Girly Shenanigans
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Around her the boys were defenceless, they stared as more of these fishlike creatures swam ashore, screeching at them. The boys were also holding their ears, Janna let out a scream of words she couldn't even hear because it didn't break the screeches. She then looked at the boys who were probably as deaf as she was now so she took in a breathe and let out a low growl... the creatures all watched Janna now in silence.
"Winky!" Yelled Janna in the deafening silence, there was a snap! Winky, the small elf popped up before Janna.
"Hold Winky's hand" Yelped the elf before a mermaid tried to reach at Orion's robes, Winky swatted her hand and the claws of the mermaids hand set alight the creature dove into the water. All the students reached for Winky's small hand and they were suddenly sucked into the air by an invisible force through a tube then through a twisting channel. The five of them landed in the Gryffindor common room, Janna felt like she was standing the wrong way up, the boys didn't seemed to be phased by this mode of transportation.
"Haven't you apparated before?" Asked Jake, Janna shook her head as Winky then guided Janna to the squashy armchair by the fire hearth, the boys sat in the couch next to Janna.
"That was an adventure, hey Janna?" Orion chuckled, Janna smiled before holding her stomach, a knot of nausea shot through her stomach "that'll be gone in a few seconds"
"Winky came, Mistress, Winky came!" Winky yipped, hopping onto Janna's knee before bending to Janna's face and putting her small hand on her forehead "Oh dear, Mistress is cold"
"I'm fine," Janna sighed, drawing Winky's hand away from her forehead "the trip made me a little lightheaded is all"
"Janna is this your elf?" Jake asked, looking at the small elf on Janna's leg.
"No, Winky works in Hogwarts, working for mistresses and masters" Winky explained, holding her hands together over her chest "Master Dumbledore let Winky work at Hogwarts years ago," The small elf then began to weep "Winky misses Master Dumbledore and Winky's friend Dobby"
"Please don't cry Winky" Janna cradled the small elf who hugged Janna's neck weeping into her curly hair. Orion, Juno and Jake watched the small elf hug Janna who patted the creature's small back, showing the small scars around her wrists.
"Mistress has been so good to Winky, Winky isn't used to it, only because Winky works mostly in places bad people see Winky" Winky let go of Janna, the small elf climb off Janna's legs to fetch a quilt from the pile on a couch.
"You should maybe hide from bad people, disappear to the kitchens" Janna suggested but the house elf shook her face and carried a quilt for each of the students, giving three to the boys.
"Winky won't disappear, Winky knows the bad people can do nothing to Winky" Winky explained, clicking her fingers, making the quilts float over the boys and wrap around them "Winky can leave a newt under bad people's pillows" Winky smiled to herself as she lifted the last quilt to Janna.
"You're quite smart, Winky" Juno stated, Winky giggled happily and tucked Janna in with the quilt, patting the creases in the knitting work.
"Thank you Master, Master is smart too" Winky turned to Juno, putting her hands behind her back "Winky better be leaving, Winky needs to help with supper, come down and eat Masters and Mistress!" The elf then snapped, she popped out from the room, possibly to the kitchens.
"She also took the sand out of our robes" Jake nodded, feeling his brown hair "we should go back there tomorrow and see if Winky can rescue us again"
"We shouldn't" Janna smiled, staring into the fire, the boys turned to her, looking at her like she was mad "we have a flying lesson tomorrow, we should sleep"
"Well, well, look at Janna." Orion teased "Following the rules"
Janna shrugged "I follow the rules...most of the time"
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"Master Potter!" Called Winky, she ran up the wooden stairs of spiral staircase to the Defence against the Dark Arts office where Harry was writing with a large pointed quill. Harry looked at Winky who was running to his desk "Mistress Julianna is alright now, Winky saved Mistress and her friends from the mermaids."
"Well done Winky, thank you" Harry then turned to a map, he was looking at a folded out piece of parchment which showed four name tags: Julianna Black, Orion Cintola, Jake Siglavy and Juno Erdem sitting around the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room "Winky I'll need you to keep an eye on Janna, just to keep her out of trouble."
Winky happily nodded "Winky will, Winky will"
"Thanks, you can go back to the kitchens, now" Harry excused Winky who popped out of the room, leaving Harry to watch the Marauder's Map... feeling the urge to just go for an adventure of his own, maybe to see where Janna and her friends had fallen down to one of the Black Lake's tributary.
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Janna had joined the boys on the large sofa, she snored into a pillow, a lock of her hair dangled over her her mouth, swaying as she breathed in and out, Juno had his arm over Janna while Jake had his head lolling on his shoulder and Orion sleeping with his head tilted slightly to the front, his hair tangled over his eyes and cheek.
In the girls' dorm Rose spoke with her new found friends, they giggled about girl things and compared nails at some point, they all rose to get to supper, they found the group sleeping on the large sofa, the girls looked at each other and chuckled deviously amongst each other.
The triad of Gryffindor girls tried not to chuckle as Olive arranged flowers in Orion's hair, Rose plaited Janna and Juno's hair together making their faces stand near each other, Jake had his face done with make up Aimee had brought down with her from the dorm. Finally the trio finished their gormless arrangement, they appreciated it before running off the supper.
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