" she weakly murmured, lowering her head "no, he's done nothing wrong... None of them have, you monster"
Greyback's chest vibrated, a growl erupted from his curled lips "I am all you have, I made you like this" Greyback hissed, taking his free hand to pull her hair back, making her look at him through the mirror "I am all you have..." He leaned to her ear "you belong to me, I am offering you something better than a family, that is something humans desire" Greyback smacked his lips, looking at Janna's neck as her throat pulsed under his hand "you want a pack, I will take you to mine... You will be treated like my own..." Greyback pressed his fingers into her neck, Janna winced as the skin popped under the pressure of his nails "you are mine... Your mummy and pappy are dead, you'll soon be an orphan... I promise you"
Janna gulped, she was already an orphan, what did he mean?
Greyback let her hair go, leaning down to smell her hair, his raspy breathe made Janna shiver as his hand ran through it, she stared at him through the mirror, he grinned at her, his ice blue eyes watching the fear behind her eyes as they darted around his face. He put his hand over her eyes, she felt her body trembled as the light disappeared. A low gravely laugh echoed through her head.
Janna jumped, her eyes opened looking in the mirror she saw her right arm was pulling her left hand away from her throat, she looked at her left hand to see if there was any blood, there wasn't. Janna pulled the sleeve down, hastily buttoning up the sleeves. Janna knew that encounter wasn't real, it was all in her head, it had happened to her when she was younger but they had ended, like how you stopped getting nightmares when you were younger, she shivered, taking in a rattling breathe.
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