¤ ¤ ¤
As the duo went past McGonagall's class Sirius pulled Remus' sleeve to stop, he saw Janna sitting in the group of boys she had befriended, all the students in the classroom each had a little house sparrow in front of them "Let's just see what going to happen"
"You're stopping here, Padfoot? We need to catch Harry during his break, you can watch Janna as much as you want there" Remus said firmly pulling Sirius by his elbow but Sirius stayed put.
"C'mon Moony, for your further observation of Janna, see how she interacts" Sirius jerked his head to the classroom. With a bit of resistance Remus complied to Sirius' request, watching Janna— "I don't see how Regulus could've raised Janna to be like this, not without my mother interfering" Sirius murmured, the whole class began to recite the same wand movement as McGonagall had shown them.
"You should have fetched Janna as quickly as you could" Remus sighed "Then probably would have dropped her off with Lily and James to go galavanting off to who knows where"
Sirius chuckled, nodding as he leaned down to the frame to rest his arms on the sill "I would've come back, dragging you with to see what I found"
"You wouldn't have at that point, Sirius" Remus said lowly, Sirius looked over his shoulder at his friend.
"You heard this from the horse's mouth, I still had that much trust in you" Sirius admitted, his head swaying back to watching Janna "I don't want to fight"
¤ ¤ ¤
Soon the day ended, Sirius observed Janna in her classes observing her in Transfiguration before discussing matters with Harry who had seemed shaken as he taught his class about House Elves after conversing with Remus and Sirius. Finally Janna left Potions to end off the school day Sirius muttered in disappointment when Janna was given a potions essay since he wanted to talk to her to see how she was.
"They're only first years, Moony, what does Slughorn think he's doing?" Sirius complained as he and Remus followed Janna.
"Teaching, I reckon" Remus suggested with a well hidden grin, whoever Sirius as distracted by spotting Albus coming towards Janna.
"Moony... Do you think Al and Janna would ever become an item?" Sirius inquired with a thought in his mind.
"Janna wouldn't risk a relationship with one of Harry's children, especially Albus, the boy would be outcasted further. Between you and me, Janna will never want anyone she admires in danger, especially with Greyback stalking her." Remus explained watching Janna carefully tuck a corkscrew behind her ear as she looked up at Albus, Remus leaned on the frame of the portrait as he saw the two timidly watch each other.
The first year Gryffindors passed the lone Slytherin coming down the stairs, suddenly there was a shriek as though someone was caught off guard. Janna was the rush to turn and see Albus attempting to pull his leg from the stone step, Janna came to yank Albus from the stone he desperately was pulling his leg from.
"You're awful Padfoot, the poor boy's flushed!" Remus murmured as he and Padfoot watched Janna pull Albus from under his arms to yank him free from the step of quicksand.
"I'm quite proud actually," Sirius gestured to the Gryffindors gathering to watch Janna help Albus "those friends of hers aren't helping, Janna is, though"
"Most Gryffindors take a while to figure out a situation as the matter makes its way slowly through their thick skulls, James and you were exactly the same, laughing at others before realising they needed help" Remus explained, tiredly he leaned on the frame of the world outside, watching the window to the outside world where Janna finally pulled Albus from the step with Sofia and Scorpius "You should not force Janna to help Al when he falls into a jinx of yours"
Sirius shrugged "I think Janna should stay with Al, she should trust him, his father may not trust him, entirely, but Janna definitely can"
"Albus is more like you, Sirius—"
Sirius snapped in anger "Harry's not a—"
"You said you didn't want to fight, Sirius... Al is similar to you, see, he's a misfit in his family, he chose the house nobody expected him to have chosen and he has a humble beginning in this school, like you—" Out of boredom Sirius transformed into Snuffles, his nails clacking on the floor as he ran to catch Janna in the Room of Requirements. "—I hope Harry doesn't have to deal with excessive mood swings from Al" muttered Remus who calmly walked with his hands in his cardigan pockets to follow behind Sirius.
The late evening brought a dull golden glow into the Room of Requirements, the room seemed to have a warmth of its own as the chilly air struggle do to cool the stone walls. Janna was wrapped in a thick blanket, her eyes were threatening to close for some sleep regardless she carried on reading about Newtclaw for the Potions essay Slughorn had given the first years in his class.
"Maybe I should go to sleep" Janna said to herself, glancing at Ash sleeping on her one bent knee like a snake on a branch. Soon Janna put out the lamp next to her bed on dressing table, she slid the textbook and her parchment onto the table as well, carefully putting her quill and ink pot on the book.
Ash snuck out of the covers, glancing over his shoulder as he slinked over the stone floor to stay silent, Janna was strangely still when she slept, Ash turned his head to face forward before moving liquidly up a swag of the curtains hiding the windows, he moved through the gave with a serpentine grace before hitting the window with his muzzle. Shaking his head Ash looked out the window, pondering where he would explore.
Janna woke up to a crack! she sat up slowly, her hand wrapping around her wand under her pillow, her tired eyes scanned the room for anything, maybe even Greyback, she was prepared to hurt him if he was here. Her eyes spotted slight movement, a twitch of an ear, too low to be a human, maybe an elf.
"Lumos" Janna whispered so carefully she could not hear herself say the word but her wand tip still illuminated, she saw a facet creature on the stone floor, it's back to her. This was definitely an elf, he was not wearing clean clothes like she had seen the others wear, his were tattered and old, possibly an ancient pillow case or sown thing like that. His ears were hairy and patched with liver spots showing how old he was, he muttered under his breathe as he checked the desk Janna scarcely used. His old voice was raspy and drawn out, when he turned around to Janna she watched him not even flinch at the light, possibly because it was so dull... The nearly milky eyes of the creature blinked a few times "Hello? Who are you?"
The elf froze, his keen ears facing Janna while his eyes searched around her "Dream" He mused with a husky voice, shaking with fear and old age, Janna recognised this low voice "Mistress is dreaming"
"Are you the elf who gave me this?" Janna said, pulling out the locket, when the chain jingled he let out a shriek, a long din of unearthly sounds of torment, the elf fell to the floor cradling himself, holding his ears tightly over his cheeks "I'm sorry" Janna fell out of bed, leaving her wand on the bed "I'm sorry"
The elf watched Janna as he slowly quietened, his eyes still able to see her, his sour face watching her in awe "Yes, Kreature gave Mistress Master Regulus' locket" the elf stepped away from Janna "Dream" the elf snapped his fingers, Janna felt her body go limp and her eyes close, soon she was asleep.
¤ ¤ ¤
"Are ye sure ya can play Janna?" Orion asked as he, Jake and Juno followed Janna onto the pitch "I mean, it's justa practice" Janna had told the boys of her encounter with the strange elf called Kreature last night, she had wondered if it was real at all, however Ash was missing as well so how was the event all a dream.
"I'll be fine, I just want to ask him why he gave me this locket and how he knows my father" Janna said, Jake snorted.
"He's your house elf, the Pureblood families usually have house elves and you're a Black" Jake pointed out, Janna frowned at him.
"Wouldn't he be passed down though? Sirius died before I was born so Kreature must be someone else's" Janna shrugged.
Juno pursed his lips "have you tried summoning him?"
"No, I don't want to, he's probably busy" Janna said, "he's not mine, Kreature has a right to a free will... But I will need to ask Sirius about him"
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