Dark shoppes and black crickets
¤ ¤ ¤
The deeper into the tenebrous alleys Janna lead Harry through the more he checked his wristwatch to see if it was still morning, the gloomy air made the aura around him feel like the atmosphere around him was in the nighttime.
Finally when Janna stopped at a shop which had black tainted windows, she looked left and then right, gazing past the alley she caught the ferret in. Harry stopped behind Janna as she leaned to the door, tapping on a bottom left pane twice then she reached up and knocked the top right pane three times in the centre.
Harry heard Janna murmuring to herself; the words were too soft for Harry to hear, the mumbles sounded like Janna talking in a rhythm. The door clicked before slowly creaking open before them, Janna stepped in, her head lowered so the shadows could conceal her face.
"Huh, yer're 'eer 'egain—I see yer're not alon'. Little colleen like yeshelf finally has 'pra-tec-shin" said a large man at behind a counter, a stack of books were patted by his right hand while he leaned on his left elbow to see the party of two walking in.
"Did you disable all the jinxes off the books?" Janna said in a more throaty voice—Harry felt a chill go up his spine, Janna's voice has changed from the shy girl to the full on overly confident dark witch—
"Ye' got them heer ver more tha' a nigh'. Pay up befor' I dooble the price" Grunted the man, Janna slid her hand into her pocket before pulling out five gallons and twelve sickles, Harry quietly watched the transaction while staying cautious of the two wizards who were skulking in the shadows—wands in their hands, watching Harry and Janna like hawks, waiting for either Harry or Janna to quiver and make a run for it—
Janna stocked the coins on the table, Harry watched as the man brushed his palm over the coins, evening them out to see if they were the right payment, he grinned and pushed the books toward Janna with his elbow.
"Bye-bye missy" the man said before raking in the money with his hand, bringing the clattering coins to his stomach where his other hand awaited to catch the coins as they fell with a louder shingle of metal.
Janna jerked before turning around, hugging the books to her chest like a protective snake coiling itself around its eggs. Janna felt at the corners of the books, checking for the marks she made in the covers when she saw them to see they were the right ones.
As they stepped out the shop, Harry immediately took Janna's shoulder, he lead them up the uneven stairs back to Diagon alley. Janna followed before him as they quickly come out of the alley, he stopped at the corner of the alley which Knockturn alley branched out of.
"Janna, you're never going back there, you hear me?" Harry murmured urgently, Janna nodded as she brushed her hood off from over her head.
"Yes, Harry. But you should know I don't usually go down there anyways" Janna said as she pulled her bag off her shoulder by the strap on the top, she unzipped the bag before putting the books in.
"Janna, how do you know what they are about? They have no name or author." Harry said as he looked at the books that Janna packed in her bag. Janna frowned and stared at him, wondering why he wouldn't know why the books and no names or writers.
"Harry, usually if you don't want to be found you'll usually not say what the book you wrote is about, so nobody sees your style of naming—they don't have names because then it'll just give the people away, and the writing changes per person to hide the writers writing style, it usually changes with the person use of words or their mood" Janna explained as she then followed Harry up the way to Diagon alley towards Madam Malkin's.
"How do you know that?" Harry asked, Janna shrugged before lacing her arm through the left strap of her bag "did it say how it works in the books?"
"No Harry, now that's just insulting their genius" Janna joked as Harry then stopped at Madam Malkin's door. Harry raised an eyebrow as he then thought of when Janna's started to get these books.
In the time in Madam Malkin's shop, Harry went to Gringotts while Janna had her her robes fitted by a woman who was eager to see Janna's natural beauty, Janna had to shed her scarf, her frumpy pink jumper and her fingerless gloves. All that was left on Janna was a long sleeved shirt, a pair of baggy denims and her old black trainers.
The woman who was tending to Janna complimented Janna on her beautiful eyes every so often, Janna would shyly reply with a thanks or a oh I didn't think my eyes were so special.
Nothing seemed to be real, she had seen other children get their robes fitted; Janna never thought that this experience would ever be bestowed upon her. The black robes hung off Janna's frame, she looked like a large curtain hanger which the woman seemed to poke pins in that she used as a guide line to begin sowing. The woman seemed too concentrated to conjure up a conversation—the occasional request would come to Janna to maybe lift her arms slightly or to stand up right for a bit.
