Janet and her brother Ian looked in the cabin and found there mum and dad together having a drink and talking.
We walked back to the tent, we started talking we made our selves a snack. "Ian said do you think mum and dad will get back together," I said I hope not , I've mixed feelings .
William and Amy were out shopping in all the big stores having fun , between them, they bought clothing, aftershave, perfume , new phones , underwear , other new technology. After there shopping spree they had a shower and got dressed and William got down on 1 knee and said Amy will you be my wife , after kissing, Amy said? ?😂😂
JANET and her brother noticed there mum never came home , so they got dressed and went back to the cabin and no one was there. They made there way back to the camp and had some breakfast, they met up with Ray and Iris, and we went to the beach and play mini golf, went for a swim in the sea fully clothed it was fun , before that they were at the fair , I puked on this upside down ride , but luckily it never went on me . We left ray and Iris came back to the tent and we noticed lots of guys in suits . "I said to ian what do you think is going on "
He said they look like dad's men , then I started to worry, "I said to ian I hope mum is ok .
Chanel turned up "we asked her what was going on she said I don't know, you're dad's men
Brought me here and told me to pack a case . "We then explain to Chanel what was happening.
To be continued. ....
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