Case No 63
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In Professor Potter's class, he taught the first year Gryffindors about doxies and how to get rid of them, near the end of the lesson he asked whether or not anyone in the classroom had any questions; Janna knew she had to ask a different question one regarding what Myiaridd had told her The Dark Dwellings deep and finite and The Prophecy so old it is an old wives tale.
The boys had heard about the conversation Janna had had with the Banshee, they stayed behind with Janna when Aimee, Yann, Olive and Rose left, the four of them came to Potter's desk to ask the questions, when they stopped at his desk he stared up at the boys.
"Is there anything I can help you four with?" Potter asked, Janna got nudged by Orion who gently smiled at her when she looked at him.
"Sir... Is it true that I have Dark Magic in me?" Janna asked bluntly, Potter looked at her with a frown, he looked around at the three boys "They can listen, sir"
"No, they cannot" Potter stood up from his chair, looking at the four students "you boys should leave, now" Janna saw as the boys shift on their feet, Orion patted her shoulder, sadly leaving, Juno followed and Jake slowly left Janna's side.
The door closed, Janna turned back to Potter who looked furious, she leaned to the desk "Sir, I have to know what I am... I can't ignore my own questions, I want to know what happened to me to get this Dark Magic in me"
Potter looked at Janna skeptically "Who told you that you have Dark Magic?"
"Well, she said it was a darkness deep inside me... Her name was Virenia Myiaridd, she's a banshee and... She told me what could've happened —"
Potter interrupted Janna "I know what happened and McGonagall is onto you and your friends, Janna, you're a first year; you have to be careful here, if the Ministry catches you delving in dark magic and... and being a werewolf, the odds will not be in your favour." Potter came around his desk, his face from stern "I'm extremely disappointed that you are attempting this!"
Janna lowered her head but stood taller "I want to bring him back! It's all I want to do, if I can do it then I will—"
Potter grabbed her shoulders "You can get expelled! You won't ever see London again if you carry on with this! The Ministry will have you arrested, no matter your age, if they find out you are a werewolf you will be sentenced to the Dementor's kiss!" Potter then breathed in seeing Janna's eyes water "you're far worse than Sirius, you know, you're extremely reckless. The Will said that to whomever 12 Grimmauld place goes to takes care of you... I'm the one who has to take care of you"
Janna shrugged his hands off her shoulders "I can't help that I want to get my father back, I want to be safe from Greyback; Mr Winslow will know how to protect me"
"He was a squib, Greyback is a werewolf with magic, he wouldn't be able to protect you from anything, even yourself" Potter saw Janna glare up at him, she shook her head "Focus on school, you can't be bothering yourself with this, let Mr Winslow go" Potter then moved away from Janna, advancing to his office starting at the staircase.
"I can bring Sirius back" Janna called from behind Potter, he stopped in his tracks "I can bring your parents back as well"
Harry turned around to look at Janna from the foot of the staircase "that's blackmail"
Janna nodded, understanding "I know I can bring them back, Myiaridd said it was in a Prophecy, of some sort, she told me that nobody believes in it since I was predicted so long ago by a centaur that people use it as an old wives tale" Janna sat at a desk, then spoke again "how did I get this darkness? At least help me with that"
Potter sighed, he breathed in deeply before walking to his desk, he dug in draw for s bit before setting a file out in front of her, the paper file seemed to be yellowing with age. On the top left hand corner in typed letters was YAXLEY, REBECCA BABY CASE No 63 Janna undid the string holding the information inside, turning the page she saw a picture of a battered woman with glassy eyes staring right at Janna, her long white curling hair was the same colour as her pale skin, Janna lifted the photo, she saw bruises on the woman's neck, this woman was labelled with small blocky handwriting Rebecca Yaxley found hears after Dementor's kiss in Azkaban cell Janna looked at the paragraph of the block handwriting —Miss Yaxley was found on the 27th July of 1999 in an Azkaban cell, she had sustained ligature marks around her neck, likely from a Dementor's clasp around her neck, her upper back had blunt force trauma, possibly from a stair, since Aurors discovered she had been pushed into the stairs of an unknown house. When the woman was found her body was still supporting a child, the woman was rushed to St. Mungo's where healers discovered the child had been kept alive by the Dementors, possibly since the creatures still found a soul inside the woman's body, most possibly believing the woman herself was still alive. The child has been in the woman for approximately twenty years, the baby seems to be in a frozen state (the Dementor's might have stalled the child's growth in Azkaban)—
Leafing through pages Janna discovered logs of how her progress carrying on, they pressured that Janna was going to be born a few days after her mother's death, Janna found 18 November 2005 her fingers run up the page to a photo, a thin, pale baby, so pale she was a yellowish colour, the baby was skin and bones with dark circles under her eyes "I look terrible..." Janna said to herself, Potter lifted his head to look at Janna from his marking but he saw she wasn't talking to him so he looked back down.
—female, 8.8 pounds, emaciated, pallor, cold to the touch. Healers predicted the child would not live through the night, the baby was stricken with "darkness" absorbed from the Dementors during her growth, although the baby had lived through her first night no records of who her father is have been found yet.— a couple paragraphs down was something which caught Janna's eyes —the child reacted to the Patronus by wailing uncontrollably, seems the Dementors could most possibly have left a mark on the child, further testing showed the young baby girl has strands of dark magic within her, healers attempted charms and spells*(listed on page 20) but only caught a sliver in a jar which was assumed to be an obscurus but later debunked by Magizooligist Newton Scamander himself—
No more, there was no more Janna could take "Why—" Janna breathed "Why... am I here?"
Potter looked up at Janna "You're a student who needs to be taught, McGonagall trusts that I can maybe help you with your dark magic, that is why I came to Hogwarts this year"
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