Harry returned a few minutes before the woman finished asking Janna's sizes, in Janna's mind the service was brilliant compared to those of the Muggles, who just usually let you pick out a range of: too small, elongated beyond repair, large or so large you'd look like a circus tent—thankfully Janna had the liberty of choosing the elongated beyond repair choice mostly because of her boney form—
When the woman announced the price Harry said "Great, thank you Ma'am" while handing the woman the coins to befit the price. When Harry and Janna walked out the shop, he showed her a trunk which was seated upon a trolley "I realised that you need a trunk if you're going to have so much"
"A-A trunk?" Janna frowned in response Harry nodded as she undid the latches in Janna's view. Janna watched as he then lifted the lid to let her put her packages in.
¤ ¤ ¤
We should quickly go to Olivanders to see if that wand is still useable Harry thought to himself leading Janna as she followed him out to the open while she pushed the trolley through the streets of Diagon. After walking with Harry past a corner shop with many people within it—the place had a man with a top hat that had a bunny that kept disappearing into the hat as he placed it back on, resting atop the doors—The two finally crossed the cobbled street to a shop that was large and from outside smelt of different woods like: maple and cedar. Harry opened a black painted door and let Janna in after she parked the trolley.
An old man with wispy white hair was standing up behind a large desk in the centre of the shop, he was inspecting a polished stick—which had much likeliness with a wand—He looked up as the two began to walk closer to him before gently placing the wand down in a box—which had a slightly charred, faded purple velvet cushioning the wand—as he saw Harry. Olivander smiled at Harry before he looked at Janna with confusion before his gaze slowly changed to be even more confused.
"Good morning Mister Potter," Then the watery blue eyes shifted to Janna "I never thought that I'd see a Black here again" The man, Janna suspected was Olivander, came from his table to shake Harry's hand, then he shook Janna's with slight hesitation.
"Yes, Janna has been alive for a while now. There was an article in the Daily Prophet, but most of it is written by Rita Skeeta and her protégé, Kennth O'bernal so I wouldn't depend on it" Harry nodded before leaning closer to Olivander "I need you to take a look at this wand, is it still useable?" Harry asked as he took out the wand Janna saw in Mrs Winslow's jewellery box when she cleaned it a few weeks ago, Harry held it out for Olivander at the hilt. Olivander gently took the top of the hilt before he began to run his fingers over the wand.
"Three cores!" He yelped in discovery, causing Janna to jump, "Must be an ancient wand, the make of wood gives that away, must have been made in Northern Europe—I once knew a good friend who makes wands like this" Olivamder nodded before running his finger tips over the wand's chipped tip. "A-a Thestral tail hair—" Olivander thought for a bit as he then pressed the wand to his ear "not many wands have this core, it takes time to find its wizard"
Olivander then looked at Janna with tired blue eyes.
"Miss Janna, maybe with your wit, you might even get it in about two or four years" Olivander then brought the wand away from his ear, he pressed his thumb on the tip before closing his eyes and saying "—A Thunderbird—" he frowned quickly "Bone?—Curious... manly us wandmakers prefer to use the feather" Olivamder opened his eyes to look at Janna "Bones are used to make the wand good for Transfiguration and charms, it may not have to surprise you if it prematurely fires at any danger"
Olivander went silent again before quickly holding the wand out between his finger tips "And... A Phoenix wing feather—the only fair thing to say Mr. Potter has that same core—different bird of course—" Olivander then handed Janna the wand instead of Harry "Treat that wand with caution, but in all—a wand like that is rare, the wood is polished black cherry wood telling by the dark red finish" Olivander then addressed the two of them "This make of wand is rather difficult to come across. Only the oldest families have wands such as these, like myself, our family had a wand but it is—" he paused and looked out the window, staring at the undusted place where a rectangular mark was in the dust "—lost in time" Olivander quickly looked back at the wand as though it was made a solid gold.
"I do think a testing to see if it can work" Olivander said, Janna gulped had held the wand's hilt firmly in her left palm. Janna didn't think, she just felt the wand vibrate for a second; Janna saw a speck of dust land on the chip of the wand, this speck altered into a small black cricket. The cricket hopped off the tip of the wand before landing on the floor, making Janna step back, and fleeing to go chirp in a dark corner.
"Astonishing. Well, the one thing I can say is that is a rather hard working wand, take care of it Miss Black—I say Miss Black, you look an awful lot alike someone, it's your smile" Olivander said looking at Janna's face but then back to the wand, trying to remember who it was with a slight frown.
"Thank you" Janna said quietly as she caught Harry leaning to the door, she only noticed then that he had tapped her on her shoulder, she smiled at Olivander before walking out the black oak frame.
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